The Returner

Chapter 370

The Returner 15 (21) 5. It's not a bad way either. (1) "Oh, how are you doing?"

George Wang asked Lee Ji-hyeok with his blue-tanned face. Others just think that the situation is serious, but the active KSF, Joe Woong, knew how serious the situation was now.

If you are caught up in monsters like those waves, the fragile body of human beings will shatter in an instant.

No, I was glad if I could leave my body shattered.

"Ji Hyuk ah."

Only George was able to hang George. It was impossible to avoid the situation already. When you go out, it will be a target.

'But even if it's a revolution … … . '

Is this possible?

If you are a monster, you can not solve it in one branch. At least five or more branches had to build up a network of supporters and be defeated by the defense company and be hit by an air strike.

To be honest … … .

'I do not know that either.'

In the first place, Jo Ji-woong never heard of the monsters of his own gathering at once, nor have I ever seen them.

'If you can get some support from NDF … … . '

Still, there were two NDFs here and there was hope that we could get support quickly. Until then, I will support Lee Ji-hyeok as much as possible … … .

When George Woong settled his thought and looked at Lee Ji-hyeok, he could find something strange.


Whether the monster is coming or not, Lee Ji-hye, who shot a cup of coke once.

Jung Ha-min kept watching the scene and opened his mouth.

"What are you going to do? Do you want to run away? "

"That's not a bad way either."

Lee Ji-hyeok had an appetite.

"Can not we just ask the kids to fix it? I call Daehyun, and if Dasomi is drinking here, I think he will arrive within 3 seconds. "

"They're not playing. I'll be busy in the … … . So they do not know you're here, so we have to get out of here … … "

At that moment, Togawa nodded his head down the phone, not knowing when he heard it.

"Reporting completed."


"Lee Ji Hyeok. It exists at the point of accident. Reporting complete. Request to dispatch. "

“…So, you called Seo-yeong and told me I was here? "


“…What? "

"Thank you."

"Shut up."

Lee Ji – hyeok scratched his head.

"Why do not you do it?"

Geeky There is an error. My commander is not Lee Ji Hyeok. I follow the orders of Seo Ayeong. Generally, the command is given to Seo Ahn, and the orders given by Seo Ahn are top priority. First priority report when an error occurs. "

“…Get out! "

"The mission is to monitor Lee Ji-hyeok. Can not turn off. "

Lee Ji-hyeok looked up at Yun-eun and looked around.

"Is that a command I received when I first saw it?"

"It looks like it."

"But has not it renewed yet?"

"Ahyoung is … Well, I mean, if you say it well, it's a delightful person who does not care about personal things.


Lee Ji-hyeok nodded his head. It is certainly a convincing explanation in one room.

"Anyway, I have to work longer than I should be?"

“…It's too boring, real. "

"You should have some conscience. Actually, you just ate recently. "

"Play and eat! If a fire fighter does not get out, it's a good thing. It is best to avoid an accident in the first place. "

"Yes, yes."

Jo Ji-woong became blurry for a moment.

Are they snowing?

Can not you see that the monsters are coming in just now?

"Ji, Ji Hyuk ah!"

George Woong hastily approached Lee with a sigh.

"The kids are really nervous."

Yes. it is.

Lee Ji-hyeok looked back. The alumni were all white and had no idea what to do. They are already aware that they are too late to escape.

If you go out, it will be the target of the monsters, and even if you stay here, there is no difference. The sight of monsters climbing all over the building was also seen by their eyes.

"Ji Hyuk ah."

The women who came to the end with the best wishes and the intentions came to Lee Ji-hyeok.

"Well, how can you do that? We are not going to die here, are we? "


Lee Lee sighed.

"People's life is not that easy. I do not want to die or die. "

I was able to say with certainty because of experience.

"Monsters are coming like that."


Lee Lee sighed.

I was not able to maintain the calmness while watching the monster that ran away. These are not ordinary people. Unlike themselves, one goblin can not cope.

"Do not just say that, but try your hand quickly. It's not just people here. I think the area around here is not evacuated yet, and the time will be much bigger. "


Lee Ji-hyeok rose from the seat, making a noise. Although it is annoying, it is not wrong to say.

Given the time of the warning and the time the monsters are in, evacuation has not been completed yet. Then you have to stop the waves of low monsters.

"The car."

Lee Ji-hyeok waved his hand toward the air.

Then a black gate was opened in the air and the osigi protruded out.


As the black hole opened, the alumni looking forward to something awaited them, and they saw a small puppy popping out of it, and it opened their eyes.

What is this? Are you kidding me now?

However, Lee Ji-hyeon did not need to explain more. The tentacle that stretches out of the hand of Lee Ji-kyuk wants to penetrate the ossuary, and the body of osigi becomes swollen in a moment, and the kidney becomes the shape of a huge auger which seems to become 5m.

“…What is that?"


The ogre, which became a form of auger, made a huge Howling. It was something closer to peer than howling now.

The monsters who heard a crying voice stopped their feet at once and focused on the eyes.

'Did you stop?'

I watched the monsters with the eyes that they watched and there was no sight. The monsters were rushing roughly, as if they were stuck in place.

How can this be possible?


The hysterical observers were doing the drawing and threatened the monsters.

"Oh, is he coming?"

It was well known among KSF that Lee Ji-hyeong was wearing an auger. There were too many people who witnessed it.

Some even witnessed the moment when Lee Ji-hyeong captured Augusta, so what do you say?

However, Joe could not believe the sight that now appears before his eyes.

"Is that going to come?"

He was also a member of the KSF and was mobilized in numerous operations.

It is about half a year ago. If you are going to be a general monster, you can not be dealt with as a super monsters, but nowadays, monsters appear only once a month.

However, I have never seen or heard of such auger. Once it was big enough, it seemed to be more than twice the size of augers.

To that appearance that appeared several times more majestic than the fur and the common ogre that were burning red in it. I could not see the usual way to go.

'Ten times as if it looks like a cell?'

Of course, it would be foolish to cut the strength of a monster in appearance, but I thought it would be stronger than a typical auger even considering it.

At first, it was more than twice as big, and with one crying, did not you tie the words of many monsters to one place?

This could never be done for a regular auger.

Lee Ji – hyeong told the.


Yes. it is.

"But the monsters are coming here because the gate is open."

"Yeah, right?"

"Then there are monsters in defense KSF defensive love to see what happened to the kids."

“…Yes, I can,

Jung Hae-min became a little embarrassed face. I was not able to think until that thought.

'I'm so attentive in this kind of quiet.'

When Cho Seon – min turned around, Doga Yun had already contacted.

"A fast retreat when the defenses collapse. It's not without damage, but it's not a concern. "

Lee Ji-hyeon frowned.

'Retreat of defense line?'

Of course, given the number of monsters now seen, it was quite possible to guess that a number of unexpected monsters came in at once from one gate.

But even so, it was caught that the civilians were behind and evacuated clean enough that the damage was not so great.

"Do you live in defense?"

“…The defense company is currently recovering from extreme damage. "

Lee's eyes narrowed.

Now He was a friend and a civilian, and he took all his life.

“…….”Even the road was blocked.

No one will be able to answer Lee 's words at the moment.

"I'm playing well."

Lee Ji-hyeok did not want to blame them. There is nothing more important to man than his own life. It is clear violence to sacrifice oneself for others.

It may not be possible for the regime to force it, though it may voluntarily sacrifice itself. So, it must be a good thing to have taken out without damaging … … .

'I'm not.'

The move of the KSF in recent years was contrary to his idea.

"One thing, okay."

Lee's eyes narrowed.

If so, it means that the monsters in front of you now have damaged the defense side quite a bit.

"Well then, I can not separate."

It is common sense to dispose of a person's door. Even if it is not a dog but a monster, the result does not change.

"Well, then I'll go."

Lee Ji-kyu rose from the seat and opened the door.

"Be careful and fight."

"Come on."

When Lee Jae-hyeok was about to go out, Kim dasom ran and ran to his hand and whispered smallly.

"You can not get hurt."


He looked at the two with a little bity eyes, and stood up on Lee 's back and went out to follow him.

Choi Choi asked the ruler.

"Not the same NDF?"


"But why do not you go out?"

"I'm a support worker. I can not go there. "


"Instead of cheering here, you will be hard to do."

"Are you a totem?"

Or a cheerleader.

Ignoring the stupidest optimism, Seo Hae-min shouted at Lee Ji-hyeok walking toward the monsters outside the window.

"We should not let civilians get hurt!"


"Oh, shut up!"

Oh, the eruption of the chaos, Lee narrowed his shoulders to the voice of Lee Ji – hyuk.

"쯧, just like today is a mess."

On another day, he could have left him playing roughly, but today he was off duty and the others were busy days. So I have to handle it myself.


Lee raised both hands.

"Humans are going to have a tragedy of frigging today, so you should join in."

Lee Ji-hyeong showed three beautiful gates in the empty hands.

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