The Returner

Chapter 409

[410] 2. (5) "What is that?"

Yun looked at the sky with a blank eye. It seemed like a huge hole in the sky.

And there was a work force to process something in the hole. The wreckage of the building, which had fallen on the floor, slowly floated to the air, and slowly began sucking toward the hole.

“…Is there a black hole? "

Of course, if a black hole was created on Earth, Yun Hyeok-gyu would not be a person in this world. But if the results were the same, the phenomenon was not so different.

Yoon Hyeok-gyu felt his body start to shine in the air and fell flat on the floor.

"Wow, no! No! "

Most of the civilians around here have already been evacuated so there will be no damage to civilians … … .

But no! We have not evacuated yet! "

I did not know who made the hole.

If it is not a fool, anyone can tell that the hole is Lee Ji-hyeok.

But this one has not evacuated yet!

"No, fuck!"

Yun Hyeok-gyu, who was intuitive to see his body floating in the air, began to crawl forward holding the floor.

How many people will be able to feel being in a gravity-free situation in this instant.

It would be a good experience to be here, but this gravity condition will soon be overturned.


The fragments of the building, which was broken in the eyes of Yun Hyeok-gyu, who clung to the building and clung to the building, came into the air.

Suddenly, as the storm started, everything in the world began to be sucked into the gate.

Just as a giant tornado swallows everything around you.

"Wow ah ah ah!"

Yoon Hyeok-gyu's foot, which put his hand in the depressed part of the outer wall of the building, soared toward the air.

"Oh, fuck!"

If you are a normal person, you will never feel the feeling of falling toward the sky like this. Unfortunately, the situation was not so good to enjoy the rare experience.


The heads of the masters began to head into the air.

The start was from the little wrestlers.


The masters start sucking in the air. Though he drowned his legs, he could not resist the turning of gravity. Flight-style bandits were already sucked into the gate early.

One billion! One billion!

Soaring towers are hitting the wreckage of the building from place to place. Large-scale batsmen slowly floated into the air.


Yoon Hyeok-gyu saw his sight and opened his mouth.

Right now it is true that he is also in danger, but he was a minister.

The wreckage of the building and the waterfalls were sucked into the gate, forming a huge tornado.

Wood gain.

At that moment, the head of Yoon Hyeok-gyu went back.


The exterior walls of the building he was holding began to shine. The face of Yoon Hyeok-gyu, who realized what was happening, became speculative.

"Oh, no!"

If strong physical force works, it may be able to face, but it was pointless in front of the manpower.

Just as humans can not stop falling down from the top even if they are flying.

The exterior wall of the building was torn out and Yoon Hyeok-gyu's body soared toward the sky.

"Ahh ah ah ah!"

Despair Young Yun Hyeok – gy 's eyes turned to the black gate to suck him.

What's in there?

Unknown, but one thing was certain.

If you get sucked into it, you will never see a good shape.

Beside him, whale-sized bandits were screaming and screaming.

"Sa, help me."

I was screaming, but I knew Yoon Hyun-kyu.

Who can help him in this situation?

"Wow, look at the scream."

Oh… There were

Kim Dae-hyun flew at the same speed as the wind and stuck to the body of the monster that was being sucked up alongside Yun Hyeok-gyu.

"Oh, this is … Control is not working … … "

"Kee, Kim Dae-hyun!"

"Ehey. Do not stretch your hand. When you fall into the water You know that you die together with the rescue team. Let's go, hands, hands. "

"Hey, you crazy man! That's what you're talking about! Quickly! "

"It's because of this situation."

Kim Dae-hyun shook his head and flew to the back of Yun Hyeok-gyu. Then I grabbed the back of Yoon Hyeok – gyu and kicked the air as it was and turned toward the bottom.

"Wow, this is impossible!"

I want to go down for a while, and then it starts to suck back up into the air.

"Oh, fuck! Straight up! Everything is dead, man! "

"I know who should have experienced this situation. Well, it's real. Hold tight. "

Kim Dae-hyun wrapped around Yun Hyeok-gi with one arm and started to run sideways. The ether that came out of his leg pushes through the air.

Kim Dae-hyun, who was practicing close to his paddle rather than running, began to pant.

"Chu, the output is … … "

"Then what?"

"Give me a room over there!"

Yes. it is.

"Work, do not you know the reaction? I can pull all the power out there and keep it together! Get away from that reaction! "

All right.

Yoon Hyeok-gyu nodded mindlessly and turned toward the gate and began collecting the ether. I do not want to leave a handful. If you can not get out of here anyway, you will die.

ajig Not yet! "

Yun Hyeok – gy looked down and looked down.

"What are you waiting for!"


He pulled up all the ether with Yoon Hyeok-gyu to the huge monster who was flying toward them.


It started to bounce like the flesh of Yoon Hyuk-gyu and Kim Dae-hyun's body with the reaction of huge explosion that burst from the air.

"Ah-oh! Waist! I do not even know this guy is moderate! "

"Do it with all your strength, man!"

Only two men who were out of the radius of the man's barely landed on the floor, staring blankly at the sky.

The black tornado of building debris and monster was sucked into the gate without a single point.

"Wow, what the hell are you doing?"

"Yoon Hyeok-gyu! all right

From there, Choi Jung – hoon was running. I was running to them with Choi Jung-hoon, who had gathered all the other members.

“…How did you all get together? "


"Did we just go to school? I'll save you from me! "

However, he was trembling with a glance at whether he could not hear him.

"What is that?"


It is made by Lee Ji-hyeong, and he will take care of it, but that scale is too big.

Monsters, as well as buildings that were not quite as good as a hand grabbed and disintegrated, was being sucked up into the sky.

This is the level of cleansing beyond cleaning.

"I think you've almost got it all."

The last remaining debris and waterfalls were sucked into the gate.

The gate wobbled – and vibrated, and soon began to emit dark black maggots.


Maggie from the gate flies to one side. It pours down.

Everyone was able to guess who the Maggie is heading.

“…Scale. "

"Are you saying something like that?"

"It's a waste of money, and it's true that there's a scale."


Yoon Hyeok-gyu was also strong in Kim Tae-hyun's attack.

Come on!

As the stem of the mana seemed to be endless, it tapered slowly, and everybody felt the end.

Uwo Woong.

The gate resonates.

"that… Please, specify two different languages

At that time, Seo Ayyun shook hands.


"Well, that suckers are sucking in. I do not think we've seen it once or twice. … "


"What about building debris?"

At the end of Seo Aoyong, Choi Jung Hoon looked up with a blank face and turned his head again.

“…….”Some of the soon-to-be-aware ones have already begun to move backwards or to the side of the rulers.

"This, once we get out of it? It looks dangerous here too? "

"Is that it?"

And that moment.

Fuck it!

The gate swelled like a scream, and the wreckage of the building, which had been shattered in the gate, burst out like a shell.

"Ah ah ah ah! Gimda … … "

Yoon Hyukgyu hurriedly found Kim Dae-hyun, but Kim Dae-hyun was already far away.

"That bastard!"

We live together, we die together, we die together, I live alone, we run away!

"I am going to run!"

People started running the gate with all the power.

Kwang! Kwang!

Concrete fragments hit the floor and sound a bang. It was like a small meteor shower.

"This is Meteor, Meteor! I am very enchanted with magic! "

"It's magic!"

"No, it does not mean that!"

Who will see the rain of the debris of the building while living?

Yoon Hyeok-gyu felt that he had a lot of rare experiences today and ran to die. Right behind you! I hear a sound.

Yoon Hyeok-gyu, who was away from the ranks of the building fragments with his power all the way to almost four feet, laid down on the floor.

"Oh, I'm going to die. I really think I'll die … … "

“…Wow, this is … … "

Yun Hyeok-gyu grabbed his fist tightly as he watched Kim Dae-hyun coming to his side.

Don't You… You're dead, real! "

Kim Dae-hyun ignored Yun Hyeok-gyu and opened his mouth.

"I do not think it stopped me from blocking it … … "

Choi Jung – hoon also nodded with dark complexion.

I was able to see Seoul, which had been totally devastated by their eyes. It is not a rating of a disaster movie. The high – rise buildings were washed away.

All that was visible was the wreckage of the building, which was half-cut and revealing a scandalous rebar.

“…I do not think it's all gone. "

At least this area will not be able to live again for a while. The damage is too severe. It was the only relief that civilian casualties were not so great as soon as they moved as quickly as possible.

Choi Jeonghun grabbed his head as he watched the scene he was seeing.


Damage is probably impossible to estimate.

Half of the capital of a country fled as if it had been pushed into the bulldozer for redevelopment.

Just as Britain, who lost London, lost its power, Korea, which suffered so much damage, will not regain its former status.

Only one devil.

It is not just a few, it is just one of them. I won but I lost too much.

"What about Mr. Lee?"

But I can not be sad to say that.

What he has to do now is to secure recruitment of Lee Ji-hyeok.

"Looks like that."

Choi Jung – hoon nods his head and walks forward.

"Kim Dae-hyun, please move the wounded."


Lee Ji-hyeok, who stood looking up at the sky, came in the eyes of Choi Jung-hoon, who walked forward through the rubble of the building for a long time.

What was that?

Choi Jung-hoon called Lee Ji-hyeok, feeling a little strange.

"Lee Ji Hyeok?"

Lee 's head slowly turned to this side.


Choi Jung Hoon stopped at the spot.

With a perfectly red-eyed eye, Lee Jaegyeong looked at him quietly.

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