The Returner

Chapter 358

The Returner Vol. 15 (Episode 9) 2. If you do not fix it, do not fix it! (4) Woo Woong.

Suddenly the gate opened and Choi Jeonghun looked at the face with a bit of a sad face.

This man is now walking around the gate like my door.


Lee Lee came out of the gate and knocked on his back.

"If you see that you're throbbing at it, I'm done."

“…You are old, you should take care of yourself. Do you have any restorations? "

"That's Okay. Choi has some money. "

“…….”The ability of this age to receive a score close to perfect score in the marriage information company Nam Choi Jeonghoon was the moment when it became a poverty-stricken person in a row.

'I have money, too?'

Not as much as you.

Of course, if you think about the amount of money accumulated in the account of Lee Ji-hyeok where you can not get a story about money, but Choi Jong-hoon also belonged to the successful axis of their peers.

Of course, if you compare it to races who are born and born with gold gourd from the beginning, it is right that they are poor neighbors.



"Can not you come to the office?"

“…It is not a story about not coming, but it shows up in a nutshell … … "


Lee Ji-hyeok looked at it with a lukewarm eye, and Choi Jung-hoon scratched his head awkwardly.

"In fact, it's a nervous atmosphere right now … … "

Choi Jung – hoon came closer and put his hand on Lee 's shoulder and dragged it out.

"Actually, the atmosphere is not so good now."

"What a wonderful thing to do."

"It's a war."

"I mean, that's a great thing."

“…….”Choi Jung-hoon stared at Lee Ji-hyeok and said, "When did you wage the war?" I quit.

'I think I did.'

If you think about it, it's that neighborhood. It's a medieval era. It's a war.

I did not live a year, and I lived there for a thousand years.

Even if it is not it, it is Lee Ji-hyeon who battled monster if it is bored, and it was not strange even if there was no resistance to battle.

"It's better that there should not be Lee Ji-hyuk than that."


"Everyone belonging to NDF, whether consciously or unconsciously, depends on Lee Ji-hyeok. If Lee Ji-hyeok keeps getting more visible this time, he will think that maybe even if he does it, he might go with him. "

"Why am I?"


Choi Jeonghoon grinned.

"So it is better not to see it. So I guess I did not say anything when I left the office. You do not have to go to work. "

"Yes, well … … "

Lee Ji – kyou scratched his head.

I have often been asked to go to work, but it was strange that it was the first time that I had been told not to.

"But I did not come because of that."


"There is something I want to know about … I know you're busy, but this is a bit of a problem … … "

Hmm …

Choi Jung-hoon looked at Lee Ji-hyeok with a heavy face.

The thing that Lee Ji-hyeong said was a big thing. So it was not just about to turn over.

"Tell me."

"I need information about the monsters coming out of the gate recently."


Choi Jung – hoon 's eyes turned round, but Lee Ji – hyeok did not explain why. I do not need to worry about things that are not yet clear.

What you feel is just shrinking, and it is still unclear how big a wave on Earth will be if it is happening.

"Yes, it's a monster."

"Information … … . What information do you want? There are many kinds of information. "

"I hope it was visual information. Or the picture is okay. I think I should see it by eye. I do not think I will be able to recognize what I wrote down there anyway. "

"I guess so."

No matter how the same monster, Lee Ji-kyung's name is different from the name he / she knows on Earth. So it was hard to see what kinds of monsters are coming in the document.

"Probably the database will be created on the KSF side. Can I find out only the Korean side? "

"Please ask for cooperation in other countries."

"Well, then I need some time."

"Yes. It's not that fast. "

Clear right. Then I will suggest upside and get other country information. "


Lee Ji – hyeok said so and shook his hand.

"Then I'll go."


"No, I feel like I'm seeing a student who is running away from a palm."

"Oh, I did not have a coconut when I was in school."

Hull Why Was not there a palm at that time? "

"You told me to go home?"



“…….”Choi Jeonghun looked at Lee Ji-hyeok with eyes full of unhappiness and sadness.

What kind of school days did humans have spent?

No, it is not something you should be worried about. It is not Lee Ji-hee that he should be worried about, but the students who went to school with Lee Ji-hyeok.

Teachers who had to teach Lee Ji – hyuk.

'But it was not as stubborn as it is now. But then I was a public person. '

"Then I am a true person too."


"I do not know what I was living with then. Hahaha

Was not it?

Do not you mean to say that you added more?

If you have a conscience, you should not do it. Is not it?

I can not ask.

I was afraid of what answer would come and I could not ask.

Choi Jeonghun scoffed at the awkward laugh.

Then it was a surprise.

"When did you come?"

Yes. it is.

When I turned to the sound of Lee Ji-hye, Lee, and so forth, the Cho-Hae-min was smiling and smiling.

"Where have you been?"

Me I went to the broadcast. "


Yes, I can,

“Hey! This is a supporter! Do you fight now? I am Lynn, are you broadcasting there? There is a spirit, there is not! "

"War is war, broadcast is broadcast!"

"Hull, look at what he said."

Choi Jung – hoon was forced to feel awkward by listening to the conversation of two people.

I do not think it's a good idea to be someone other than Lee Ji-hee to point out common sense, but Lee Ji-hyeok points out other people's common sense.

"Do not you know you have to paddle when you come in? Now the water is very tight. "

What? Why do not you turn the motor at all? "


He put his hand on his back and said.

"And you, do not mind. I'm going really well these days. I'm going to touch you wrong and you will get a million anti. "

"Come on, yes."

“……Then no one will come. "

He was a man who would beat even a million people.

"But the water came in?"

"These days I'm pushing up stones in the air. I told you last time. "


Lee Ji-hyeon looks like a mysterious person, and he looked up at him.

"But what does that have to do with you?"

"Why do not you care? I am a capable stone. "

“…You are a talented lady. "

reed mace.

Instantly, the settler caused a slight vibration.

Choi Jung – hoon knew how dangerous the vibration was.

"Do not start it!"

"Did you say anything wrong? Honestly, how old is he, idol? It's a jumper. "

o . . . The child is not the child! "

“Right. By the way, what do you care? It's true. "

Choi Jeong-hoon, who watched the face of Jeong Hae-min, who is getting more and more popular, started to give special measures.

"Look at this."

Yes. it is.

Choi Jeong-hoon, who opened a portal site with a smartphone, showed articles.

"Come on! Is not it hot these days? "


When I searched the articles, I saw a lot of articles. Lee Ji-hyeon, who saw the articles of the second prime minister, told the honest impression.

"Is not it an unplussed?"


Jung Hae-min hiccups.

"Are you stabbed?"

Nevermind. Not an unpleasant! "

Looking at the article, Jung Hae-min, who had been a long-lived face, panicked and stepped down.

Choi Jung – hoon also started supporting shooting.

"Even if it is unpleasant, it will be unpleasant because there is this reaction. See comments. This is what people are looking at with interest. "


Lee Ji-hyeon, who saw the article ranked in the ranking of comments, received a phone call from Choi Jung-hoon with a face that she was a little surprised.

“…It's all evil? "


"I want you to stop pretending cute. It ages and suffers. Honestly, it's not pretty … … "

"Uh, ah ah ah ah!"

Lee Ji-hyeong stretched out his hand and closed the mouth of the settler.

"Calm down. I just read the comment. "


I saw Lee Ji-hyeok with his mouth jammed.

"Originally, the law is a popular law. It's like the fate of an idol. "


Lee Ji-hyeok was a dumb face, but he seemed to be busy, so he did not have to dig into it.

"So, how are you doing?"

"I'm getting a little better these days."

“…okay . . . It's the end, but I have to work hard. "

"Who is it?"

Lee Ji-hyeok was appalled at his appetite.

I wanted to eat a little more, but I was really happy to go out.

"But if you go out well, do not the kids with the same thing suck? Auntie is popular? "

"It's not me! I'm a couple of my age! "

"It's me."


I looked at Lee Ji-hyeok as he opened his eyes as if he was not able to endure. But who is Lee Ji-hyeok who will be in such a stare?

"Well, it looks good … Hum…

Lee Ji-hyeok had a headache.

"But are you participating in the operation? Why are you playing? Others seem to have no idea that they are planning an operational plan now? "

"I do not care."


"I can not move people who are here anyway. And at the same time, we have to go with the soldiers, and other foreign powers have to move together. I do not need to use telop. "

Really? But…

"And I can get the marker to go. It does not make sense because there are no markers in North Korea. "


Lee Ji-hyeok nodded his head.

Unlike his own ability to go anywhere with only a few co-ordinates, the ability of the settlers could move because he had to leave a marker on his place.

"Is there a difference between taxi and subway?"

Yes. it is.

not So you are not participating in this operation? "

"I say, but honestly, what am I going to do? Do not cheer. "

“…Cheerleaders should be kids! "

“Hey! Will you keep your age? Wherever I am, go and say you're young! You are weird. "

"Okay. Ajumma


Lee Ji-hyeok's head was laughing as he watched the ruling party and laughed.

"Hmm? This, then, you have time, is not it? "

"There is no time left. I'm busy running events. "

Really? Then I can not help it. "

Lee Ji-hyeok is going to clean up, but Jeong Hae-min has worn out his child.

"No, what is it?"

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