The Returner

Chapter 468

[469] 4. (4) "Rear?"

Yoon Young-min's eyes could not grow bigger than it was.

What does this mean now?


Of course, Yoon was not embarrassed because he did not know what the word "rear" meant. The reason he was embarrassed was that Song Jung-soo was saying that he would drop the manpower behind the marshals.

'Are you crazy?'

I could not help being suspicious.

If the opponents were humans, not masters, then the rear course would be one of the great choices. However, it was not meaningful for them to have a rear-end disturbance.

There is no supply line to break, and there is no command system to confuse. Dropping the personnel in the back now meant the same thing as throwing a man in a fireball.


However, Song Jung Soo was determined.

"Wait a minute, Prime Minister."

Yoon Youngmin understood what he was going to do. For the first time, you have to make sure that Song Jung-su is not crazy.

"Are you going to put people in the back now?"

"As you hear."

"For what?"

"You do not know, do not you?"

In response to the resolute Song Jung-soo, Yoon Youngmin sucked his lips.

"Are you serious?"


Song Jung-soo said it was just cut off as if there was no room for dialogue.

"Did not you tell me, now I have to use all the methods I can use."

"But that's … … "

Yoon was not able to say anything.

There is no choice but to stay behind. To send troops to such places was no different than to let them throw them to the food of Masuo.

"Will that be tolerated?"

"If not accepted?"

In front of the pressure of Song Jung-soo, who opened his eyes straight up, Yoon Young-min had no choice but to swallow the sting.

"There's no way I can stick with it. I have to do everything I can. "

"It's a situation where nuclear is already falling … … "

"It can not be just that."

Song Jung-soo has grown it.

"Are you sending troops to a place where the nucleus falls? It's crazy. "

"I know, I know!"

The voice of Song Jung-soo got stronger.

"Even so, I have to make time. Only 5 minutes need more time. If that does not work, the answer will not appear. Do not you understand? "


"If you have to release your arm, you have to release your arm and release your leg if you have to release your leg. Even so, we have to take time. "

Yoon Young-min was a grim look.

"I have nothing to say."

My heart was shouting that I should not. But his head also understood that there was nothing they could do other than this.

"You have to give your people the food of marsupials … … "

I did not become the president to do this.

There was also a mind for his own soul that he became president. But it is because the national interest and the benefit of the state are matched. I did not intend to covet their own interests and honor until they hurt the country.

If he had come to a situation where he had to direct this with his own hand, he would never have been president.


Yun hung tight lips.

Everyone was idle.

I should have thought that this could happen from the time the monster started to change and the world began to change. I did not think about the countermeasures while looking at the changing world, but I was blinded by the benefits that fall right in front of me.

It is paying the price now.

'But this is not too much.'

Only 5 years' worry is connected with destruction.

"Prime Minister … … "

"You can not say more."

Song Jung Soo was determined.

"I do what I have to do. Whatever the reason, whatever the cost, you have to do it. It's better to do everything you can, rather than die without it. "

Yoon was no longer able to dry Song Jung-soo.


In the end, he did not even know that he had a heartfelt grudge because Song Jung – su first gave a word he should have done.

'I'm a trash.'

I bowed my head to Yoon Young-min's frustrated face.

*** D +80.

“…Damn it!

Choi Chang-sik distorted his face when he saw the plant that had stopped.

"What are you going to do?"

One day people thought that the plant would stop because of a riot. However, Choi Chang – sik 's forecast was missed. It was iron, not riots of people, that stopped the factory.

Iron ore was not coming in anymore. The supply of gunfire from the front was also cut off. In this situation, there was nothing they could do.


Broken windows are visible outside the front door.

"It's different."

It has already been a week or so since food has not been properly distributed. People could not bear the anger and anxiety, they slammed the windows of the surrounding buildings and started attacking public institutions.

Militants who did not fire against civilians only protected the command center with barricades.

On the other hand, it seems that telling the civilian people not to fire in the martial situation tells the development of the country, but the development is coming to an end now.

The fact that it is not properly deployed here means that all the power is concentrated in front of you, or that it is not spreading well in front of you.

Either way, the result will be no different.

'It's too late.'

Choi Chang-sik resigned half-way. In the meantime, Lee Ji-hyeok thought that it would be somehow come back, but the situation is not so good.

The rumor is terrible, the broadcast is not working properly, people are already saying that China has collapsed, and Ma Wang, who broke China, is joining here.

Even nuclear weapons have already been dropped on the North Korean side, but even the monsters are saying that nuclear weapons are not making much of a difference.

It should be half-screened, but it was meaningful to say such a thing. It means that people are putting their hopes on the line.

Not really, but even if China did not stop the Wang King, there was a limit to what Korea could do.

'I know you're nervous, but … … . '

Crowd psychology has a scary side. As usual, people who seem to be unable to catch an ant are angered by those who are angry, raising their voices as if they are natural.

It's like an anger virus that spreads.

"It'll be okay, really."

Looking at the procession of the people who are heading towards the city hall, Choi Chang-sik made a sigh of relief.

*** "The situation is bad, Mom."

“…I heard. "

Park sangdeok sighed deeply.

'What are you doing … … . '

When I open my head, I see the sky above the ceiling made of glass. The place they are in now is one of the shelters in the United States. Here are the major figures of Korea evacuate.

The main characters were families of the NDF agents, not the families of the authorities, but they were primarily transferred to the shelter.

After she joined the shelter, she asked her if there was anyone else to bring her back, but she padded her head.

I do not mean to have a relative I want to have with her, but she was burdened with a word that she would not be able to come in here because of a word she spoke lightly.

"When are we going out?"

Yeah, right.

Lee Yae-won smiled and moaned.

'This is a prison.'

At first, life here was not too bad. Basically, the food came out well. There is a side that does not fit in my mouth, but I still have some nervous rice.

The private room was similar to the hotel room, and even though I could not carry my luggage, I could live to some extent. It would have been much better if you could have gotten your clothes on, but it's not the situation you want now.

But over time, problems began to arise.

The underground community is big and wide enough to remind the underground shopping malls of Korea, but since it has been more than a month and two months since I lived there, I could not say enough.

"Can not I just leave for a while?"

"It's dangerous."

"There is no dangerous place. The situation is worst anyway. "

The voice of Lee Yi-wan shuddered a little.

The United States was a reasonable place, and people here did not want to hide the battlefield. I made a news broadcast on my own and explained the global situation. And according to the explanation … … .

'It's all over.'

Ieyeon, who knows nothing about the war, has found that the situation is the worst. At some point, if we cross a line that can no longer maintain a confrontation, the regular army will begin to collapse in a chain, and now there is nothing we can do other than to hook up.

There will be a catching of life. They'll start chasing after the survivors.

"When will this human be replaced?"

Lee yellely shouted.

“…Now it's hard, please. "

Damn brother.

Please do not go out of the house when I ask you to get out of the house.

I was boiling tree frogs.

“…I'll come soon. "

Park sangdeok sighed.

I want to see Lee Ji Hyeok, she is not different, but Lee Ji-hyeok is also the heart that I can not hope to return.



"Would you like to fight back with your monsters bleeding blood your brother back?"

“…….”Lee closed his mouth shut and said it in protest.

"There is no other way. Now there is no one but you can stop it. "

"Why does your brother have to do that?"

"Mom is. It is a person with power. I have strength in my brother. "


Park 's face was uncomfortable.

"If you have power, should you stand by the front and fight with blood? I do not know if these people have done what they have done to your brother.


"It would be good if the world went back to its original state. But if it is possible for your brother to suffer, I would rather not be a bad thing to die here. "

Lee closed his mouth shut.

Park's words were radical, but I could understand what he meant.

In her view, she would not like the situation that everyone wants to do. Who can send a good eye to those who want their son to come back and bleed in front of him?

"Mom still … It was not your brother either. I do not have an answer, either. "

"That's more of a problem."

Park sankeok frowned as if he did not like the spirit. Then slowly opened his mouth.

"He knows what Superman is."

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