The Returner

Chapter 509

[510] 2. I want to make a proposal (5) 'Buff … … . '

Seo Aoyong looked down at his hand. The intense light at the beginning of the mana was crushed, but it was felt that the body was emitting a gentle light.

The other day I saw the power of the buff when I played against the ball. If the past magical power that Lee Ji-hyeok delivered in the past reinforces aggression and attack power only, this buff seems to raise the whole of the ability itself.

If you ask, 'What is better?'

'This is better.'

It's a good thing, but at least it was a big win in terms of not being painful even with a buff.


Seo Aoyong shook hands with both hands.

I do not think I should have to use my strength to get this buff.

Her hands began to burn. The flame created by both hands joined together in front of her chest, and a giant sparkle swirled within.

The tornado of flames raises devils.

'It's big.'

I have strengthened the ether with my mana, and I added Lee Je-hyeok's buff, there was ten times more firepower than her past.

I feel like I can do anything … … .


As the devil in the front waved his hand, the gigantic blaze of fire flashed and disappeared.

"Feeling of a frozen dying."

Seo Aoyong grinds the teeth.

I forgot who she was dealing with for a while. The power of the princes, even if they use mana and receive buffs, was a level that they could not dare reach alone.

But what … … .

She is not alone.

"Aw, hell!"

The ethereos poured in from every direction and began to strike the devils.

I felt the desperation of the devil ran from the front. A little while ago, even though it was hurt, the strength of the spear that was moving forward without resting was broken.

'If you hope … … . '

The words of hope began to be embroidered in the head of Seo Aoyong.

It is still disadvantageous.

It will be disadvantageous. It is hard to calculate, but it is hard to deal with the devils even though she thinks. Even if I collect and collect power, I wonder if I can deal with the number of my devil.

But now the thought was changing.

It works.

I will.

It was felt that their firepower was definitely damaging to the devils. Hope began to bloom in the face of Ai-yeong who realized that fact.


Perhaps they could have defeated the demons today and win a new life. Maybe.

*** "I'm pushing!"

"The front side, which was infiltrated by the masters, is to throw away the equipment and tell them to retract backwards. I put the talents left as reserve and rebuild the front barricad! "

“…I do. "

"I know, motherfucker! I ask you to go to the top and make a nuclear detonation this way. "

"It's too close to blow off the center."

"You know! Well? Will you just die like this? "

“…I'll ask. "

Jung In-soo tightened it.


That this is the way to get the present at the expense of the future. But if I died here, there was no future. I do not know how many people will suffer because of what he does today, but it is important to be able to carry on with life even in painful birthdays. At least you'll have a choice.

"Me, too."

It has been exposed to radiation many times already. At the end of the war, you will probably never be able to live as a soldier again. Jung In-soo did not hesitate even though he knew it.

The value of being a soldier is protecting civilians. He never thought of retreating until the moment they all died.

It was a shame for those who were drafted, not those who took this job as a profession, but it was also their duty.

"Shoot! Grind! "

"The front is too crowded … … "

"You know, just grind it, you motherfuckers! Do you all die together? "


M-3 hit on the front line of the monster infiltration instructed Jung In-suu licked his lips.

If I bombarded a battlefield that was as scrambled as I, I did not know that there was a casualty in my army. But everyone who feared the casualties and stopped the bombardment will be swept away.

This was close to dealing with infectious agents.

If you leave the slightly contaminated area, the source of the contamination will quickly disappear. If you can not drill that part, it is over.

Of course, in the process of getting rid of the infected area, there will be a big wound, and a pain that I'd rather die.

Jung In-soo tightened it.

"Hold on!"


"Now the NDFs are fighting for their lives. And I will surely win and come back. But should not there be anything left in the land that returned? "

"That's right!"

"Hang on! Hang in there again! We stand until the last person dies and there is no flesh. Behind us are civilians. Until we are all dead, no one will touch! "


Jung In-soo, who encouraged fraud, once again confirmed the map.

I could not say that the battlefield was good even for playfulness.

Those who lost NDF are also not as good at power than other countries.

Rather, it was several times weaker than China, which had been destroyed by wave of mermaids without the devil.

The reason they can hold on to it is the presence of the M-3, the narrow front, and the know-how accumulated during the battle since its opening.

I was attacked from the start, and I held up the attack until now.

It is no exaggeration to say that every Korean soldier is a specialist in war.

I can hold on to it, but it was also limited.

I want to ask for support. It looks like a chimney, but Jung In – soo grasped his fist tight and touched his heart.

'There is no one to help.'

The only NDFs that could help were fighting harder than they were. So this is where you have to hold on to their own strength.

"I'll make you a place to come back."

Chung In-su looked at the battlefield with resolute eyes.

***“…Start. "

Song Jung-soo rubbed off the smoking cigarette and took out a new cigarette and bit his mouth.

"I did everything I could."


Song Jung-soo nods as he watches the video of the army engaged with the masters.

The struggle to determine the fate of the world is happening elsewhere, but if it is pushed, their destiny will be determined regardless of the fate of the world. I could not dismiss the battle here as not important either.

'How do you think it will be possible to hold.'

Jung In-soo was doing better than I thought. It was an adventure to appoint Chung In-soo as the commander of the defense, but considering all aspects, it was judged that there was no one more able to understand Masu and the monster and to command him against it.

Song Jung-soo opened his mouth with the idea that his choice extended his life a little.

"Can not you see the US situation on the screen?"

"We are out of satellite orbit. I can request a screen transmission, but … … "

"I can not do that. But it is a situation that you should not worry about. "


Song Jung-soo laughed lightly.

"We have entrusted it to the Minister of National Defense and General Chung In-soo, and now we have nothing but to watch."

"No. It is also a role to share destiny. "

"Huh, that's right."

Song Jung-soo felt his strength escape from the body.

I have kept a long and long battle. Now that he thinks his role is over, terrible fatigue is coming.

"Not yet."

“…Yes. "

Song Jung-soo nods his head and catches his heart. Now, even if he had little to do, he was obliged to watch this situation through to the end.

If something happens that can not be addressed below, he should deal with it. That was the role of the director.

"When this war is over … … "


"Would you like to go hiking together?"

Ha ha ha ha ha

Yoon Youngmin burst into laughter.

"If you can. But when I go mountain climbing like the prime minister, I can not stand it. Let's go fishing together. "

"Yes. That's good too. "

Looking at the screen, Song Jung-soo smiled.

'Fishing ro … … . '

If peace comes back, it will be good.

But Song Jung Soo knew.

Maybe peace will come again, but they will not be able to come back. The Republic of Korea, which has lost 2/3 of the country, has to endure the hellish situation even if the war is over.

War is the only way to leave pain.

'Nevertheless, we must win.'

Though it is only pain to remain.

Song Jung-soo sincerely wished for the return of the warriors who are fighting in America.

"Hey, there!"


Yoon Youngmin's urgent voice called Song Jung-soo.

"Look at that!"

Song Jung-su, who saw Yoon Young-min's astonishment, pointed his face down.

What the hell is going on?

*** "How do you feel?"


Ludra got his head.

'This is better than Buff thinks, is not it?'

Thanks to Lee Ji-hyeok, I felt that the firepower was soaring.

'We could have caught one, even when there was no buff.'

However, since the firepower has risen, no matter how much the monarchs are gathered, it can not be easily approached.

It feels like grinding machine guns at enemies wearing armor and covering them. Although the machine gun is not a solid gun, it is a BB gun, but it could shock a man wearing a full body armor if he had a hundred feet per second.


Hope is always that way.

"It's interesting."

Barbáše smiled as he watched the violently resisting humans.

"I would have told you? Do not ignore human beings. "

This voice was beautiful at all times. Even if the contents contained in it contain a gross criticism.

"Do not ignore human beings. That's very funny. "

"Your vigilance will take your neck, Barbarque."

"No, Erkana."

"What is not?"

"Now that I speak, I have never been alert."


Barbács smiled.

"It is dealing with the nineteenth nineteenth king. And the situation is different, but it is the conquest of man that we have never been successful. But I have to be careless. "

Erkana shrugged his eyes.

What is he talking about now?

"Now all the actors are together. Then we should start now. "

"Do you start?"


Barbarossa nodded.

"It is important to create a stage to lead a script successfully. Let's enjoy it, Erkana. It's a tragedy or a comedy. "

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