The Returner

Chapter 482

[483] 2. I'm shaking my leg now. (3) The purpose of Lee Ji-hyeok was very simple.

It is the purpose of Lee Ji-hyeok to make it possible to deal with the Devil in some way by training and refining those who can not hurt the Imperial King.

It was easy to set up a goal for any work in the world, but it was a matter of preparing a way to achieve that goal.

However, Lee Ji-hyeok also had a way to do that.


It was Lee Ji-hyeok's plan that if those familiar with ether could handle mana, its utility would increase dramatically.

The problem is that the mana is not as easy to learn as you might think.

The competitors had one advantage and one drawback in learning mana.

The disadvantage is that they have never felt that they are mana. In the beginning, the world's base mana, Berap, was basically familiar with mana even for babies.

People do not feel like it, but do not live in contact with the air all the time. Likewise, the Berafians live in contact with mana all the time. No matter how much you do not know about mana, the affinity itself is different.

Lee Ji-hyeok forcibly injected with mana, but a sense of the mana was around, but using his own intent to use the other mana was another problem.

The advantage is very simple.

Unlike the Berafians who learn mana and can only be strengthened through mana, Earth's power has already strengthened the body through ether.

Thanks to this, unlike ordinary Berapians who instantaneously regurgitate mana, the Earth's ability to hold on to shocks.

That was the beginning of all the problems.

The ether is puffed out from both hands of Seo. The ether transformed into a flame after transformation. At the same time, the mana, which had been latent in her body, protruded out, amplified the flame, and began to turn itself into a flame.

A giant flame ran in her hand to the extent that flame and flame collided and control was not good.


The fire power is amplified and amplified until the body reaches the limit. There are two things she learned from Lee Ji-hyeok. It was how to amplify the ether through mana and endure the pain until the flesh broke.

Seo Aoyong sounded like a scramble of yelling and screaming.

Lee 's education was very simple.

Although I waited for the clear logic of 'You know I will explain it to you in detail,' Seo Aoyong thought Lee Ji-hyeon did not quite understand exactly what mechanism this process had.

Lee Ji-hyuk proved that comprehension is not necessarily important in learning something.

I just used ether and mana to amplify it through the whole body 'understanding' is that it made. It was not that difficult for Seo-yeong, who had already received black magic in his body and strengthened the ether based on it.

The difficult thing was not to amplify the ether, but to endure the pain of the aftermath of the amplification.

If you know the trick, you can amplify. The time it took to amplify the ether itself was not surprisingly long.

However, if the body is excessively heavy, it collapses because the body can not win the reaction, and if it amplifies it, it is meaningless to learn the mana.

Finding the line just before the collapse of the body collapsed to a breathtaking level was what they learned.

And now the results of that training are coming out.

"Ahh ah ah ah!"

The flames that came out of both hands of Seo Aoyong began to swell up to a huge level.

Seo Aoyou shook his face.

'Damn it, it hurts badly.'

The pain started to spread from the hands of both hands, as if it were supported by electricity.

As Lee Ji-hyeok said, he could not cope with the power of the body, but the damage caused by the collision between ether and mana was half vanished.


The teeth are scraped.

If it was not the therapeutic magic of Lee Ji-hyeok, which is close to circular restoration, by now NDFs would have had to wear dentures. To that extent pain was beyond imagination.



The burning flame began to soar like a flame from a jet engine.

It is obvious, not to the extent that it is felt stronger.

What made NDF the most frustrating?

Lee Ji-hyeok's harassment?

Or fear of the invasion of the mystery?

You're welcome.

I bet the most annoying thing about NDF was that anyone could feel helpless.

They have always fought in the forefront. He took the lead in things that other nations could not deal with and was forced to sacrifice before the greatest crisis of humanity.

But in that situation there was little that they could do directly. It's all about solving all of these things, and what they can do is to help Lee Ji-hee or to do what he has not done.

Just like the Earth Guard in hero comics.

It shoots a missile and bombs it, but it does not do any damage to the enemy, and it is a time that just attracts.

It shows the appearance of the monster at the same time as the appearance of the monster, and convinces viewers how strong the monster is.

Unfortunately, the role of the NDF was no more than that.

Nothing will upset the NDF by that fact.

That was the driving force behind them.

They also knew that Lee Ji-hyeong did not say anything without a whiff. With all this process in hand, if the mana could be treated perfectly, the word that the NDFs would be able to handle the devil only made it possible to keep the hell-like training.

And now it was time to prove the result.

The flame that stood in the hands of Seo Aoyung swept through the body of.

Choi Jung-hoon opened his mouth without knowing himself.

Seo 's flame is not familiar and it is not dangerous anymore, but the fire that Ao – yeong started today was definitely different.

Should we say poetry?

Seo Aoyong is not that kind of character, but he was right to say it right. Today 's flame spewed by Ayyoung seemed to have melted all the while.


Although it is the king of Zao, it was thought that I could not be hit by that flame.


However, Lee Ji-keok tongue kicked as if disgruntled.



"Why do you need such a widespread attack against the devil? The firepower will be able to hurt even if I concentrate on one side, but if the monsters sweep like an attack, the answer will not come out.

Lee Ji-hyeon kicked his tongue as if he did not like the spirit.

"He has not been that way since. If you make anything big, I know it will be done. "

It was Lee Ji-hyeon who pushed the severely scandalous standard.

"So it's hard to hit?"

"If she was alone, I would … … "

Lee Ji – hyeok shrugged his shoulders.

"It's not one."


That was the moment.

As soon as Cai Khan showed up in the flame, ice chunks poured out. Just like an ice meteor falls.

While the ice and the fire covered the view, Kim Dae – hyun digged behind Chee – khan 's back.



Kim Dae-hyun's legs kicked his back on Cheikhan.

after that… … .

"Turn it off!"

Kim rebelled in the air.


"That fool."

Lee Ji-hyeok giggled and laughed. If you kick the steel, you will usually end up in a broken line, but the defense of the devil is not worth comparing with steel. Kim Dae-hyun harshly criticized Van Tinhyeok for ignoring the laws of physics.

"Well, is there anything like that?"

It was Lee Kyu-hyeok's insatiable word that stopped Choi Jeong-hoon from trying to spit out his name.

"I was attracted to the eye."

And at that moment, Spitfire Yoon Hyeok-gyu hit right away.

"Ahh ah!"

The fireworks gathered in his hands burst like cannons. A momentary explosion swept through the body of Chan Khan.


At the same time as the explosion, the body of Chan Khan flew in the air as if it were a dragon.

"Ludra ah!"

"I know!"

Before falling to the floor, Ludra 's lightning struck the body of.

A sharp white castle, with sharp ears as if tearing their ears, dug into the flesh of the.

The spark jumped out of the body of Chan Khan with a sound that seemed to be supported by electricity.

Koo Woong!

The body of Chan Khan, who was flying in the air, crashed on the floor with a big bang.

“…Have you been through? "

Choi Jeonghun looked at Chai Khan with a strained face.

I did not think I could end up with this blow. But whether there was a blow or not was an important issue.

If there is a battle, there will be a split on whether or not to win according to the way of fighting, but if it does not happen so far, NDF alone can not deal with the devil.

Perhaps this moment was perhaps the most important moment in deciding whether training in the meantime had worked.

At that time, Chikan ran slowly from the floor.

Hoo …

A low breath sounds like a needle dropping down into the tranquil earth.


Chan Khan broke his neck.

"I did not think I could do such a profound attack on human subjects, I thought human beings were just scarecrows except Lee Ji – hye. I knew that only human beings should be careful of human beings, but that common sense is broken today. It was a stronger attack than any other weapon that humans have created. "

Lee Ji-hyeok laughed the crowd.

"The guy who has never met the nucleus is talking about it well."

Even if they are destructive to an individual or a specific area, their attack may surpass the nuclear power.

"But that's all. It must be a human being. It is impossible for you to strike me. The nineteenth nineteenth witch, if you've had enough of it, what's going to happen now? Or will you watch my servants tear you apart in my hand? "

Lee Ji – hyeok shrugged his shoulders.

"You are a humanitarian devil. I do not hate it, but it's a little disgusting. "

“…….”"But it's stupid."


Lee Ji-yeong started to grow.

"It's been a long time since I've seen you look at your physical condition. Why do not you stop bragging? "

"What the … … "

At that moment, one of the knees of the chi-kan rattled.

“Umm . . .

Watching the shivering legs, Chikan blunted his face. His face, like a bat, showed off and began to get angry.

"What is this?"

Lee Ji-hyeok giggled at the sight.

"If you get caught that much, it's no wonder the devil is hit. What are you doing, guys? The king is sick! "

The NDFs who heard the words of Lee Ji-hyeok started laughing at Chaikhan.

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