The Returner

Chapter 517

[518] 4. (3) It creeped on Choi 's backbone.

'This, this?'

As soon as hearing howling low in the ear is heard, his body reacts to the force.

Choi Jeonghoon rushed his head and looked at the gate. The shadows of red light into the gleaming white glow reveals its appearance.


It was dragon that showed appearance.

The 20m is a giant fuselage, a glistening red scales, and two large horns that sprout above your head. It was a majesty that made his mouth open just by looking at it.

"The Dragon … … "

Why did I forget?

I know the presence of Apeldrieche, why did all the reinforcements in Berap think this is all?

It was too depressed by the notion of a similar humanity.

"The lizards are noisy … … "

The upper body of the ears was eclipsed after the ear.

“…So, in this situation … … "

"What did I say that I could not?"

Choi Jung – hoon sighed lowly. I was impressed.

'The force is different.'

Of course, the devils can not be weaker than the dragon. Although Dragon is a tough creature, and Berap is a stronghold at the end, it is not Choi Jeong-hoon who does not know that the monarchs have the ability to kill the dragon.

But what should I say?

Is it a wonder to be seen apart from toughness?

Compared to the Asmodians, which are only two to three meters in size, the appearance of life-sized creatures that can not be found on the ground was flying in the sky was enough to wonder in itself.

The dragon witnessed in the past in the zombie dragon scene is also huge, but the red dragon such as the red blaze and the flaming red flame swim in the sky was definitely different.

"Can they come to see themselves? Apeldrieche did not do that? "

"The walls of the dimension are broken. You can come to any size through the wall of the demolished demons. And there is a big difference between the gate that the dragon opens and the gate that latrrel intervenes. Hmm …

Lee Ji-hyeok had a headache.

'I do not think it can explain it alone … … . '

The wall of the dimension is broken, but that does not mean that this place of Berap was connected. There are many dimensions in the world, and the dimensions are linked to each passage.

If the door to the mystery was opened and the beings of the other dimensions were able to move freely, this place would have already become the axis of each dimension.

"Apeldriche would have done something."

Lee Ji-hyeok pounded his head.

Now that is not important. It was important that they came to support rather than how the door of the dimension was opened.

Within the gate, the dragons showed their appearance intimately. Then the sky was filled with dragons swimming.

When they flew into the sky, a huge shade was created, and the world became dark.

Finally, it was not a dragon, but a blond woman with a human form, who appeared inside the gate.


Choi Jung – hoon shouted with great pleasure.

Apeldriče looked at this side and, using Teleport, moved right back to Lee.

"I'm back."

Apeldrieche, a smiling, gentle smile of golden abundant hair, was so beautiful that even Choi Jeong Hoon was instantly enchanted.

"What are you doing?"

However, the voice of Lee Ji-hyeok was nothing to stop.

'I am a human being made of stone to the heart.'

It is obvious where the smile of Apeldričhe is headed. Even though I am watching myself from side to side, my heart is trembling.

It must have been too long that the love cells had degenerated.

"I went to convince everyone."


"Yes. The invasion is definitely scheduled. After this world collapsed, Berap would be the next target, and I wanted to convince him that it was better to organize power and support this world before that. "

"Has anyone heard that?"

"Not at all."

Apeldričhe said with a smile.

"Nobody cares. Dragon and human. "

"That's right."

Even if Lee Ji – hyeok is the only one who can not hear it now, the world is being invaded by the magic world.

"But you dragged me in?"

"I did not do it."


Apeldričhe said with a heart full of faith.

"Latrell was already getting ready. He said you must save this world. The other gods also brought the same trust. I have to go on a journey to this world with the best of the world. Since then, it was an invincibility. "

"I do not understand."

Latrell, who knows Lee, was not a benevolent god. In his view, Latrell's affection is confined to the Berafians. Other world creatures are latrines that are not treated with dust of verapes.

It is Lee Ji-hee who has suffered the most because of the way of Latrell.

"How could anyone like us be able to guess what God meant?"

No. Your gods are not so omnipotent. "

Lee Ji – kyeong tongue kicked.

"If you're a god in the first place. I can not physically intervene, just trust or what is falling is what God. "

"Even so, he is almighty compared to the creatures."

"It's just a catch, a joke."

Lee Ji – hyeong shook his hand.

Apparently, Apeldrijke looked up and saw his mouth. Lee Ji-hyeok, who can not be honestly appreciated because of the old feelings for Latrell, felt a little cute.

"Fortunately, it is good."

"Well … … "

Lee Ji – hyeok knocked his back.

Those who joined later seemed to be doing well. The parties were almost dead.

"Well, anyway. If the lizards are gathered, they will be able to catch some of the devils. "

Lee Ji – hyeok shrugged his shoulders.

Now all the power to join is joined. We could no longer hope for a new power to merge.

I am not confident that I can afford to be able to afford the devils with the power I have gathered here, but now I have to do them somehow.

Daman, Daman and Diu

"I was able to do it."

Now all the power is gathered.

Lee got up from his seat and glared his eyes.

"Now, let's get started."

The last war to decide everything.

"Fellow … … "

Barbache kicked his tongue as he watched the dragons full of heaven.

"Lee Ji-hyeok and dragons were not enemies of the evil place?"

"Yes, it is."

"But a colleague?"

"We understand that we can understand each other."


"Yes, I understand."

Erkana smiled and said.

"At least the dragons know why Darling was hostile to them. The dragons do not need to understand the other person, but they can see it rationally. So he is hostile to Darling but he is not hating Darling. Besides, the reason they should be hostile to Darling is gone, so now you can touch them. Unlike us. "

"Unlike us?"

"We have no purpose."

Erkana's voice was cynical.

"We do not want anything. Though human minus energy is needed, it does not die without it. I just conquer, kill, and harass others for pleasure. "

"Is not that a tattoo? Do you want to say that you are an Asmodian and that is wrong? "

"No, I'm not wrong. We are such races in the first place, so we can not get any understanding anywhere. "

"It's ridiculous."

Barbarossa shook her head.

"Why should I seek understanding? I can not understand your way of thinking. You're talking like a human being. Should stronger seek understanding from the weak? why?"

Erkana closed her mouth.

Anyway, it will not make sense to talk. They are such beings.

She would never have thought of this if she had not been involved with Lee Ji-hyuk for a moment.

Only Lee Ji-hyeok could change her thinking.

Beings who have been living for a long time in the beginning are extremely less interested in others, and their thoughts are firm.

It is impossible to maintain the spirit for many years without the casualness and the narcissism of the subconscious.

However, this regular called Lee Ji-hyeok was impossible.

He was a man who had to live close to infinite times while rocking wildly like a human being. So he suffered endlessly and painted everything around him in his own color.

A lot of people.

And even dragons and Asmodians.

Without Lee Ji-kyung, Erkana might have been at the forefront of the devils and enjoying the battle by now.

"And, you know, I keep forgetting reality … … "

Barbarossa said with a sigh.

"What the hell are the dragons doing? Do you think you can fight against us with that much power? "

"You've been thinking about it all the time?"


"When you send the Asmodians to this world, the devil, and eventually when you open the spot, that's what you thought. This level alone can not stop them. Now this world will end. "

Erkana laughed at her mouth.

"But it was not. Darling has always overturned a disadvantageous and nonsensical situation. It does not look any different again this time? "

Hmm …

Barbácce quietly scratches his chin.

"It does not make sense anymore. Now I have to prove it. Whether you are right or I am right. "


Barbarossa quietly shouted at the dragons floating in the sky.

"It would not be nice to be dominated over your head!"

"큭큭 큭큭."

Laughter and groaning flowed from where the devils gathered in response to the saying.

"I waited long enough and played as much as I could. So now it's time to finish. "

And at that moment, a great voice came.

"What are you listening to? Get rid of it! "

Legion consisting of Masu and the Devil.

Human and similar humanity, and a legion of dragons.

Between these two corpses, Lee Ji-hyeok and Barbara's eyes were intertwined.

Hmm …

I looked at Lee Ji-hyeok as if Barbabe was interesting.

'I do not know where the indomitable will comes from.'

If Lee Ji-kyun, who is properly facing his powers and the powers of the devils, though he is not the other, will know that this situation is never hopeful.

Nevertheless, there was no doubt in Lee's eyes.

In the end, I was looking at the eyes full of self – confidence that I would win, and there was a sadistic impulse that I wanted to despair the eyes.

"End this world!"

"Kill the wife!"

The two corpses exposed him to each other and began to rush to the opponent with power.

The last fight with everything was beginning.

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