The Returner

Chapter 403

[404] 1. Thanks to you (4) Qa'aaan!

It seemed like bombardment.

The city, which has not been exposed to outside attacks for more than half a century, has been exposed to the next explosion.

Wiii ying!

The sound of the siren sounding all over the city proved the urgency of the situation.

Mother Mother


Falling buildings and flimsy floors.

Citizens of Seoul were simply helpless before the aggression they had never thought of before.

Black smoke and a flaming fire were swallowing the city roughly as if proving how humankind's civilization had developed under a fragile foundation.

"Brigadier! The road is blocked and the paramedics can not enter! "

"B46 monster is coming in!"

Jung In-soo shouted in a nervous manner.

Learn You babies! "

Byeongbang stood in the eyes of Jung In-su.

'Damn it, if you come in this way, you must defend yourself!'

Common sense

In order for an enemy to invade, you must approach it from the outside. Therefore, it is only necessary to establish a defense system from the outskirts.

But the common sense did not work for them.

North Korea will remain on the truce, and Japan and China will aim to take classes through naval power. However, these monsters suddenly fall into their hearts at any moment.

Without any notice.

It was impossible to cope with this situation with the current national defense system, which was based on the assumption of invasion from other countries and operated tactics.

'This is the power of the devil.'

Jung In-soo was able to realize again how dangerous Lee Ji-hyeok and the superior king were talking about.

Unlike NDF or Lee Ji-hyeok, who have to defeat them, in the case of Chung In-soo, who has to reduce and defend the damage of civilians, the king has come up with another disaster.

It can appear anywhere, anytime, summon Masu through the gate, and destroy the world on its own.

This unusual mobility was like a disaster that could not be handled in defense.

"What do you say, damn it!"

The gates opened by the Devil were quite different from the usual cases they have been dealing with. It was impossible for them to pour out in the personalization period.

Many such gates were opened in the middle of the city, and they had to go crazy and jump in the direction of the defense company.

"It's crazy, really!"

Jung In – soo screamed.

"Is NDF still far away?"

"We have an emergency call! He said he would come right now! "


I know it's not NDF's fault. They are people too and can not be prepared for 24 hours. Besides, this time the gate did not open suddenly without any indication.

After the gate was created, we kept the dispatch system in consideration of the time it took to open it. I can not blame them for not responding to this situation immediately.



The city explodes again.

Could be.

Jung In – soo looked at the scene and grinded it.

"These bastards!"

Masuyo was walking the sheep of Seoul. And Jung In-su, who was looking at the scene, felt endless powerlessness.

'There is nothing I can do.'

Common firearms can not catch those monsters. However, you can not bomb the center of Seoul city if you catch those monsters.

If so, what should the defense company do?

"What happened to the evacuation situation?"

"The road is too crowded … … "

"God damn it! Get out of the car and walk out! Did you take all the subway? "

Yes! I'm out! "

"I told you there were no vehicles on the subway track, and I told them to put the kids out and get them out of town, you son of a bitch! Do not move quickly? When you take a sigh of rest, ten people die! "

"I'll do it right away!"

Looking at the crazy runner, Jung In-soo grabbed his head.

"Lee Ji Hyeok!"

In this situation, there is no one who can believe.

I'm sorry to be expecting only Lee Ji-hyeok every time, but it was not time to listen to it.

People are dying!

"KSF has arrived!"

"Do not put it in the front, put it in the back!"


"It's not a situation where it comes to being solved, so I'd rather put it back and let people escape smoothly! Be sure to evacuate completely because you can smash all the buildings behind you! "

"Oh, very well."

Jung In-soo has scratched the surface.

General competitors would only become bullet-bearing in the future. For now, it is better to put workforce in a place with higher efficiency.

Jung In – soo tightened his lips.

Ba bang… ! Ba bang… !

"Ahh ah ah!"

Screams and saturating sounds are digging their ears.

It is not an easy decision.

Those who are blocking the way while KSF is back are his men. For efficiency reasons, it was not easy to give victims like children to victims.

If I could, I would feel like rushing forward with a rifle right now.

"NDF is far?"

"I am here now!"

"You motherfuckers! When are you coming? when!"

Ahh! came!"

Jung In – soo 's head was turned upside down.

Passing lifter Kim Dae-hyun was racing in the air with his back on his back.

"Come on quickly, fuck!"

Jung In – soo screamed like a scream, mixing good – tempered and angry.

Seo Aoyong urged Kim Dae-hyun not to answer Chung In-su's words!

"there! There's people out there! There! "

"It is!"

Kim Dae-hyun ran as he stood.


Seo Aoyong shouted wildly.

"Where are you here, these gangsters!"

Before falling down, Ayyoung lifted both hands off the floor.

Quarterly Lurr!

In Seoul sky, a huge flame of sun came up.

It was as overwhelming as the sight of those who had run away, forgetting even the idea that their lives were dangerous.

"Thank you!"

As Seo Aoyong stretched out his hand, a flame of fireballs in the sky began to fall to the floor.


At the same time as the flames hit the floor, a gigantic whirlpool swallowed and swallowed the monsters who were chasing after the people.

"I'll bake you!"

"Oh, wait! I'm going down now! "

Kim Dae-hyun, who was afraid of the flames hitting the back of his throat, came down to the floor with all his might and put down the flame.


In a smart watch that sounded as soon as he landed on the floor, Aoyong tried to stop the phone nervously, but he pressed the call button when he saw the name Jung In-su.


– Somebody else just came in here! It's not a situation we can stop now!

"Who the hell you know! Wait!"

Seo Aoyong hanged up, took out his cell phone, and rode somewhere.


Then Kim Dae-hyun's chest began to shine, and the group of those who took the hands of Cho Seon-min together with the sound of the slip-up appeared in front of them.

“……Damn it!

The people who arrived looked around and they spilled out their voices.

Buildings collapsed.

Giant flames that do not get a sense of how to turn.

The place where they live is now collapsing.

"I'll go one more time."

Really? Sibling please!"

When he picked up the remaining number of people and tried to teleport, Aoyong greatly raised his voice.

"Kill those little ones, all cheap!"

“……What a slog! "

"I think I'm good?"

The NDFs also rushed to the monsters with anger in their eyes.

"Only until I come to Lee Ji-hyuk!"

"dog sound! I'll kill all of them before that! "

"Wow … … "

Jung In-soo sighed deeply.

The situation is still not good, but NDF has turned sigh over.

'Not at ease.'

Blocking is not winning. It was not the end of it that really hurt Jung In-soo.

As long as the devils exist, and as long as the connection with the magic continues, this can happen again at any time. Anywhere in the world is not safe.

The problem is that they do not have the skills to prepare for such a situation.

If you spread a wide range of abilities and hit the line of defense, they will be frustrated, but you can not put them on standby 24 hours a day. It's a person.

If the NDF can not maintain my condition and can not exercise my abilities, then only sacrifice will increase. Something like that can not be prevented someday if you eat a little bit like that.

"We have to catch the devil."

Jung In-soo, thinking about the solution of the situation, came to a conclusion.

All this is happening because of the devil.

The defenders that they have created have become useless because there is a devil that can neutralize the defense line itself by teleport.

If there are no gates to open this way, monsters will have to enter Korea by land or sea, and if they can confirm beforehand, they will be smashed with missiles and bombs before approaching a private house.

Archenemy If you catch the devil … … "

Hmm …

In the low voice heard from behind, Jung In – soo 's body hardened like a stone.

"Things that are human are also interesting. Ants do not dare to think of catching a dragon, but humans think that. No, the ant does not recognize the existence of a dragon itself? "

Chung In-soo's head slowly turned back.

I feel overwhelming presence behind the back.

It is not power.

How does a hamster trapped in us feel when he sees a lion looking out at himself?

Even if the lion does not have the will to attack herself, she will harden without doing anything.

There was an overwhelming presence that seemed to be just stopping the heart by being there.

"Once you relax, do not you relax?"


The first thing Jung In-su felt was that he was a demon-like model of what he knew.

In that sense, maybe mankind may have contacted the magi someday someday.

And the second thing I felt was that he knew what the devil was saying.

"You do not have to worry too much. I want to have a conversation. If not, why do not you try this conversation based on your thoughts and language system? "

Jung In-soo nodded.

"I think you are in charge of this place. Humans are funny. We are all equal under the devil. But human beings have divided their system under the crowd. And so is Verap. I am interested in human being. For example, you are in charge now, and when you are gone, in a flash, someone else is trying to control it. Where do you want to go? "

The devil slowly reached out for Chung In-su.

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