The Returner

Chapter 437

[438] 3. Is not this enough? (3) If Lee Ji – hyeok is blocked, it will not be angry. It was not a blow to kill Lee Ji-hyeok. It was a blow that regulated the power to feel desperate and feel helpless.

However, it is different if it is not Lee Ji-hee who stopped the blow.

Aracsys increased his car power in anger.

It might be possible to concentrate the magic power instantly, but it was against the aesthetics of the Araxis.

Just as the worms in the water waited for them to sink, Aracsys began to increase his magic power very slowly.

And the effect was immediate.

The Woods.

Along with the eerie sound, Alpha 's arm folded in a bizarre direction.

"Gosh! I'm dying! "

Only that corner of the pit would look like a spell.

Alpha was frivolous and frank enough to be seen as a mighty warrior at the forefront of mankind.

"Please do something! This is not enough! Even if I get overpayment for a while, I can not afford to pay for it! To the Ministry of Labor … … "

"It is a lot of words."

Lee Ji-hyeon frowned.

In the first place, Alpha was not putting me to do that or stop it. I took him to block the movements of the king, but he's got a shield … … .

Yes. it is.

Lee Ji-hyeok lifted his head with fresh eyes.

I think that even if there is a talent in which a king can fly, it is not possible to move in the middle while it draws out only one horsepower.

Just as a person can not move while in full swing.


Although the method is different, Moro can go to Seoul only … It was Alpha that achieved its purpose. And Lee Ji-hyeok did not want to miss this good opportunity.

In the body of Lee Ji-hyeok, mana swells up. At the moment, I felt a bitter pain that seemed to lose my mind, but I revived the consciousness of breaking the tongue.

'It's not a real joke.'

It is Lee Ji-hyeok who can be confident that he is more familiar with pain than anyone else in the world, but the pain he is feeling recently is intense enough to take off his studies.

But you can not cry.

Lee Ji-hyeok pulled the whole body mana with both hands. Pain has been transmitted along the path of mana movement.

"I will not eat."

"I really can not eat this is what I mean! Please do something! "

Lee ignored the words of Alpha and began drawing circles in the air.

'If you think about it, it's inefficient.'

Unlike the Asmodians who use mana as they breathe or move their hands, Lee Ji-hyeok must rule in order to use mana.

Having seen a huge circle of magic circles in front of Lee Ji-hyeok, Araksis looked at Lee Ji-hyeok with a subtle look.


It is a magazine in a form that has never seen it.

'Are you into the realm of creation?'

There was nothing strange. Because Lee Ji-hyeok is the strongest arc mage in history. Even if it is not black magic but general magic, you can make it.

In fact, it was not someone who taught black magic that Ryu had been using. It's just what Lee Yi-kyou made himself. Previously, there was no one who could handle the black horse like Lee Ji Hyeok, of course. 'It's strange.'

Aracsys watched the magic circle that Lee Ji-hyeok created. The magic circle of the pattern that I have never seen has not even seen the flow of mana.

If I understood mana, Lee Ji-hyeok thought that even the devil might surpass it.

'I guess so.'

No matter how well you understand and deal with mana well, the amount of mana that you can handle has been of no use.

Arashis, who pulled out the maximum mana that could be drawn from the Avatar, flashed magical powers, and Alpha's body began to hit the ground. He is standing upright, but his body is beginning to penetrate the floor.


Alpha could not afford any more. The blood that poured out like a waterfall in his mouth told me how serious his condition was.

"Lee Ji Hyeok!"

I heard the voice of Choi Jung-hoon, who was puzzled behind his back, but Lee Ji-hyeok did not move.

Not yet, yet!


As soon as I felt that the flash of the magical power that Aracsis had sprung up, Lee jumped into Alpha's front.

"Turn it off!"


At the same time as Alpha extinguished the shield, he sat down. Lee Ji-hyeok hit mana in the circle as soon as the shield disappeared.

"Ahh ah ah!"

At the same time, the magic circle made a sudden change and created something like a transparent wall. The glow that Araxis spurted against the wall.

After such a


Aracsys' face was embarrassed. Lee Ji-hyeok's mana, which was created by the wall of his work, began to bounce off. It is even towards him!


I tried to crush the output, but his body, which was an incarnation, could not produce any more mana.

"Such a ridiculous!"

The spark of his magic sprang back to his feet.

"Yes, it is tongue."

The slosse slip.

The body of Araxis, who was intensely fascinated with the flash, became ashes.

"Did you do it?"

As he watched the situation, he shouted loudly.

But no! There are still missiles! That's a bigger problem! "

Lee Ji-hyeok also knew that the fact that he was making another circle without delay.


A circle drawn in the air creates a huge gate. At the same time, the missile, which had descended to the floor, was sucked into the gate.

Hoo …

Lee Ji-hyeok sat down in his place. Just like Alpha, who was exhausted by his side, Lee Ji-hyeok was unable to move even a little to see if there was any leftover power.

Choi Jung Hoon ran to Lee Ji-hyeok and Alpha at full speed.

"Have you done it?"


Archenemy It's the Devil! "

"It's like a stranger."

Lee replied in an irritated voice.

"There is no blow to the body. I will have less mana for a while and less physical strength, but I will be back in a few months. "

"Then the nucleus?"

"I flew to this."


Choi Jung-hoon was resilient to the feeling that something had been resolved.

"That's fortunate. So it's over now? "

"This is over. I have sixteen feet left. "

"Then how do you do that?"

"There is no matter how. Once in a while, Araxis, he will not be able to intervene, so there are only 16 nuclear missiles left. "

“…….”Choi Jung-hoon thought it was ambiguous or not. Of course, things have improved, but there are still sixteen nuclei left.



Lee Ji-hyeong steadily shook hands.

"I know it's not a hard time and it's not time for me to ask, but I can not collect mana in this state. Even if you collect it, it will take at least ten hours to get enough horsepower. "


Choi Jung – hoon nodded his head.

Lee Ji-hyuk already did a lot. I can not tell Lee Ji-hyeok to try harder.

"Is that man alive?"


I dreamed of Alpha with his head bent over the floor, and Lee Ji –

"Well, it does not seem to die. Hey!

“…Do not speak. I will sue. "

Lee Ji-hyeok giggled at the sight of Alpha.

"Why are you smiling?"

"I have hardly ever seen anyone more hurt than me since the end of the fight. But when I look at it, it feels like that. "

"How do you feel?"

"Only me."

“…….”Alpha wriggled and raised her body. The dirt in his head fell to the superior.

"If only your arm was fine."

Looking back at his arms folded completely, I felt like I was seeing a doll that the child was playing with.

"That will play, right?"

"That's about it. By the way… Is this the end? "

Yes, I can,

"What about the nuclear that is flying to America?"

"If the situation does not help the king, you can intercept?"

“…It's easy to say. "

Alpha seemed to be stiff and open his mouth.

"There seems to be one good news and one bad news."

"What is the source?"

"It's in my head."

“…It is also a great ability to create news in your head. Tell me

"The good news is, fortunately, that the laborers are alive."

Yes. it is.

Lee Ji-kyeong looked at Alpha as if he was making a sound.

"The bad news is that the workers are alive."

"Tell me to tell me."

Alpha tried to scratch his nose and realized that his arm could not write both now.

"If the apostle who lost his arms lost power, and all the laborers had lost power, all the heavens that were flying in the sky would have fallen to the ground. If you're lucky, you'll be misbehaving, but if it's not, you'll be out by now. "


Lee Ji-hyeok opened his mouth as if he did not think of it.

When I was up, I almost poured a nuclear shower on Earth with Lee Ji-hyeok's hand.

"What's the bad news?"

"The bad news is that the ministry is alive. Instead of roughly falling down, you'll be moving steadily into the densely populated city. "


Lee Ji-hyeong, who had a hand clapping as if there were a right answer, replied.

Agreed. Then leave the nuclear to each country and we'll go home. "


"I can not do anything now."

"No, just a second. Lee Ji-hyeok, what about America? "

"I do not know."

Alpha flashed his eyes.

"No, we flew to this place and helped and helped, but now Korea is going to turn away from America?"

"When was your diplomatic quality that you were a US representative? If you want help, contact the official diplomatic channel. "

"Then you will not come."

“…I know well. "

"Please do not help me. So let's say we have nothing to do with each other. "

"Well, it's not bad either. So, instead of helping me, I owe each other something about this? "



Lee Ji-hyeong called out loudly, and the settlers ran in a row among the agents.

Yes. it is.

"Let's go home."

Yes. it is.

I looked at Lee Ji-hyeok with the face that all the people who heard the story were absurd.

What? I do not have mana. And it takes more than ten hours for the missile to reach the US anyway. "

"That's right."

"So you're sleeping. For reference, if I were Christopher, I would have driven a fighter by now. Maybe it will pop in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. So if you can not blow it up and the missile is about to land, call me. "

Lee Ji-hyeok shook hands toward Alpha and grinned.

Let's go.

“Oh, Hmm …

Jeong Hae-min had Lee Ji-hyeok's hand and cast teleport. Looking at the disappearing Lee Ji-hyeok, Alpha muttered silently.

"Are you scammed right now?"

"No, boss. I think, I just think the boss is stupid. "


"Well, it happened every time. Let us go. "


Looking at the embarrassing Alpha, Choi Jung-hoon thought that it might not be so difficult to deal with that person.

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