The Returner

Chapter 356

The Returner 15 (7th episode) 2. If you do not fix it, do not fix it! (2) Joe Joong-gu, the new president of KSF, spent more leisurely days than he thought. I expected it to be as busy as I was in charge of KSF, but surprisingly, the director of KSF had little to do.

All he did was support the agents on the budget and contact the branch to get things done. Sometimes it was the most important thing for him to get cooperation from other departments when work was mixed.

'This is a place that has honor and nothing to do.'

I usually ask for such a place.

“…I wish I was a real clitoris. "

I do not know if others will see it, but it was a very stressful place for Jo Joong-gu to feel.

It is because there is no place to do it if it is good, and there is nothing like 24-hour emergency atmosphere if it says badly. The gate opens at midnight. Of course, he does not necessarily need gate processing … … .

"Lee Ji-hyeok has no night."

Indeed, when he was in charge of this mission, there was only one word he was called upon.

"Most serious things can be handled by Choi Jeong-hoon, but … Do not forget. The reason you're sitting there is to manage Lee Ji-hyeok. But no! Forget about me now. Think of it as being abandoned. Because Lee Ji-hyeok is more important than the entire crew of KSF. Do you know what I mean? Remember me. "

"I know what you mean."

The one who told him this was his mentor, Song Jong Soo. I had to do my best, as Song Jung-soo, who is respected more than anyone else in the world.

The problem, however, was that I did not know what to do with the best alternative.

At first I was very ambitious. I investigated Lee Ji-hyeok's taste and everything, grasped the line and found his enjoyment.

It was only one conclusion Joe Joong-gu grasped all over the long time.

"This person is a person who should not touch."

There is no will, no possessions, no power.

If you say it is good, it is a grazing man, and badly it is a neighborhood. It was a plate given to such a person.

If Lee Ji-hyeok was strong in power and had a strong desire to do something, it might have been easier to get to know him somehow. However, Lee Ji-hyeok's biggest advantage and disadvantage was that there was no desire.

'These days kids do not understand.'

If Joe Jung-gu had enough strength, he would have already swallowed the country. However, even if I have enough power, I play games every day.

And when I touched, the expected results were too serious.

'It's a beehive.'

It seemed like I knew why management and writing should be done at the same time. It was his mission to remove as much of the perimeter as possible and resolve it as soon as possible upon request.


"Why do not you go out of your hut!"

I appreciate that you did not work, but this is not too surplus.

At that very moment, Joe Joong-gu's cell phone started ringing.

Jo Joong-gu took a cell phone with an impression. All business-related calls were received by extension.

My wife is not going to be calling at this time, she might be calling me to use something with Bonamana.


Jo Joong-gu was annoyed and listened to the call. But when he saw the name on the phone, he had to open his eyes.


The three letters of Lee Ji-hyeok were embellishing his cell phone LCD.

"What, what?"

Joe Joong-gu started to shake his eyes.

"Why, why is this guy calling me?"

Of course, I gave my business card last time. But I did not really think the phone would come. I thought that day might come, but it was not today.

Joe pulled the dry saliva gently and received a careful call.

Hello? Lee Ji Hyeok? "

– That's me.

Yes! Yes! Go ahead.

– Am I in front of the department store?

By the way, Eojjeorago ~~~~

It is a skill he should use to dream of a good politician to separate the horse from the mind and the horse from the mouth.

"Did you go shopping? Is there a problem?"

– The gate is open.

Joe's eyes went back to the monitor. Joe Jung-gu, who opened the gate status map in the corner of the screen, found the gate nearest to Lee Ji-hyeok's residence.

When I enlarged it, there was definitely a department store.

"Ah yes. I checked it now. Is there a problem with the gate? "

– Gate is not a problem. It's been a long time since the gate opened, but the KSF is not responding.

"Oh, there was such a problem. Don't worry! I'll contact you now and see what's going on. "

Joe made a sigh.

It was not to say strange words as I thought. I wonder if I should have called you to tell you what, but this is pretty normal.

But his relief did not last very long.

– I do not know what you're talking about.


– The gate is about to open now, but the power is not coming.

Oh… It's an urgent situation. I will send it out now. "

– Oh, really!

As the voice of Lee Ji-hyeok grew, sweat began to flow in the forehead of Joe-gu.

Why is this madman suddenly bothering me again?

– Now, the defense officer is already coming and installing everything and everything is ready, but KSF has not done anything yet!

“…….”- You do not have a budget so you can not drive?


– So what are they all playing? Are you arriving at your destination with a march?


Of course not. Why is a competitor necessary?

– right?

Sure do.

– Then why not?

“…….”If you say so, I do not have anything to say.

Joe Jung-gu was a bubbaer, and Lee Ji-hyeong's voice increased.

– I've been doing a lot of work that much, but can not you just do it right?

In fact, there is really nothing that helps you with KSF that you are doing these days.

I feel like a chimney, but I could not say it.

“…Lee Ji-hyeok, it's not that easy. "

I have to earn some time.


"We are doing our best."

– If you do your best but you can not solve it, it means you are out of your capacity.

"I can say that."

All right.

At the moment, Joe Joong-gu's fingers were activated.

If I broke it like this, something huge seemed to pop up. This was more important than anything else when I was an administrator and a politician.

"Well, wait a second, Mr. Lee!"


"What are you thinking about hanging up?"

– What happened?

"Are you calling someone else?

– Oh, what are you doing?


I was glad. This guy was crazy, but he seemed to have overlooked the lack of action.

But the following words turned him over.

– Why do not you call me, it hurts. Stop opening the gate.

"Uh, where are you going?"

– It's where the director is.

"I am responsible, I am responsible."

– You do not have the ability to peck. I have no choice but to visit the most capable person. I think it would be a solution then.

No way.

Is not that right?

"Is there anyone who wants to visit?"

– When you go to the Blue House, you hear a complaint?

“Hey! This is crazy! "


"Oh, no."

Jo Joong-gug put down the phone and took a deep breath. It was not a problem to say the wrong thing to say here that his political life would end.

An angry Song Jung Soo may run to kill him.

"I'll solve it right now. I will be able to get the KSF in 5 minutes. "

– I do not think this is going to be the only problem.

"This is not the only time! I will tear up the system right now and fix the problem. Please believe me. "

– Hmm, then … I'll watch it once.

Thank you.

– Yeah. then.

When the phone was disconnected, Jo Joong-gu shouted at the phone for a while.

"Now, find out where the branch is headed, and call it! right now!"

"Where are you going? As a branch? Or are you going to the branch manager? "

"Of course, the branch manager! Do not you know that now? "

At that moment, the secretary trembled as he flashed an ashtray and seemed to be dragged into the room.

"Wired, connected."

Joe Joong – gu, who lifted his phone extensively, yelled at the dumbfounded phone.

“Hey! This is the page You're a rebellious laborer! "

"Giggles giggling."

Park Ji-hwan, who heard Lee Ji-hyeok call from the side, paddled his head.

I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that he had given KSF, who was frustrated in his listening position, a heartache, but if he had received such a call, he could not help but mourn the other person.

"It will be now."

"Thank you."

"What. I'm living together. Colonel Jung In-soo is doing well these days? He's dead. "

"You were promoted to the chief. Flesh is … It's okay to blow the flesh again these days … … "


"Hair loss … … "

Lee Ji-hyeok steals the eyes.

Oh, that man. Somehow I want to run around here and there … … .

"I'll have to find one later."

"Can you comfort me?"

"Afraid not." I'm going to let you grow some hair. "


Lee Ji – hyeok smiled and said.

"I have a way to grow my hair."

So there is no baldness among the Belaub nobility. Even with skinheads.

"Really, are you?"

"Yeah. why?"

Park's eyes shook.

Here is the way to solve hair loss, the oldest homework of mankind. It is confusing whether the gate is open or the situation where the hair loss solution is found.

"When the time comes, I get … … "

Four You look rich. "

"This is a wig."

When Park Suk – hwan showed off her hat and wig, Lee Ji – hyeok frowned.

"You are a great mindu franchise."

“……I am an active member. "

"Yeah. Well, I'll do it later … Now it's time to open the gate, and it's like 5 minutes … … "

As I spoke, I was beginning to see a frantically bustling bus on that road. How much I was stepping on was as dust on the asphalt.


Lee Ji-hyeok nodded at the sight.

Also, the world was going to be all right.

Where is it? In Korea.

When the subcontractors heard it, they waved their hands toward the bus that ran like Lee Ji –

"Ow, that human!"

The head of the KSF Gangdong branch, who saw the scene on the bus, spat out from his mouth.

"What a ghost, I do not hold that human!"

“……That's right. "

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