The Returner

Chapter 345

The Returner 14 (21) 5. Looks like I've seen it, but the real (1) sweat from the back of the ancestor started to swell.

I know how seriously Christopher is taking the situation.

"Did you say nuclear shower?"

"Do you see that?"

"Actually … … "

Since mankind has developed nuclear weapons, there have been only two instances of nuclear use in warfare. This is the atom bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Even though humanity has developed nuclear weapons, it has sealed itself with its nuclear weapons under the terrible devastation that it creates.

I do not mean to use nuclear, but nuclear shower.

It was no different than saying that we would eliminate the country called North Korea.

"Will China and Russia agree?"

"I'll have to do it."

They also vividly experienced the power of the Devil in America and England. If such devils are poured out, they will agree to destroy the devils even if they are willing to give up some of the land.

"The first one to be hurt is because they pray. If the devils appear in North Korea, the most dangerous ones are Middle, South Korea, South Korea, and Russia. It would be a hundred times better than a country would be smashed. "

"exactly… … "

"First of all, you have to feel rejection. Tell Worthing to pay special attention."

"Yes, I understand."

"Let's hurry."

Christopher wrapped his face as his ancestor left.

'Even if you're doing this … … . '

The situation has been getting worse, even with global coordination and the exclusion of immediate gates.

What will happen next if we stop this?

Christopher was getting tired at the end of the endless consumption.

At that moment, one thought came up and Christopher said with an interphone.

"So what is Mr. Lee doing now?"

– Is this a revolution?


– I do not know anything about trends at this time. The Korean government is very sensitive to the information about Lee Ji – hyeok escaping.

"Get it right now. No, stop it. Grasp is meaningless. I'll call Mr. Choi. "

Christopher, who thought that it was the fastest thing to ask Choi Jeong Hoon about Lee Ji Hyeong, cut off the interphone and called Choi Jeong Hoon.

"Mr. Choi, it's been a while."

– McLaren, it's been a while.

"Christopher said it was good. You are also stubborn. "

– Not to be stubborn, but to not lose an initial, Mr. McLaren.

Christopher laughed.

This friend seems to have no countermeasures at some time, but at some point there is such a sword. Given the age of young people, it was not really easy to deal with.

'Even if I did not get involved with Lee Ji-hye … … . '

No matter how competent a person is, the sun of Lee Ji – hyuk is next to him and it will not be easy to show his competence. Everything seems to have been solved because of this.

"I love it. We have received good news about North Korea. "

– Looks like he got in touch with you.

"The news itself has gone into the White House, but you know it's President."

After experiencing the events of Ercana, President Bruno almost disappeared. Naturally, it's a situation that the public can afford.

However, the president had no choice but to say that his health was not good.

– Is not that a new one?

"I have the vice president in the US, Mr. Choi. It is different from Korea. You do not have to worry about this. And you know that politicians do not have much to do on this. "

– It is different from Korea. It is an envy.

"Well, you should consider that the work is too heavy. I'd rather have some work over there. "

– I do not know which one to sympathize with.

"It's a problem, it's a problem. I wonder if it's a dilemma for both you and me. You do not have to sympathize. More … … "

Christopher breathed deeply and said.

"How is Lee Ji-hyeok now?"

– It's hard to understand if my English is short, but I know what it means. I'm probably in the game room now.


– I do not know if you understand it as a game center. It is the place where the arcade game machines are gathered.

"Why there?"

– Sounds like a good hobby.

"Come on."

Christopher grabbed his head. It is a game center where the world is destroyed, not destroyed.

"Did you leave it alone?"

– Well, what can I do?

"The world is dangerous, though."

– What is it?


Christopher left his head in unexpected remarks.

– If you think about it, the zombie dragon, the zombie situation in the United States, and the monarchs before, you could not stop it all, the world would have been destroyed.


– At that time, we thought that it would be difficult to stop even if it was difficult, but if we did not have Lee Ji-hyuk when we came back to the present, mankind was already over. And Lee Ji-hyeok, unlike us, knew about the seriousness of the situation. So I pretended to be a monster with no money, so I went out and solved everything.


– So, for Lee Ji-hyeok, there is nothing special about this work. If you stop it anyway, you will survive. It is the person who has always been burdened with such a burden until now. The fact that I went to the game center as soon as I heard the situation was not that much of a peace, but this time I was so stressed out that I had to find something to do.


Christopher had no choice but to reflect.

'It is definitely the answer to Choi Jung Hoon about Lee Ji Hyeon.'

He also saw only the ability of Lee Ji-kyung, and he did not even think that he was a human.

If Christopher himself is the continuation of mankind, he will not be able to hold the pressure for a moment.

"It must be a human being."

Human beings are bound to feel burdened. Even though the nerves seem to be made of steel.

"That's worrying."

Christopher took a deep sigh of anxiety about Lee, who would be taking this seriously.

"No way."

Lee Ji-hyuk cleanly manipulated the lever.

After the transverse movement, refreshing beauty. Only a third of the stamina remains in the air in the sky means that the dying. Lee Ji-yeong, who pushed Kokomo neatly, made a smile of conversion by seeing the perfect sign on the screen.

"Wow, this is my brother."

"It's 40 forty."

Lee Ji – hyeok made a pleasant smile in the accent heard behind his back.

It was.

He is not dead yet. His sense of game is still alive. How much money did he give to the arcade before going to Vera Pro? If I had collected the money, I would have been able to buy just a moderate car now.

Life is not as good as what you invest.

Originally, the place called game center has strong power according to each region. Gamers who prefer their own game machines are supposed to find only their own game centers, and those who have their own skills have learned to face each other through games.

But today, I was in the massacre of Lee Ji-hyeol appeared without a gaming center was also an emergency.

"Where did he come from?"

"Is not it?"

"There is no such person in Isu. Was Changhik contacted?

"Oh, you are here now."

"There is so much that we can do, but if we look at it like this, we are ignored. I have to step on it. "

Of course, I did not mean to actually step on, but I meant to step on the game.

Nowadays, gamers who have the ability to make money by broadcasting on BJ, go out of the tournament, win prizes and announce their awareness. It is not an era when you end up eating in the neighborhood as before.

However, everyone who is eating with these things is trampled by a newbie who does not know where they are from?

Sounds like a drop in sales sounded to my ear.

Those who identified the situation called Choi Chang-hyuk, who is the center's strongest, and summoned him.

"Is your brother still far away? I'm going to go with that baby. "

– I'm here.

"I have to come soon! Real

– It's all over.

"No, it's not just … … "

"Come on, man!"

Opening the door and seeing Choi Chang – hyeok shouting, the person who called the phone interrupted the call.

"Are you really here?"

"Why are you here?"

Choi Chang-hyeok was annoyed and looked at the game machine. A chubby man in a blue training suit was sitting on a game machine and playing a game with one leg twisted.

"Is he?"


"What came out of the game suddenly … … "

Choi Chang-hyeok's eyebrows were wriggling.

"Is he the first to come?"

"Yes, I've seen it for the first time."

"But why do I think I have a face? It's strange. "

"Oh, it's an unusual impression. I do not know it is up. "


Certainly it is a face that remains impressive. In addition, if you can play those types of games well, you will not be able to forget. The fact that memory is tangible may mean that you have not said it the other way around.

'But what is worrying is here.'

I felt like I had not washed my back in the bathroom. I will look back.

"What do you do with her once?"


Anyone who was opposed could have problems with the broadcast they were calling on. Instead of receiving support for the equipment from the boss of the arcade, he is also promoting the arcade room. If they do not know where they came from, they will crush the game room.

Choi Chang-hyuk sat down on the other side of the street with a miserable face.

You can think about it after defeating him.

At that moment, a strange sound was heard.

“Oh, Why do you wake up? "

"What's wrong with me getting up?"

"No, why did you suddenly wake up when you play?"

"I want to smoke."


The younger brothers started embarrassing when they saw a man in a blue training suit who jumped out of his seat and wanted to get out.

You should not go away … … .

"Are you going to smoke a cigarette?"


"Koko, I really want to make more."

"Well, I'm worried … … . There seems to be no more people to attach. "

"I'm here now! Now


Inside the training suit, I pulled my head out and looked at Choi Chang-hyuk with the other side.

When I look at my face in front of me like this. It is a face that can be said that it looks good when I open each one just, but the rising eye tongue was ruining the impression.

Yes. it is.

A man climbed his head with a torn eye looking at Choi Chang-hyuk.

I didn't

The man left the unknown word went out.

After waiting a little while, the man who came inside got on the other side. My brother, who had been sitting on the desk and keeping the situation, was out of his place because he was dying to lose his 40th straight victory.

"Oh, thank you for the service."

Choi Chang – hyuk, who saw the man sitting across the street, put his money in a little nervous face.

'I think I saw it, real.'

My head began to get complicated.

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