The Returner

Chapter 360

The Returner Vol. 15 (Episode 11) 3. Let's finish it (1) "Is everything ready?"


At the end of the Defense Minister, Yoon Youngmin, the president of the Republic of Korea, shook his head.

I have not been able to sleep well in recent days. I can not say that he has a lot of things to do, but the burden was on him.

'War … … . '

I wanted to avoid if possible.

However, North Korea refused to accept any communication from this area. He closed the door and walked, refusing to speak.

"On the US side?"

"I'll be leaving tomorrow. Once the US and Japan gathered together as the primary base camp for Korea, they decided to cross the border line. "

"China and Russia cross their borders?"



If North Korea and China, which had a pro-North Korean tendency, were turned away, there was no hope for North Korea.

But Yoon Youngmin could not remove a single suspicion.


"What are you talking about?"

"Is not it strange? Until now, North Korea has come to say that it is a bad country, but we have always bowed when it is decisive. When the relationship between the United States and North Korea was at its worst, it was North Korea that turned its back on the United States. "

"When I heard Pygmies?"

"right. At that time, North Korea was lying flat and waited for the wind to pass. Indeed, they do not know the difference in power, and when they are always on the brink of destruction, they have shown themselves to have no will to fight. But this time is different. This time, it says that it can not be helped even if we do war. I do not seem to be interested in war or not. "

"There is definitely such a thing."

The defense minister had no choice but to agree with the president.

The reaction of North Korea was actually one of the most sensitive issues in Korea and one of the most analyzed.

It is common for North Koreans to go crazy and say, "Ah, they were originally like that," but it was not possible from the national standpoint.

Especially in countries where the borders are met and each other is represented as the main character.

It is the government 's responsibility to wrap up the head enough to write a thesis, even if it is a photograph or a wing.

As a result, the response manual for North Korea 's response was compiled, but North Korea was making the manual completely obsolete.

'Just as the head has changed in a moment.'

The chief commander of the North that he knew was not such a miserable being. The conversation may not work, but the reaction was quite immediate.

Whether it is America or China, or Korea, it is possible to have an expression of position even if it is stiff if it pierces like this, and there was no response at all.

"It's too late now to think … … "

It was a symbolic landmark anyway.

It also rode on the back of a totally outrageous tiger. There was no way I could pull my foot out of the way. Now, whether or not there is a doubt, North Korea had no choice but to remove the head.

"There should not be any mistakes."

"Yes. Do not worry. These are thick bones. "

"I'm not worried about the military. It is not our soldiers that the officers are recognized in the world, even though they are soldiers. I am worried about them, not them. "

"I'll be sure to pay attention to that part too."

"Maybe there is a problem with the governance because the director has just recently changed, so the Defense Secretary will help you a lot."

"Yes. Do not worry. "

'There is no difference.'

It was a matter of concern that this was happening, but the KSF did not do much in the first place. Each branch president is self-reliant, so it will only be done by each branch president.

'I do not go to a lot of people in the first place.'

"What about KSF and NDF?"

"Well, there is Choi Jung Hoon, so I will take care of it well?"

"It should be safe to say Choi Jeonghun."

"I will. I honestly think that I would like to be a junior at the moment. "

"Hahaha, is that easy? Lee Ji-hyuk will not be in control. "

"So it's a pity. It is not only Lee Ji-hyeok, but a talented person who wants to get rid of it somehow. I am also happy that there is no bad relationship between the defense company and the subject of KSF. "


Yun smiled pleasantly.

It was very enjoyable to see the same amount grow. Especially if you know that the same amount does not threaten your place, you will be able to enjoy growing up without any burden.

In that sense, Choi Jung-hoon was a delightful person to watch.

"Maybe I'm not crazy by now?"

"But there is no circumstance Lee Ji-kyu in the tide, I might rather enjoy it. Besides, since I have a worker helicopter, did not I meet the water? "

"I am so glad that I have him."

"I mean. Hahaha

*** "I'm going to die."

Choi Jung – hoon muttered without knowing himself.

There are already three screens. I have been pushing my drink into the stomach without any help, but this time I was pushing out the drink coming in as a protest against abuse.

When I saw the dark circles that came down to the tip of my chin, I was mistaken for a black man. If not, think of it as Halloween.

"Are you alright?"

I was worried about my subordinates, but I could not afford to answer that.

"Do not touch … … "

Hand Hwi, Hwi Ji leaned back on his chair and looked at the monitor blankly.

'Work is never ending.'

To be precise, the work itself has an end, and he was unable to finish.

Is this really the end?

Is this all right?

Is this all we need?

I was constantly questioned about whether or not he had a suspicious machine in his head.

"Choi Jeonghoon."


Seo Aoyong said worse.

"It looks like it's over, so go home and get some rest."


"Do you know what day it is now?"

"I know."

"But when I'm put into action, I can not do anything. Do you know? "


Choi Jung – hoon nodded his head. Everyone will know that his condition is not normal now.

"It 's an order as the manager. Finish in an hour and go inside. "

"An hour? I do not have enough heat. "

"It's not enough, it's making up. That paper you are looking at, you were not looking at it in the morning? "

Choi Jung – hoon closed the papers without answering.

"What are you worried about? I think it's the first high school student to go on a picnic. "

"These days, goings are excited about going out and do not like it."

"Do not be silent and finish quickly."


Choi gave a sigh.

He got out of his seat and went out.

Seo Aoyong looked at Choi Jung-hoon with a disgruntled face, but he did not stop because he knew what he was going to do.

Choi Jung – hoon came out and put a cigarette in his mouth and lighted it.

'It's annoying.'

I knew why I was so anxious and restless. I just do not want to admit it.

Are you nervous about the fact that the agents are not Lee Ji-hee?

It's true.

The problem was that he was Choi Jung-hoon himself.

'I do not know what I did when I was not there.'

As a past perfectionist, he met Lee Ji-hyeok and met too many things that he could not plan ahead of time.

I saw that the situation was solved through Lee Ji-hyeok, and even if I did not set up a perfect plan, I realized that Lee Ji-hyeon would do something.

So this is it.

When I look at the plan on the assumption that Lee Ji-hee does not help, there are too many loopholes and too many risks.

In the meantime, I was able to clearly understand how he was reliant on Lee Ji-hyeok.

'Do you have control?'

Choi Jung – hoon laughed.

It is easy to lean on the name and power of Lee Ji-hyeok, not control. It is a fact that we already know, but feeling the body is a completely different matter.

Lee Ji-hyeok did not think that he would look after him forever. Actually, I do not know if Lee really has a willingness to care for himself, but it was true that he was working with his halo, right now or not.

Choi Jung Hoon sucked the cigarette deeply.

"Let's stop."

I know his anxiety is spreading to other people as well. Seo is trying to send him home.

In the past, people who did not care whether they were working or not came out in that way, which means that their own is no longer a word.

"Let's go home."

It does not come to the conclusion that it is holding, and it was time to rest and rest. I really did not know that it would be overworked on the day of the event.

Uwo Woong.

At that time, the pawn that had been vibrated briefly rang.

"Is it a tock?"

There's no one who's going to mess around this time.

Choi Jung-hoon had no choice but to look at his cell phone.

"What is this?"

The picture with the V-letter attached to the side of Lee Ji-hyeok in the beautifully dressed Jeong Hae-min comes up in the NDF-only box.


Choi Jeonghun looked at the mobile phone with astonished eyes and walked into the building.

The inside was already crowded.

"Where are you going?"

"He, more … See this! "

Park shouted out a photo that filled the smartphone.

"Chu, it's not a trick!"

“What?” Real

"Was not that skin?"

"Even though the seasons have changed, the dress never changed, and you took it off?"

Those who saw the pictures were astonished at the same time.

I have never seen Lee Ji-hyun wearing anything other than a sweat suit.

"This looks good, is not it?"

"right? My clothes are wings, I think I know why. Shall I change clothes, too? "

"The coat hanger is cheap … … "

"What, huh?"

In between the two of them, Aoyong pulled his head away and opened his mouth.

"But what is the real deal? Where are you going to dress up like this? "

"What is the costume dress?"



At that time, the door was roughly closed.

People's gaze was concentrated on the door.

"Da, da soma."

“…….”Kim Dasom put out a lunch box in his hand to Kim Dae Hyun.

Kim accepted the lunch with a trembling hand.



Kim Dae – hyun slapped his photo on his phone and gave it to Gimdam.

"It's close."

Kim Damsom nods his head and hands over the phone and goes out.


Choi Jeonghoon slowly moaned as he looked at the door that was closing as the door fell.

"Is it right to leave work?"

“…I'm waiting. "


What kind of work is going on at work?

Choi Jung – hoon sighed lowly.

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