The Returner

Chapter 365

The Returner 15 (16) 4. Is there a problem? (1) "Take it easy."

Choi Jeonghun frowned at his face and put his hand in his pocket.


I can not see the key.

It is already a week since I ate in the office. It was very hard to figure out where the key was left a week ago.

"Ha, the real … … "

Where should I take a taxi this night.

The street is not usually street.

The unlucky guy breaks his nose and breaks his nose, and after a week 's work, he' s lost his car key.


Choi Jung – hoon turned his body.

I was just thinking about going back to the office to give up my work without any fuss.


But at that time, I heard Klaxon from behind. Choi Jeonghoon frowned and turned his head backward.

Yes. it is.

The white sports car was lighting the light towards Choi Jung – hoon.

What are you doing?

The driver 's window goes down and his head comes out.

"I do not have a key."

Seo Aoyong laughed as if there were no words.

"Why is there no key?"

"Iknow, right."

"So what are you doing now?"

"I'm going back up."


"Taxi catching is also vague."

"Come on."

Seo Aoyou sighed and gestured.

"Come on."


"Get on. I'll give you a ride. Can you tell me that I'm not going home without a key? "

"Afraid not." It's not … … "

Choi Jung – hoon made a torch.

"If you take your car right now, it 's too vague to go back to work. I'll just sleep in the office and call the service center tomorrow to call people. "

"It's yours. I'll give you a ride to work. "

"No, well, until you do … … "

"Choi Jeonghoon."


"How many times have I told you to ride?"

Choi Jung Hoon bowed his head.

As Seo Aoyong comes out like that, the words will not go through. Choi Jung-hoon, who made a decision that he could not help it, walked on the inside of the car door and ran inside.


For him who preferred a large sedan, his car was too narrow. The sheets are hard.

It was Choi Jeong – hoon who could not understand why he was riding such a car.

"Will you leave?"

"You know my house?"

"Go once or twice?"



Saiyoung sighed.

"Do not worry, I remember."

"Yeah. Thank you. "

Bu Boo Woong.

The car started to stretch forward with a high engine sound. Choi Jung-hoon frowned at the ride feeling like licking the roadside with his ass.

'I do not know why I ride this car.'

Sports cars are good. But I do not know where to run in this car in Seoul.

"What's the complaint?"

"Afraid not."

There should be no complaints in front of Seo. It was a different kind of discomfort.

'And then … … . '

Choi Jung-hoon turned his head and looked at Ayung's side profile. When I first saw it, the fluffy little guy who had a fluffy smile turned out to be an experienced person who knew it from the bottom.

It's all about time, but it was Choi Jeong-hoon, who feels awkward today.

"I work a little while."


"We do not have to run like we used to. It's a job addiction. "

"Yes. I know what you mean. "

Choi smiled bitterly.

Before Lee Ji-hyeok showed up, how much he had been kicking his body, trying to make an institution capable of improving the treatment of the poor, and coping quickly.

Now the treatment has improved a lot and the habits of the past have not disappeared, even though it belongs to the most powerful group of people in the world.

"If Choi keeps doing that, other people will feel uneasy."

“……That's right. "

Choi Jung – hoon nodded bitterly.

"What are you so nervous about?"


"I do not seem to be doing just because of work, but I think it's getting worse these days. What are you worried about and seeing the documents you keep seeing again? "

"It's just Lee Ji-hyeok … … "

"You've been there before."

Choi put off his answer and opened his mouth as he looked out the window.

"Did not you say it was our house?"

"I know."

"But I guess this road is not the way to my house."

“You’re right.

"Are you kidnapped?"

"It will not be long."

"That's a terrible story, that."

But whatever. He already burned in his car.

For a long time I drove my car, and Ayae pulled over to the riverside.

A-yong, who had dropped the window, said patience.

"You can smoke."

Thank you.

Choi took a cigarette out of his pocket and asked his mouth.

"I need to talk."

"I never said no."

Seo Aoyung looked at Choi Jung-hoon with a face full of complaints.

"Do you know what Choi Jeong-hoon's problem is?"

"Well, I'm not sure,"

"A lot of it."

“…….”Usually, when you start talking like that, you do not get that answer, do you?

Something strange to me?

"There are a lot. There are a lot of things, but the biggest problem is that when you have a problem, you never tell others.

“Umm . . .

It was a song that could not make excuses.

"But people usually do it."

"He is not as bad as Choi Jeong-hoon."

"Now you have."

Choi Jung – hoon asked a cigarette with an awkward face.

"Tell me what's wrong. I think it's getting better last time. There is no reason. "

Choi Jung Hoon spewed smoke out of the window.

"I'm nervous."


"Now is the world."

Seo Aoyung looked up at me.

She did not know what Choi Jeong – hoon 's words mean now.

"The frequency of gate appearance itself is a little reduced."

"right. I'm a little lonely these days. "

"But the gate's level is going up."


Choi Jung Hoon nodded his head.

"We do not work very well and usually do not know. Averaged over the world, the average level of the gates has risen by about two levels. "

“……Is that so? "

"Have you seen the first level gate recently?"

"Afraid not."

"You can lower the level. It's no exaggeration to say that the gates below level 2 have almost been destroyed in recent years. Now it's time to call the three-level gates of the past one level. "

"Well, things got a little weird. But is that so important? "

"Rather than important … … "

Choi Jung – hoon asked for another cigarette.

"Stop it. The lungs rot. "

"You're smoking."

"Who cares about washing two cars?"

“……Go, do it. "


Seoyoung's eyes sparked fire.

"Smoke, smoke! Suddenly lung cancer die. "

Choi Jung-hoon made a strong fire on the cigarette while listening to Seo's curse. Then quickly turned the topic.

"In the present situation, the gate is getting stronger and stronger. But the frequency of competencies worldwide has not changed. "


"In other words, it means that you have to deal with increasingly powerful enemies in the same situation. Now I can see the sign that the balance is broken. If it is this way, it will break down because it does not do it. "

Seo's face also hardened.

"We've gotten stronger, too."

Choi Jeonghoon laughed and laughed.

"How much weight do we have in the world, among the many powerhouses and endless gates? handful? No more than that. "

Seo Aoyong nodded his head.

That was right.

The number of Koreans in the world is only 0.1%. The number of competitors will not be so different.

And it was unreasonable that NDF, which is only 0.1% of South Korea's competitors, responded to the gates of the world.

It is physically impossible.

"I still have Lee Ji Hyeok … … "

Choi Jung – hoon had a bitter laugh.

The most annoying thing about him was that part. He is not a man without notice. Considering the words of Apeldrieche in the ensuing battle with the devils, and the side effects of those who were injected with black magic in the flesh, the answer was good.

'That Lee Ji-hyeok is the limit.'

I never thought I was a guardian to protect them forever, but I did not know that there would be a gap soon.

"Lee Ji-hyeok can not solve everything."

"I guess so."

"The balance has already collapsed. In my opinion, within a year, we will no longer be able to block the gate. "

"What about the others?"

"Who are you talking to?"

"Are you making similar conclusions in the United States, Japan, and so on?"

"I do not know. I've never had a conversation like that. But their conclusions will not be so different. Because it is a phenomenon that is visible. There is nothing difficult to analyze. Perhaps by now I am looking for other measures. "

Choi said with a sigh.

"But that does not mean that the countermeasures."

“Umm . . .

Seo Aoyong nodded his head.

"I see." So now you're in trouble because of that unnecessary worry? "

“…Worried about useless? "

Choi Jung-hoon's face was distorted. It is a situation where the destruction of the world is in front of your nose.

"Hey, Mr. Jeonghoon Choi."


"Choi is not a Superman."

“…….”"Separate what you can and can not do. What he does is not worrying about the world situation, but securing time for bed today. "

"I know."

"No, I do not know."

Seo Ayung shook his head firmly.

"I do not know. I have a card that I can use, but if I roll my head well, how do you think I can find a way? "

Choi did not answer.

But I had to admit that she was right.

"Because you are a person like you. I do not know what I'm thinking. But let's do that. It's not what you do. "


"And if the world can not stop because we can not stop it," he says.


"Is there a problem?"

Choi Jeonghun looked at her face as absurd.

"No problem?"

"Yeah. Is there a problem? I do not die alone, I die together. Well, mankind will be there. "

"It sounds like peace."

Seo Aoyong laughed.

"I'm not kidding. Have not you ever thought about it since Black Monday? Well, if it's something that can not be stopped, we have to accept it. I'm going to make a difference. "

“…….”"Even though Choi Jung – hoon says that he is capable, but if Choi can solve it by himself, there will be someone who can solve it among others. If Mr. Choi can not solve it by himself, the way it is now is wrong. "

“……Yes. "

"So do not worry about it. Only the people who see from the side are hard. "

Should I call it up?

Choi Jung-hoon looked at Ayung with a frustrated face.

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