The Returner

Chapter 332

The Returner Volume 14 (Episode 8) 2. It will start now (3) "Is death a new choice?"

"Darling's body is so fragile now."

Erkana approached Lee Ji – hyeok and stroked his ball.

"It does not mean physical stiffness. As for the strength of the body, Darling 's body is stronger than ever. But you know that's not all? "


"Darling's body is now collapsing. The part that connects the mind and body is no longer able to overcome the load. "


"If the erosion progresses more like this, it will inevitably become an Asmodian. I, Apeldrić, desperately try to prevent it, but it is no longer possible. "

Erkana sighed briefly.

"If the body can keep the mutation, Darling will become an Asmodian. But if you can not keep up with that variation, Darling will die. "

"Which is more likely?"

"the latter. Overwhelming. "

"That's a shame."

Erkana shook her head.


Yes. it is.

"Either way, the result is no different. You know what it means to be an Asmodian. Even if it survives and becomes an Asmodian, it is not you anymore. Your personality is gone. Only new Asmodians are born. It is such a thing as an Asmodian. "


It was a problem when there was a lot of knowledge about the Asmodians. Lee Ji-hyeok wrote his appetite.

"It's a limit now. Do you feel Darling too? "

Yes, I can,

"Darling… … "

Erkana was going to say something.

But Lee knew what Erkana meant.

"Let's quit."


"This time I will not be able to step on this land again."

“…That's unavoidable. "

"If you fix your soul and cross Vera Pro, you can live eternal life again. But in return, I can not come back home again. As soon as I return, the mutation will be over-speeded. "

"Yes, it is."

As if the water that had been piled up on the embankment and bursting through the breeze exploded, it would be that all the maggots would take control of the body at once as soon as they returned to the world.

It is something I have already experienced once.

That is why it is now that Lee Ji-hyeok's dramatization is progressing rapidly.

It was a mahjong that could not prevent the Dragon Lord's magic and Succubus queen's reign.

"Listen, Erkana."

"Yes, Darling."

"Human beings are human beings."

“…….”"One of the things that a human needs to be human is very clear. It's a finite life. "

"Darling… … "

"When I give up my life now and go beyond the Vera Pro and get my infinite life, I am not human. It's not funny to give up humans because they are not Asmodians. "

"You may die. No, I will die unconditionally. To be an Asmodians is death in human words. "

"I lived a long time."

Lee Ji-hyeok laughed the crowd.

"I've lived too much for too long."

"You did not have much life as a human being. Do not you feel sorry? "

"Of course it is unfortunate."

Lee Ji Hyeok said honestly.

"I want to live more than a hundred years if I have a way. This world is fun. In this world I felt it was a pleasure I have not felt in Berap for thousands of years. 'This is why people are living.'

Erkana looked at him silently.

"So I found out. How much does it mean to live thousands of years without a human being? When I think about the meaning of those many years of life in Berap … The result is too good. "

"But Darling, maybe you do not know if you can find another way in Berap."

"other way?"

"Darling is a magic maneuver."

“…….”"This is a self-defeating story, but neither the dragon nor the Asmodians have come to the magic land reached by Darling. If Darling had an immense amount of time locked in his body, he might find a new way to purify Darling's body. "

“…I did not think that way? "

"Though it may take thousands of years, it will only last a decade or so. If you use the magic, it will only be a shorter time. "

Lee Ji-hyeok's face became a bit serious.

"So do not give up. It's not darling. "

Lee made a smile.

"It looks like I heard it. I guess I'm too tired. "

"It does not suit."

"Yes. Come here. "

"Yes, it is! Suddenly I catch the atmosphere. "

Lee Ji – hyeok waved his tail and laughed as he watched Erkana away.

'A meaningless sound.'

Even if the soul is fixed in this world, even if it goes beyond Vera Pro, the earth itself collapses, and the soul of Lee Ji-hye breaks down. And the earth will collapse in a moment when the existence of Lee Ji-hye disappears.

If the harmony of life breaks down and death overturns the world, the soul of Lee Ji-hyeok can no longer exist.

Whatever you choose, there is no future for Lee Ji-hyeok.

Vera Pro is slowly oxidizing with the end of the coming earth, or fighting against the dead in this world for more than a day.

"There is no happy ending."

I knew from the beginning.

I was convinced every day when the gate grew and became stronger.

There is no ending that everyone smiles happily and laughs. Unfortunately, the ending of this comedy is the Saad ending.

"Did you know?"

Promise me?

"So let's not pretend to be depressed."

"Darling is depressed, not me, so you're saying this?"

Or is it?

Lee Ji-hyeok giggled and began to laugh.


"I'm listening."

"The axes are too wide open."

“…like that."

"Darling's life is short, but the end of this world is not long. It will be a fairy tale with the magi in the near future. Then this world is over. "

If the axis of the dimension is opened and the door of the earth and the mystery is opened, the inseh will be transformed into hell. The legendary Hellgate opens with the Masu and the Asmodians constantly pouring out.

"So do not you think you'll go back?"


"No, he is."

In the place where Lee Ji-hyeok is looking, Apeldrieche showed up.

"I told you from the beginning, I do not want to go back. I came to help you. "

"I do not think it will help me anymore."

"If only one minute can be extended, it will be."

"What does that mean?"

"Even if it does not make sense to you, it makes sense to me."


Lee raised his body and sat on the bed.

"Yeah, that 's right. It only makes sense if you can take more than one minute and a second. The same conclusion makes the process impossible. "

“…….”It was not intended to be such an intention, but it was Apeldrieche that I would like to see what kind of thing I would like to see when the animation comes back to Lee Ji-hyeok's face.

"Do not do this. We are not beings who are the heroes of tragedies. "

"Especially you. The left of destruction. "

"Come on."

Lee Ji – hyeok stretched.

"I feel like I am a man today. I feel depressed, I miss my normal life. I thought I wanted to live like this for a few more days. "

"But if you give it a couple of days, you'll be bored."

"That's a funny thing for humans. I always want something else. I want to rest when I play, and I want to play when I have a rest. "

Lee giggled and laughed.

"But I like it. Now that's it. "

Long and long, the feeling was over.

"I do not care what comes. In the end I'll have to go through. "

"so… … "

Apheldiche sat behind Lee 's back and slowly pulled him over.

"Now I have a break."

“…Did you give me magic? Drowning pours? "

"Sleep is always magical."

Lee closed his eyes without answering. Apeldrieche, who gently swept his sleepy forehead, looked at Lee Jaegyeok with his sad eyes.

"Poor man."

Is there another person living such a harsh life as a human being?

It was a life that was so intense that it would not be able to keep up even if the dragon was a lion.

"I wish I had at least a little more time."

"Why do not you try to grin at Latrell?"

“…You know that Ji-hyeok is not affected by Latrell. "


Erkana sneered.

"Darling can cheat, but he can not deceive me. Lizard, what are you decorating? "

"Are you asking me to lie about the value of delusion and deception?"

"I do not tell Darling at least a lie."

"Are not you aware that a dragon can not lie, Succubus queen?"

Apeldrić and Erkana 's gaze struck in the air.

When they looked at each other for a long time, they did not look at it until Lee Ji-hyeok twisted.

"I do not want to keep the alliance thin."

"I do the same."

"If you damage Darling, I swear I'll tear your neck apart. do not forget."

“…There is no such thing. "

Apeldrische whispered quietly.

"Do not think that you are only for Mr. I can not help but doubt if you are an Asmodian.

"You are rubbing your mouth open. When I was bothering Darling for four years, I was the one who gave him strength and made me come back here. "

"This is the result."

“…….”"What you did was just driving Mr. Ji-hyuk to death. If I had stayed there, I would not have been worried about death at all. "

"If this world collapses, Jihyuk will die too!"

Well… I think I've lived a few hundred more years, though? "

Apeldričhe swept away the sleeping Lee Ji – hyeok 's head with a low breath.

"Do not fight us together. It is not us who are tough. "

“…okay . . .

Erkana also looked at Lee Ji-hyeok with eyes full of sadness.

"Poor man."

"Do not pity Darling, damn lizard."

Erkana said in a convincing tone.

"It is the man who reaches the peak of the human body with the human body. Somehow I'll find a way to get rid of the snow that looks like a person to die soon. "

“…I hope so. Heartily."

The two intuition that Lee Ji-hyeok is coming to an end is sharply blurring at each other.

But the fact that the poetry does not spread as a true emotional battle was because they both knew what the meaning of the poet was.

"I hope I can rest for a few days."

"Iknow, right."

It was high altitude to see Lee Ji-hyeok which seems to collapse even in a moment. It was so terrible and sad that the man who was once so strong that he seemed to win even if he fought the whole world was trapped in the weak human body and was dying.

“…Sleep well. Even tonight. "

The hand of Ercanah Apeldričhe stayed in the ball of Lee Ji-hyeok.

Lee Ji-hyeok fell deep and deep sleep without knowing anything.

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