The Returner

Chapter 530

[531] 7. I will not let them go alone. (1) "Hey, Da Hyun."

"Yes, brother."

"You did not tell me that I should stick with Lee Ji-hye once again this time? If you do not do it alone, you will be able to control it if you collect all the NDF. "

“I will . . .

"You did."

Kim Dae-hyun laughed and laughed.

"What is it? I'm not a suicide anymore. "

“…Yes, I have heard wrong. "

Yoon Hyeok-gyu squeezed his right trembling hand.

'It's crazy, real.'

That's not it.

So far, Lee Ji-hyeok was a regular person for them.

They played huge monsters that they could never compete with, like a toy. It is a person who can not be compared or should not be compared.

It was too far to aim, and the gap was too big to learn. I thought it was just a person who lives in a different world, but is next to me.


"It was also mistaken."

Lee Ji-hyeok heard many times. When you think about the days when you can exert your strength, you can not even waste yourself.

I thought it was half truth, half bluff.

The Lee Ji-hyeo they had seen so far was too strong for them to be able to measure. I can not believe he can not be stronger anymore, but I can not believe he was strong enough to make a clear difference as he says.

But today Yoon Hyeok-gyu had to admit.

The real power of Lee Ji-hyeok was not the level he could dare to imagine. I was wondering why he had dealt with them.

'Is it a person? Dress

No matter how much magic you learn, and how much time you've lived, you have to accept that human beings are spewing out enough power to make even those demons look shabby.

“…How did we see in that man's eyes? "


"If an ant is gathered, there is only one person. Amazon has such an ant. "

Microorganism Aphid

“…I'm strangely overheated. "

Yoon Hyeok-gyu grated them.

"What have we been doing in the meantime? How depressed did he feel when he saw us? "

"Stop it, brother."

"That's true."

Yoon Hyeok – gyu 's voice rose to the edge.

"I rolled so hard, but the result is that it does not reach that person's toes. What have we done in the meantime? "

Kim took a sigh.

Yun Hyeok – gyu 's remarks were over. However, he could not escape the same thought. Every effort they had made seemed to be unfair to all the suffering of the wife.

"It is not."

At that moment, Yun Hyuk Kyu and Kim Dae Hyun turned their heads to the voice heard behind the back.


Apelddriche stood there, waving the golden hair of the blowing wind.

“…"Afraid not." What we say does not mean that, it does not blame Lee Ji-hyeok … … "

"Is that power envious?"


Apeldričhe asked with his expressionless face.

"I ask if I envy that power."

“…….”Yun hugged his head.

I could not deny it.

What they needed now was the power to overcome this hellish situation. Nothing that human beings have accumulated has solved the present situation.

By the way, Lee Ji-hyeok is confronting this last war alone. I put the hope of all humanity on their shoulders. But how are you envious?

"Yes, I envy you. I'm so envious of being sick. If I have that power, if I have the talent and the vessel to have that power … … "


Apeldrische shook his head steadily.

"What is not?"

"In terms of talent and bowl, you're probably ten times better than Lee Ji-hyeok."


Yoon Hyukgyu looked at Apeldrieche as if he could not understand it. So how do you get that power in your hands? No talent, no bowl.

"Do you know how Lee taught you mana?"

“…I know. I was tired of my body. "

Until then, Yoon Hyeok-gi could only understand and operate mana. I have to use that damn way.

"That's the way Lee Ji-hye developed. To use it in your own body. "

"On your own?"

"I could not feel mana."

Apeldrieche said it was a pity.

"Unlike you who have a sample called Lee Ji – Hyeok, Lee Ji – Hyeok has fallen to Holor Berap as a Lee family. Mana felt like the people there were breathing and it seemed to me that it was a floating cloud. "

“…That's right. "

"So there was only one way. I have to feel myself. So he chose to push mana into his body. I'm suffering like hell. "

"Did you get that power?"

No. I failed. "

Apeldrische said coldly.

"If you could do that, you would not have touched black magic. Lee Ji-hyeok has repeated that experiment for more than a hundred years and has found that it is unlikely to be that way. "

“…How many years? "

"One hundred years. The time here is not different from the time there, so a hundred years will be correct. "

Yoon Hyeok-gyu asked his mouth.

One hundred and one hundred years … … .

How can a man endure suffering for one goal for a hundred years?

It also means that you did not feel mana in the end, how did you endure the terrible pain while you could not feel mana?


“…In our strength? "

"It was more than that. It was me who breathed mana into him. "

“…….”"It was something I could not understand. In my eyes it seemed like burning yourself in the fire to understand the fire. I can not use fire to understand fire. But he did understand it and hang on to it. I thought I could never return to this world if I did not get mana. He is such a person. "

“…….”"That strength?"

Apeldriče's face was slightly distorted.

I think it is the first time I saw her frown on her face.

"For man, that power is not allowed. It's the same with non-human beings. That power is the realm of reaching divinity. It is an area that can not be tolerated without God. Have you ever wondered how many beings with physical bodies have to suffer to reach that power and use it? "

"Oh, no."

Yun hits the mouth.

"I do not know if you can say that the soul is a tearing pain. That power is … It is better to have no such power. It is not a human being's power. "

It was self-evident.

There is always a reaction in the world. Those who have power will surely pay for it.

Apeldrieche looked at Lee Jaegyeong with sad eyes.

'Why did God give him this pain?'

In Berap, Lee Ji-hyeok was frustrated for thousands of years.

His life was not just a series of frustrations, no more, no less.

If we could die, we would have been free from pain.

But Lee Ji-hyeok could not die.

I could not give up because I could not die. If I give it up, he will not have anything left. If the purpose of returning to this place is lost, he must live a life of endless time without a presbytery.

Only those who can understand herself should live only in the absence of one.

Who can understand him.

"But that's what you did to come back?"

"To come back?"

“…To this world. I do not think so. "

Apeldrieche laughed.

Yoon hugged her face in an obvious ridicule that floated on her face.

"Do you know how many years Lee Ji-hyuk spent there?"

"It's … … "

"In Berap, the man spent less than two thousand years. But he spent more time in magic. Those who have spent those years know one thing. Do you know what it is? "

“…I do not know. I have not experienced it. "

"You will not."


Apeldrize quietly muttered.

"You will not. Nothing is left. The people I love, the land I want to go back to, the time I want to live again, will not be able to return beyond the dimension. "

Yoon's eyes shook.


"If you had spent thousands of years in this world, would you think that returning to this world would leave the world as it is? Can you imagine what the earth will look like two thousand years from now? "

Yun hugged his fist tightly.

The time axis is different. But the time axis did not exceed almost 20 to 1. Until now, Lee Ji-kyung has found a place where the most time-horizon for the training was to be trained.

Berap is particularly strangely twisted.

"No matter how little you hold it, it's going to be a hundred years or more. If the time had reversed, the earth could have been in existence for tens of thousands of years. No matter how good you think it is, there is no chance that Lee Ji-hyeok will think of this place. "

Everyone nodded.

"I know? He came back to that place. Those who hated him somehow tried to hinder him. What about those who love him? I tried to interfere more severely. I did not think that such a nasty death would be his last. But he's back in the world with a desperate blast. He knew that. Even if he comes back to this world, all he can enjoy is a lonely death to meet him in no-one. "

Apeldričhe said with eyes filled with sadness.

"You said, you can take it if you want to come back to this world. Do you still think so? "


Yun shook his head.

It would be something anyone could not imagine. The one who can not go back takes thousands of years of suffering to die alone. That is a very sad story.

"I know how painful you are to have the power now. But do not think that he easily got that power. I watched as I watched. It was better for me to not get it. "

Yoon Hyeok-gyu, who was a middle-aged man, closed his mouth.

So is it.

Apeldrieche, who had pushed him in terrible, sighed and said.

"And Lee Ji-hyeok would not have seen you trivially."


When the word of Apeldriće was asked by Yun Hyeok – gyu, Apeldri – chee turned his head and looked at Lee Ji – hyeok.

"He looked happy."

"Are you happy?"

Apeldrieche nodded silently.

'I have never showed a joy once again.'

In Berap.

Not once.

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