The Returner

Chapter 336

The Returner 14 (12) 3. It sounds like a dangerous reminder. (2) Song Jung-soo took Lee Ji-hyeok and Choi Jung-hoon to a restaurant where everyone seemed to be fine.

"Is this not going to be a problem?"

What? Do you want to ask? "

"He, though, is a civil servant since we are now … … "

Song Jung-soo laughed and laughed at Choi Jeong-hoon, who was not restless.

"If it is a bribe or a bribe, is it that those who can not do such things are willing to give wealth to those who can do such things?"


"But should I call you asking me to feed you?"

“…I thought it was short. "

It is Lee Ji-hyeok, it is ambiguous, and Choi Jung-hoon could do anything Song Jung.

In a word of Song Jung-soo, it is enough to explain that Choi Jung-hoon's troublesome parts have been resolved at once.

"What are you doing here?"

But Lee Ji-hyeok's head did not have that part already.

I eat rice when I come to a rice cooker.

It was a very simple and clear way of thinking.

"It's a fine house."

"Oh, the ceremony."

"Before I went to that neighborhood, I also liked the food, but I went there because it was a strange Korean meal."

"Oh, I think I know how you feel. But strange? I'm more than just eating it. "

"Uh, right."

Looking at the two who found consensus in the strange, Choi Jung – hoon laughed in silence. It will be difficult to understand each other's emotions until they are both.

I will not be able to share the experience that I had to survive in the wild.

If it was strange, there was one strange thing.

I do not know if Lee Ji-yeong can sympathize with Song Jung-soo, but it seems strange that Song Jung-soo sympathizes with Lee Ji-hyeok.

In any case, Lee Ji-hyeok was the person who caused Song Jung-soo to experience it, and Song Jung-soo was right to say that Lee Ji-hyeok had hatred.

However, it seemed unnatural to increase support for Lee Ji-hye in this way, reconsider its position, and come to eat separately.

'Are you a politician?'

Do not you think that politicians should be able to grasp the hand with laughter even with the enemy? So now, Song Jung Soo may be the perfect politician.

Song Jung-soo was a great person as far as I could talk about the reasons that caused him to die and laugh and talk like this.

'Because it is Song Jung-soo.'

Even without such a modifier, Song Jung-soo was a great person by name alone.

I wonder if he has the strongest influence in the Korean politics.

"Form, Korean food … If you're tired, you can not eat anything. "

"right. I can not imagine that salt was so important to the world. "

"C'ke, you knew it."

But this … … .

Is not I being neglected?

It was a feeling of becoming a sickle-bosom when I saw the people who were killing me.

Really? Is not there any inconvenience in staying? "

"It's all about people."

"What about the house? I heard that you are in the residential district of a competent person.

"These days we do not know who lives next door. I have been moving long, but nothing has happened yet. "

"If you have a problem with housing, let me talk immediately. Do you want a phone number? "

Good That man knows. "

Choi Jeonghoon, who became a phone shuttle in an instant, said with anger.

"Yes, I know."

It was the greatest pride that Choi Jeonghoon exerted not to mention 'Please tell me when I need you'.

When food started to emerge, Song Jung-soo suggested eating.

"Give it to me."


"I will enjoy this food."

It seemed to taste like luxurious restaurant, and it seemed to be a bit like a luxurious taste. It's a bit different from regular restaurants. … .

"Is not it delicious?"

Oh, this is not tasteful.

When Choi Jeong-hoon, who did not think that it might be expensive but tasteless, blamed his tongue, Lee Ji-hyeok protested.

"Only on the outside, roasted, tasteless."

“……I do not have seasoning. "

"Why did not you put it in? I just need a taste. "

"Be careful next time. The main dishes are more livery, so please wait a little longer. "

"Well, it does not matter. I eat well. "

I do not know if this has anything to do with it or not. … .

It was Choi Jung Hoon who was hard to interpret.

"Life is not easy, is not it?"

"Just because it is."

Or is it? I'm tired of it? "

“…….”Song Jung-soo said with a smile.

"Even now, if someone stands behind you, you feel the urge to turn around and turn away. Do not you see it? "

"Well, I have not had a good time to be in danger … … "

"But that is not all?"

"Humans are animals of adaptation."

"Hmm, that's right."

Song Jung-soo smiled lightly.

"But if you have been living in this world for thousands of years and have been to this side, everything will have changed starting from the way of thinking.

"I'm still adapting."

"Is adaptation done?"


The conversation became more and more serious.

"Actually, I wanted to see you come to see you."


"How do those who have gone to this world live?"

Lee looked at Song Jung-soo with a sour face.

It was only now that he knew what he was talking about.

"Is it hard?"

"It's not easy. I will say. "

Song Jung-soo took out the napkin and wiped his mouth.

"It 's hard to get used to these tricks again. More than anything… It is very hard to have a relationship between humans and humans again. "

Hmm …

"Only human beings do not do politics. But non – human beings do not try to cheat each other out. But now, when I look at those people, what do I say? … "

Song Jung-soo smiled and said.

"Will it be ugly?"

“…….”"I could not help having a disgust with humans. I wanted to make sure that this is what happens when I know that I am politics. "

Lee Ji-hyeok bucks his head. Scratched.

"Honestly, I do not have a good head, I do not understand what I'm talking about."

"Then we can explain it briefly."


"Is not it interfering?"

“…….”Song Jung-soo's eyes have cooled down.

"If I were you, everything would be annoying and disturbing. Actually, it is support, but the only one that is actually helpful to you is Jehoi-min, a teleporter. And the truth is that it is ambiguous to say that the person named Jung Hae-min is also helpful. "

Lee Ji – hyeok nodded his head.

"Well, it's true."

"Well, then you are in a situation where you have not been properly supported by the NDF or KSF organization, or even the Republic of Korea. Even if it is happening due to a lack of ability. "

"I can not say no."

"Is not it bothering you?"

Hmm …

Lee Ji-hyeok was thinking about how to answer.

Well… I do not know what to say, but to tell you the truth, it's also true that some of the guys who go with you are not helping, and sometimes they are getting in the way. "


Choi Jeonghoon made a spit.

It is a fact that I know well, but I hear it from the mouth of the party so that my heart is getting bigger.

NDF is also trying to support Lee Ji-hye with his best, but that was not what he wanted. I can not go beyond the limits of my abilities.

"But that's not all."

"What do you mean?"

"Man is an efficient animal, a rational animal, but on the other hand it is also an unreasonably irrational animal. It is true that they do not help me, but it also helps. "

“……You do not have to be so desperate to make excuses. "

Choi Jung-hoon was a bit miserable but Song Jung-soo seemed to accept it differently.

"Indeed, yes."

"there… I know that there are some things that can be shared by the two of you who have a unique experience. I am very hard in the middle. "

"A simple story. Rationality means that there is a time when you do not need it. "

"Yeah. I will understand. "

Choi Jung – hoon still had a face that he could not eat.

'You have not completely abandoned humanity.'

Song Jung-soo felt glad.

The first thing he felt when he came back from this world was the fierce enemy to Lee Ji-hye and what he felt once he was released was resistance to this society.

No, it would be right to say it is a sense of discomfort rather than resistance. The feelings that I felt when I approached differently in the past were of a kind that I could never understand.

I feel this feeling of being in this world for only about twenty years, how big is the incongruity that I feel that I have been living in another world for thousands of years.

It was surprising that there was a human being called Lee Ji-hye living in this earth living on the earth.

'It's okay yet.'

There is only one person who has the power to protect the world, not the surrounding people. It is necessary to ignore the political rhetoric that is happening around him while sustaining the pressure.

What was Lee Ji-hyeong thinking about the forces that would use Lee Ji-hyeok for the benefit of his country instead of joining forces in the crisis of world destruction?

What about human beings who are halfway apart from being human?

"You do not have to look like that. But I will not say that I will break the world of this world in a moment. "

"I'm afraid I will not be able to do it because it's more annoying than to let it go."

"Oh, I'm dead if I die."

"Is not there nothing wrong with death?"

“…….”"It's weird. A man who has no grudges against his own death is fighting blood to protect the world. That's ironic. "

The existence of Lee Ji-hyeok in Song Jung-soo was full of contradictions.

"I love it. Now that you have a willingness to keep the world, I will support you with all your might. Though I am a helpless body, I will do whatever I can, even if I have the authority to do so if necessary. "

"That sounds dangerous … … "

"It does not mean that. Now the presidential election is over. The President of the Republic of Korea is five years in office. "

"Oh, right?"

Lee Ji-hyeok kept his head down.

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"It is important that you really have the will to protect the world in this kind of support."

"Eh! I am… … "

"You do not have to answer. I'll hear the answer later. "

Song Jung-soo pressed Lee Ji-hyeok with a light smile.

Lee Ji – hyeok 's expression hardened a little.

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