The Returner

Chapter 455

[456] 2. So will you use us as a shield? (1) "It is said to have entered."

“…Was it confirmed? "

"It was not confirmed, but Choi Jung-hoon told me so and stopped talking, so if he did not have a problem, he would have moved by now."

"Sure you are."

Yun leaned back on his couch and put his hands on his eyes.

Low silence filled the meeting room, but Song Jung-soo did not open his mouth and break the silence. It was because he knew how much pressure Yoon Youngmin felt right now.

'It'll be hard.'

He also feels that Korean politicians have made a huge debt to Lee Ji – hyeok. No matter what the problem is, if you only negotiate and there is someone who can solve the situation, it means you do not have to think about the end.

If other countries are hanging from the cliffs, they are standing on the cliff with their hoops hanging on their waist.

But now the line is broken.

So it would be a good feeling to take off the bulletproof vest that guarded the body and to stand in front of the machine gun.

"I will inform you of the things I have done without consideration …" … "

Yoon Youngmin mumbled and touched his eyes.

"It's true, it's a nice day."


"I know there is no way other than that, but the people who remain here are ordinary people, and I hope they understand that it is hard to get along."

Yoon took a sigh of relief.

I felt two things.

One is anxious that it is impossible to prevent Lee Ji-hyeok and the devil without them.

And one more … … .

"In a sense, Noah's Ark was dispatched."

When Yoon Youngmin said, Song Jung-soo bitterly nodded his head.


The fact that enough personnel were dispatched to the other dimension means that even if the people left on the earth are killed, mankind will not be extinct. Among the talents, the female sex ratio is also significant.

"May I have a little bit of mind?"


Song Jung-soo said that it is difficult.

"They are trained in the hands of Lee Ji-hyeok, and even if the number of people close to 2,000 is entered, how many of them will come back alive? … "

“…….”Yoon was nervous as if he understood.

“…I guess I do not. "


"So in the end it means that they must survive somehow until they come back … … "

Yoon Young – min walked in the cold water in front of him.

"Prime Minister."

"Yes, President."

"Please be honest. Is it possible? "

Song Jung-soo could not answer.

"Who can answer that?"

Again the heavy silence fell.

Toc Toc

Fortunately, this time they broke their silence from the outside. The door opened and the secretary came in and opened her mouth with a serious face.

"The hotline came in America."

Song Jung-soo laughed and said.

"Just call me. Nowadays, there is a place where I can use it by listening to the same world. "

China was smashed and Russia tasted. And even if the other countries hear the conversation that they are decisively talking about, there is no place to work politically or realistically.

"Do you connect?"

"Yes, I do."

Not long after the secretary came out, a face familiar to the vision appeared.

– Should I start with the pleasure, Mr. President?

"Honestly, this way, neither … We are not very happy with each other. "

– It's not wrong. In fact, every time I press the hotline that connects to Korea, my heart feels hollow. I think you've never been in contact with a good thing when you think about it.

"So I do not want to get in touch with this too."

– That's a shame. If this situation was resolved well, I would like to visit Korea once after retiring. Then you can have a nice drink.

"It's a welcome."

Yoon Youngmin laughed.

Christopher feels more familiar than ministers face each day. This is probably due to the sense of homogeneity and the fact that only one can understand each other.

I can not imagine those who did not feel the pressure that I should be responsible for the end, whether it is a scarecrow or a helpless person.

– The situation does not seem to give a smile to us anyway. Now, without them, we alone have to stop those god-damaging Asmodians.

"It's a sad fact."

Yoon was deeply sighing.

Could it be prevented?

'I do not stop. It's holding. '

The concept of war has already gone away. What they have to do is an extreme defense. As a concept of total power, you have to put everything into your line of defense and be ready to bend the wires at any time.

It was my head to come to my mind. And the more painful thing is that it is a separate problem to be able to collect all the capacity they can mobilize and make it possible even if it is possible to prevent it.

"So you contacted me to talk about it?"


"Then what about you?"

At that moment, the eyes of Christopher over the vision seemed to sink.

– I was wondering if I should tell you this … … .

"If you do not tell me, I would not have called you. I do not want to waste my time on unnecessary stories. Even if I like it, I do not think I have time for it now. Tell me, Mr. McLaren.

– Then I'll tell you. I heard about the fact that Lee Ji-hyeok and his friends are out of the room and I did a rough simulation. What will happen if the same offensive continues?

Song Jung Soo narrowed the gap.

"Do not do anything … … "

Sometimes it is better not to know. It was an unavoidable thing to do, but Song Jung-soo's frank feeling was that he did not want to hear the result.

Christopher did not stop talking, even though he could fully guess his mind.

– If Lee Ji-hyeok does not return within a month, 60% of the world will be destroyed in an unrecoverable state.

"60% of the … … "

The terrible shame, on the other hand, was hopeful.

But that is not perish. The current situation was not extremely good, so to speak, as long as you could survive 60% of the Earth.

– And if Lee Ji-hyeok returns within two months, more than 80% of the world is destroyed, and if it does not come in three months, it is perish.

“…….”Song Jung Soo felt the darkness before his eyes.

'Three months … … . '

100 days.

If it is long, if it is short, it is short time. But it is not too hard to determine the destruction of mankind in 100 days.

"Is it so sudden?"

– I had more than one year to run the simulation for the first time.

"But why is it so sudden?"

– Did not you feel it?

Christopher's face became dark.

– They have already switched to offensive. The search is over. If it was the same situation as before, it would have been able to last for up to three years as well as one year. But as long as they are pushing in and out, it is hard to stick to half a year rather than a year. I hope to walk up to half a year if it is a hopeful observation … … .

Christopher shook his head.

– There is no meaning. There is no sense of survival if the human race runs less than 5% after most cities have been destroyed.

Hmm …

– If it is the survival of mankind, but it becomes the world to go back to primitive age and fight with stone and spear … We are defeated. In the form of preserving the civilization and culture of today, the game must be divided.

"It's almost halfway already," he said.

Song Jung-soo made a fuss.

Germany was thoroughly destroyed.

The brilliant heritage became ashes. The Asmodians destroyed and destroyed buildings, leaving no traces of humanity. It is as if they have to thoroughly destroy all of them to win.

The masters are proved to be almost unreasonable, and it will be the Asmodians and the Devils to direct them all.

"Then you have to survive as long as possible."

Yoon 's voice was empty.

Song Jung Soo held his temples quietly and opened his mouth.

"Ivo, McLaren."

– Yeah. "May I ask one?"


"If you're inclined to do that, I do not think I'll just simulate numbers, do you think there will be some anticipated areas?"

– Yes. "It will be some highlands and the United States to survive the last."

Christopher did not answer. But that was enough.

'Of course it is natural.'

It is the United States that is said to have half of the world's electricity. It is already unfair that only one spot has fallen in such a country.

So the United States will hold on until all other nations are destroyed.

"Then Korea? How long can you hold it? "

– That's why I contacted you.

Song Jung Soo's face was not good.

'It must not be a good word.'

To put it calmly, Korea has long been a worthless land in America. The name of controlling China was not well known due to the fall of the devil and the collapse of China.

So you do not have to worry about Korea anymore. I wonder why they contacted me like that.

– According to our calculations, Korea can not survive a month.

“…Fuck you, Yankee. "

The unbearable Song Jung-soo raised his middle finger, but Christopher shrugged his shoulders.

– Take it easy.


This situation has calmed down well.

– So we decided to give support to Korea.


Song Jung-soo looked up at an unexpected remark.

– Yes. Support.

Christopher answered with a loud voice.

"I do not understand. What do you get by supporting us? "

– The reason is simple. Masuo from Africa's spots began moving to the Middle East.

“…….”- It's clear. They are not trying to take over. To destroy. Once we have destroyed all humans and civilizations, we move to a place where we have survived.

Song Jung-soo closed his eyes.

"In other words?"

– Yes. If all else fails, all the Devils and Asmodians will flock to America. To be honest, even if you push just one more force on the mainland, you will not be able to win the US. It's over.


Song Jung-soo said with torn eyes.

"So will you use us as a shield?"

– It's not a shield.

Christopher was also slowly becoming frenzied.

– Currently, two spots are active in East Asia. The most dangerous now, Korea is the first place to collapse in simulation. When Korea is depressed, Japan and China collapse, and their troops join the Middle East and join Europe. So the result is simple.

Christopher said in a declaration.

– Those who occupied Asia and Europe will be pushed into the United States. It is destruction.

The stale air rubbed past them.

The words "destruction" from others and "destruction" from Christopher 's mouth differed from their weight.

Song Jung-soo nudged his fist and sat tightly.

"So what are you going to do?"

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