The Returner

Chapter 553

[554] 2. (4) The change started at a glance.

Lee Ji-hyeon, who had been watching the situation passively until now, jumped into the princes like the lightning stones.


The voice of embarrassment popped out.

It is a matter of course.

Lee is a caster. He is a wizard who can exert the greatest power when opening the streets. Who would have thought that the wizard would rush to narrow the distance to the warriors.

The embarrassment made the body firm, and the firmness of the body was desperate.

촤 Ah!

Lee Ji-hyeok gets tangled up in the hands of the devil's grandson.

“…….”Even until the moment when the shoulder was torn out, the king could not figure out what had happened to him.

It was shocking to them that Lee Ji-hyeo attacked using the body.

I know that I am already different from Lee Ji-hyeok in the past, but it was not easy to embody what I know because Lee Ji-hyeok had a long time.


It was a feeling that the power had slipped out from the place where the arm was torn out.

But no! It's not a feeling! '

Mana is pulled out. Mana is a tangible and intangible entity. Mana is not pulled out of the body because the arm is cut off. It was normal for the mana that stayed on his arm to penetrate into the main hall.

However, the man's arm that was torn in the hands of Lee Ji-hyeok did not return to him.

'Is it gone?'

is not

I can see that the beautiful mana is sucked into Lee's body. It feels rather than looks.

Robalel distorted his face.

This does not make sense.

If the present phenomenon is real, Lee Ji-hyeok is just saying that it is stronger even by hurting his opponent.


There are numerous Asmoki and creatures in the world, but I have no doubt that this fraudulent existence has never been seen before. The moment I realized that, there was a strong sense of crisis.

'Are you getting stronger? here,

In other words, if Lee Ji-hyeok can not be defeated here, then it means to be dealing with Lee Ji-hyeok who is stronger than now.


Robael ran to Lee Ji-hyeok, playing the torn arm.

We must kill!

You must be here!

However, Lee Ji-hyeok gave up half his life, and he was only smiling faintly when he saw the devil rushing.

"What would I say … … "


Lee Ji-hyeok's hand grabbed Robael's face as it was running.

Quad break!

Like his armor, the blood surrounding his hand stretched long and pierced his face several times. Robael, who was pierced with a face, shook his body and shivered.

In the meantime, maintaining life is proof of the persistent vitality of the devil, but it was even more unfortunate for Robal.

It sucks.

Mana was sucking through the hole in his face. How strongly he sucked mana, his body was feeling dry.

"Surely the devil has a lot to eat."

Lee Ji-kwang shook his lover in his hand. Robael 's body, which lost strength, was shaken without strength.

"No matter how much they sucked, they did not feel full, but their quality is different."

Looking at the giggle and laughing giggles, the devotees were forced to feel a creepy feeling.

It is a matter of course.

For their part, they are facing predators for the first time in their lives. It was not just a matter of being stronger than them. That creature over there was feeding them.

For the first time, the pressure of their lives to run away made the hearts of the princes run out of control.

"Turn it off!"

Lee, who sucked all the magical powers, breathed deeply and threw Robalel on the floor. Then the living Robael 's body began to burn.

Robael's body shook as the magic was all sucked out and the vibe disappeared. Because of the overwhelming pain, there is no strength left in the body, but the body is twisted.

It was a horrifying sight.

The devils do not suffer much compared to humans. It was a characteristic of the race. If such a devil is so bored, how much pain does that flame mean?

No one was afraid of suffering and would not give up fighting. However, it was only inevitable that their heart was full of grief.

"Not enough."

Lee Ji – hyeok took his hand to the mouth and licked the blood of Robael falling to the end of the armor of blood.

"It's weird."

Lee Ji – hyeok scattered the blood of his fingertips to the floor and walked forward.

"I do not think I should feel like hunger, but hunger gets worse and worse."

Lee Ji-hyeon defeated his throat.

"I am more than hungry … … What can I say, it is hard to express in words. Certainly, this hunger does not seem to be solved until you have killed all of you. "

Lee Ji-hyeok giggled and laughed.

No, there was no guarantee that this hunger would disappear if all of them were killed and absorbed.

Usually living creatures live for the purpose of survival and reproduction. Although it tends to escape from this aspect as it goes to higher creatures, its influence remains at the base.


Lee Ji-hyeok analyzed his condition coolly.

He did not feel as if he was willing to live the life he felt when he passed man. It was only hunger that filled the place.

In an awful pouring rage, hunger for everything alive was scraping the excess wall.

"Hmm … … "

Lee Ji-hyeong had a low penetration.

'It's not hunger to kill everyone.'

It seems that there was a reason why the first person who was summoned first was an angel. Now he was no different from a bird. If there is a difference, is it enough that he just wants more, unlike his angry sister, who just fill the boat?

Lee Ji-hyeok had a headache.

The more time passes, the more likely it is that something is blurred. Until a while ago, the joy of luring them was filling him, but as he went, the joy was gone and thirst was left.

Feeling that instinct that he does not know pushes out reason.

I do not even know if something is going wrong or if this is normal. Normally, a normal object requires a comparative object. When the same races do the usual actions, the word normal is established.

One he is an Asmodian and also a human being. And it is not Asmodians, nor humans. It was a creature and a creature that has never been seen before.

Certainly, some of the human beings who had previously become Asmodians and Lee Ji-hyeok would be quite different. I do not know whether it is because of the envy in the state that Lee Ji-hye transcends human limitations, or whether it has influence beyond dimension … … .

"The real has become a regular."

Lee Ji-yeon laughed as if he was self-help.

Sometimes I thought I was a mutant before, but it was different. He was this regular, but he still maintained his human identity.

There is little difference between being a different person and being not human.

One was not particularly bad feeling.

Until a while ago, I felt sorry for myself that I was obsessed with myself.

It's funny.

How insignificant it is to cling to the tribe on the subject of power like God. What if he is human, what is not human? In the end, he can not be with humans.

'I do not have a heart to match.'

Now it was time to follow the urge.

No one would have felt this feeling.

What should I say.

A sense of emancipation? Or thrill?

There was a limit to him when he was a human. No matter how strong he is, he has not escaped the limitations of human nature. It is a separate issue from the strong.

Even if he gets power like God, he is human. If you do not breathe, you can not live. If you do not eat, you can not use your strength. When I was an immortal, I had to endure such a penalty, but I was not overcome.

But now he is different.

I can do anything.

If you can not do it right now, you can do it if you become stronger and stronger. Human beings are totally out of the limiter of the race.

Lee Ji-hyeok was thrilled before the overwhelming sense of liberation.

"This is it."

Uwo Woong!

As the ghosts of Lee Ji-hyeok swim around, the spirits began to shiver. Soon the horror began to be in their eyes. I did not contract with the spirit or use them with Tyler. It tramples down and suppresses the spirit with force.

[Ah ah ah ah ah!]

Spirits who could not overcome the pain pulled the beam from all directions. The red stalks were shot around as if they were a laser show.

And Lee Ji-hyeok started the dash.

Just like starting a party.

Lee Ji-hyeon, who spreads the wings of a flame gagging behind his back, rushes into the light beam, wrapping his whole body with his armor of blood-red blood.

The devotees of the world shudder and step backward. However, the speed at which they were leaning was several times faster than their withdrawal rate.

Sob …

I watched Lee Ji-hyeong, the foremost rider in the world, and swallowed the wind. The appearance of Lee Ji-hyeok, who tries to spill the red concentrate in his eyes, was a panic feeling even if he was the emperor.

Oh ahhhhh !!!

Long fingernails that sprouted more than 3m sliced ​​Lee Ji-hyeok's body.

Just one.

Kaga River!

The king of the devil, who stumbled upon Lee 's army, broke like a dragon. Cloga, which is made by condensing and condensing maggies, does not use any force against the armor of Lee Ji-hyeok.

What about the feelings of the devil, who saw the dragon 's scissors breaking his fingernails like tears?

I did not have to think.

I will not have time to think.

He crushed his fingernail and stretched out his hand and grabbed the head of the devil. A little while ago, the devil watched his eyes with his eyes as he watched how Robal was dead, but his hand did not move a bit like a stone statue.

But this devil was quite lucky.


Lee grabbed his hand and smashed his head.


The maggots flowed from the body of the devil who fell on the floor and permeated into the body of Lee Ji-hyeok.

"Giggles giggling."

Lee Ji-hyeok was smiling and laughing as if it was pleasant.

"We should stop. Otherwise I will die. Do not be uncomfortable, do not bite the crotch to hang on, please, you trash. "

Oh! Oh! Oh!

The red blood began to flock to Lee Ji-hyeok's body.


Barbarossa, who felt like coming up with a gigantic thing that could not be compared until now, hurts it.

The image of Lee Ji-hyeok bursting with the light was sick with Barbache's eyes.

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