The Returner

Chapter 475

[476] 1. Do you think I'll see that? (1) Cho Byung-se looked at the back of a man who passed by himself with a blank sight and moved forward.


Those who have not seen it.

Cho Byeong-se looked blankly at those who forgot about how urgent the current situation was and walked forward.

The other attire is the first thing that stands out.

All of these people were wearing combat uniforms. Even the most powerful men were wearing combat uniforms. Because of the ongoing battle, the clothes I have worn have already become pieces of rags in the old days, and I can not afford to be able to procure individual clothes.

But they were different.

It looked a bit old, but everyone was wearing their own clothes. No one in the forefront has that kind of room. I could confirm that.

If so, it means people from other places … … .

At that time, someone raised his hand on his shoulder.

"It was great."


"It was big, it was foam."

The man laughed and smiled.

It was funny that the man who walked ahead of him quickly approached the rushing tax that he thought was handsome at that moment.

"With all the power of the country and all the militant operations that do not consider the sacrifice, I keep the front with a total war … … . I do not think this is Korea I know. "

"There is tradition and history to be invaded. Why are you doing this? "

"People, I suppose, but the top hitters do not know what they are doing if the accident happened.

“…Let's pack the rest. "

Listening to the conversation between the two people, Cho Seung – se taxed his face.

'What the hell is that?'

Do you know what is happening here now? Now here … … .


The eyes of Cho Byung – chee grew bigger.

There was an offensive offensive like a raging wave. To put it more precisely, the steps of the monsters pushed like water floated like a lie.


It has been a fight for years with monsters. There was no way he could understand the habits of monsters.

If I did not start, I would not stop until the monsters that had been attacked were annihilated when I started to run once. Absolutely.

But something that never happened was happening.

Monsters have all stopped. Even deeply digging into the human side, the monsters were leaving behind the people around them.

'What am I seeing now?'

I can not imagine the emotional state of those bizarre facial expressions, but I can clearly see that the monsters are now reluctant to do something.

Is it because the situation is so absurd.

The bombardment that had been poured out with the feeling that I would erase the earth suddenly stopped. The shots that sounded like tearing their ears were silent. And everyone's eyes gathered in the two men who came forward.

"The president and the prime minister have suffered so much, … "

"I did not see it, how do you know if you've had any trouble or not?"

"If I had not suffered, did the situation stop here? The Korean Peninsula is gone. "

"Oh, that's … Are you underestimating the efforts of those who fought hard from below? I wish the president was someone else? "

"That's not it."

"This man, from a long time ago, tired of wanting to politicize, now I am completely caught. Why Are you ready? Do you want to take the position of a member of parliament next time? "

"If you just give me a shot, I will … Oh, this is not it! "

A handsome man raised his voice.

"Is this a joke now? Once the monsters have to organize! "

"Why am I?"

"If I want to do it myself, I've been crazy for a long time. I do it myself. "

"How do I do this alone?"

"Who told you to do it alone? We can do it together. Everybody is here now. "


The man shrugged as if he could not help it.

"Well, then you do. You go behind and drink cola. "



"If it is original, it is basic to fight with it, but if you help, you can finish it quickly, did not you bother a lot of people?"

"I had to do it at that time, and now I do not have to use it. I do not have a devil, and at best I am a loser.

"Come to ~" the guy, so Lee Ji-hyeon laughed the figurine.

"It is a rewarding ambassador that I have raised. Was it good to do so? "

"He told me to grow a little bit."

"There was no mana."

Choi Jung-hoon shrugged his shoulders in Lee's nose. Choi Jung – hoon, who had turned the previous athletes once, shook his head.

"If you were a little late, you'd be dead. There are more players than I thought. "

"It's something you should praise for blocking it. It is open. "

Lee Ji – kyeong tongue kicked while watching the masters.

More than twice as many of his predictions were being made. Now, I would have reduced the number of soldiers to some extent by consuming a few, but if I still keep this number, how many masters were there at first?

"Have you dragged all the magic masters?"

"Anyway, it's good that you've got it."

Lee also nodded his head.

'Well, you've got it.'

It was thought that it could not be helped even though it was annihilated, but it is delightful and it is grateful to see that it has been carried out. If you can not come back to create a perfect power anyway, I know that the time to wipe out is only delayed.

I thought that most countries except the United States would be crushed, but Korea was holding on to it.

"How many countries will survive?"

"I'm getting information now, and it seems that it has not been done before."

"What are you talking about?"

"Although the army was almost disabled in Europe, civilians did not seem to have suffered much damage. How is reconstruction possible? "

"Then I am glad."

"Instead of Africa and the Middle East, and China is the spirit."

"Well, I can not help it."

Lee Ji – hyeok shrugged his shoulders.

It is a shame to think of people who died, but there was no other way.

"You'll have to repay it moderately."

"Yes, well … … "

There was no spirit in Cho 's mind.

'What are you saying, those crazy ones?'

It is a matter of time for the monsters to stop the offensive, but even so, the distance between them and the monster is a level that should be called. In such a situation, I was conversing casually, and the inside was bursting.

Nevertheless, it is because of the strange atmosphere that they can feel that they can not scream or swear.

The atmosphere captures the intestines at the same time as it appeared.

And the peak was the voice heard behind the back.


The body of Yakbyeong was jittery.


The word means a lot.

It is the strongest power in the Republic of Korea and the pride of Korea which was recognized as the strongest power in the world before this event.

And those who have waited so long for themselves.

Everyone knew that they could not win. Everyone was implicitly thinking that even if they fought hard, they would keep the frontline and postpone the day of death a little later, no more, no less.

Nevertheless, it was because I believed the words that the upper part did not end.

– Only NDF can be returned.

– This situation will change dramatically when we return only those who went to practice.

The situation was not good enough to believe the endless words. At first I ignored them all, but as the battle continued and mental exhaustion began to find their presence as if they were seeking faith.

But they finally came back.

The crime tax grudged lips. Something strange was feeling tickling my chest.

I do not like to see that relaxed attitude, but thanks to that attitude I was able to feel relieved. Now that I feel I may no longer be dangerous, my legs are released.

"Hey, these burns!"

And at that time, I heard a sharp voice that made him aware of his consciousness.

As I turn my head, a beautiful woman in white clothes in the back was leaping on her forehead to make wrinkles.

"While you clean up, you go ahead and stop it, are you playing with a noggle? Is this a cafe? Is it a meeting place? "

Unlike a beautiful face, a woman 's voice was hanging, and her tone was rough. And the assassin knew her face firmly.

"Flame position!"

"Fuck you … No, the flame witch! "

It seems to me that the word "witch" somewhere seems to come out, but in the meantime, it was immediately corrected whether the life was precious.

Seo Aoyong, who turned his head to a place where he had heard the word Jill, looked at Choi Jeonghoon again.

"Come with me and keep some!"

“…You're blocking it. "

"Who will surprise you?"

"There are many people."


“…It was wrong.

Choi Jung-hoon drove his shoulder.

'No, what am I supposed to do with them alone?'

If Lee Ji – hyeon does not help, he can do it alone. But I am afraid that I did not hurry to the many masters.

At that moment, Lee Ji-hyeon raised his hand on the shoulder of Choi Jung-hoon and said that he was very sorry.

"If you do not get married, do not do it."

“…….”"I know I tried it, but I do not like it. Especially with her. "

"Thanks for the advice on the bones."

"What are you talking about?"

When Seo Aoyong tried to get a seizure, Lee Ji-hyeok withdrew to the side.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm not going to have to move."

Yes. it is.

Seo Aoyong looked back. There was a dust cloud behind me.

"It comes quickly too."

"Did you finish everything?"

"I asked all the kids who came out from Daejeon to come out and grab everything. But I think it's over sooner than I thought. "

"I do not check the person in charge and leave it so?"

"Dae Hyun Lee is better than me to be meticulous in any way. I'll let you know that I have left it. "

"Well, take care."

Lee Ji-hyeok giggled and laughed.

"I am easy to teach. Nothing to do. I'll play with cola. "

"Do you think I'll see that?"

"Stop talking about useless stuff."

Lee Ji – hyeok has a color and cuts the words.

"I think it's great, but the damage is enormous, so please give me revenge for those who have suffered."

"Do not say it!"

Seo Aoyong stared at the mazu who had retreated with his glazing eyes.

"I tried!"

And at that moment, the NDFs came out in the dust clouds.

"Wipe it all off!"

The NDF rushed toward the masseurs, screaming bizarrely as if they had been overhead.

Seo Ayeong also ran toward the Masu at their forefront.

"I'm dead!"

Her body flashed in flames.

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