The Returner

Chapter 573

[574] 1. Even if I die, there is nothing to fear. (4) It is reckless.

Although he did not turn around properly, Lee Ji-hyeok was able to grasp the present situation accurately.

I can not win.

It is absolutely impossible.

The difference in power between Barbados and the rest was the difference between elephants and ants. No, it will be more than that. The ant could give any "discomfort" in the way of digging the elephant's ears, but the humans here could not do more harm than "bother" to Barbache.

They are not weak.

Basically, the power you have is not weak at all. Those who were trained in battle and battle had enough power to conquer a certain level in an instant.

But Barbarossa has surpassed that level in the past.

Now their attacks can not even bruise the body of BARBACHE. There is such a difference.

'I know.'

There is a difference in eyes, but there is no way they will know what he knows. Although others did not know, Choi Jung-hoon and Barbache surely understood the situation precisely.

But why resist.

But why not give up.

I can not understand.

It was a strange thing.

His intelligence has surpassed them by far, but he has filled the world with things he can not understand. As if Iji Kyo of the past laughed at Apeldrieche as smart but stupid.

'Why do not you give up.'

It's just meaningless resistance, no matter how hard you try, there's no difference … … .

But why … … .


Lee grabbed his head.

It rings.

His head was buzzing.

"What the hell are you talking about!"

Something was talking to him.

"It's a disgrace!"

Choi Byeong-hoon stood in his eyes.

I can not stop it.

Know. It was not Choi Jeong-hoon that much could not expect.

The best situation is that Lee Ji-hyeok and Barbarossa are paired up. Both of them die, or one of them is completely smashed and the other one is injured enough to be sorted out by others. That was the ending of Choi Jeong Hoon.

However, no matter how elaborate the scenario is made, there is no way that the reality will coincide with it. It was the same until the end, but until the end of the last, the scenario went wrong.

There was a lot of barbecue left.

Besides, the situation is worse … It is the fact that the last one remained is Barbaca. Even if Barbarossa does not have the power to lift one finger, they can not kill Barbaras.

His flesh is not hurt by their attacks. Even if the supply of horsepower is cut off, the body alone will be able to destroy the Earth.

'Is it the body of God?'

Choi Jeonghoon laughed and laughed.

Lee Ji-hyeok gained the power of God, but Barbache got the body of God. Both of them can not afford to be human, but now more fearful from their point of view, it was BARBACHE who took God's body.

There is hope that I can do something against Lee Ji-hyeok, but none of them will be able to deal with Barbados.


However, Choi Jung-hoon did not stop the attack.

"Screw! It's a disgrace! "

Throw your throat, shout, and exaggerate your hand. In the meantime, Choi Jeong-hoon's mind did not leave one thought.


What should we fight for?

And why are others following him without any complaints?

I know they are useless.

They did not stop fighting, even though everyone knew that the end of a long and long battle eventually ended in defeat.


I want to leave a final assessment of '

Or if you think that "all I need is ' .'

At that moment, a big Howling burst out.

crying sound.

The cries of human beings, not beasts, burst out, and at the same time, those who surrounded and attacked Barbácé were thrown out at once.

Those who came close to Barbácí to give even a little more hitting blow disappeared instantly with their bodies disintegrating instantly without even realizing that they were dying, and those who maintained a little distance were thrown back as if they were human beings.

Quaian! Kwaaan!

Those who were thrown out were blown away by the crowd at the back.

Only a blow.

Crying that can not be called an attack, the power of mankind has been completely neutralized at one time.


It was not even shuddering.

Not surprisingly. It was only a visual confirmation of the results already known.

"Trivial things."

The barbache slowly walked out in the sinking heat. I shake off the dust sticking to my shoulder. Choi Jung-hoon looked down at Barabache before the attack was poured.

Now we must acknowledge.

The long and long war is over.

Human beings were defeated.

'Can it be called the minute?'

Choi Jeonghun laughed.

What if it's a minute, or what? The result is the same.

It is meaningful that the result is different because it is divided. It does not make any sense if the outcome does not change.

Can you say that to those who are watching this place and praying now? But we have failed, so do not blame us and accept death very carefully.

'You can not sound like a jerk like that.'

It is an excuse to say that the burden of the burden was too heavy. They have been burdened for a while. The small shoulder alone is carrying the burden that many people have divided, but the weight is heavy.

Barbache was walking straight toward Choi Jung Hoon.

By no means at all.

Choi Jung – hoon suddenly came up with the idea.

Even though he is a human being, it is a slow pace to make me feel sigh. How slow is it for those people to feel? Does that mean that he needs more effort than walking fast?

"I feel dirty."

Seo Aoyong, who became a poor man with blood that was shed from his mouth, tried to stop Choi Jeonghun. However, Choi Jung – hoon grabbed Seo 's arms and pulled them.

“……?”Choi Jung – hoon shook his head silently as he watched Seo – young looking at himself with a questioning eye.

"Stay out."

“…Choi Jung-hoon. "

"You know. I can not stop it. "

Seo Aoyong grinned his lips and asked.

If she does anything, she can not stop her. But it does not mean that Choi Jung-hoon can not face Barbarque in this way.

"If you have to face it. I can not leave him with the last human figure remaining in his head. "

Seo Aoyou closed his eyes, realizing that Choi Jung-hoon's decision could not be reversed. But her feet did not fall. She was not counting on me until I was able to lead Choi Jeong-hoon to death with my feet.

At that time, Apeldrieche pulled her out of silence.


Apeldrieche shook his head as he watched Seo-yeong trying to say something.

"Sometimes I have to open it."

“…….”"Even though it is only pain to leave it."

Seo Aoyong sat down on the spot.


Choi Jeonghoon set a fire on the door cigarette in his mouth. A little while ago, the half-wetted cigarette was smoked because of the blood he spilled.

'It's a pity that there's no one to smoke a cigarette together.'

Do you think Lee Ji-hyeok, who is lying on the back side, smokes? No, he, who has become an incarnation of reason, can not understand why he is using it to overdo his body.

'I'm sorry for everything.'

I was the only one who smoked cigarettes with NDF guys like that sword.

Choi Jung Hoon laughed and walked forward. It is bound to be tilted because of the bent leg, but I tried to make it look as right as possible.


Barbabe shed a low smile and watched Choi Jung-hoon walking toward herself.

"I can not understand human aesthetics. How is it so important to get killed? In the end, it would produce the same result as death. "

"I agree."

Choi Jung – hoon has smoked smoke.

"I certainly can not deny that human beings are quite sentimental when we talk to you. But what about you. If it's human aesthetics, would not it be humans to admit it and pass it on? "

"It's sophisticated."


Choi Jung – hoon looked at the barbarques in front of his eyes.

This monster is standing in the reach of your hand.

The only thing I could see in his eyes was the bartender's chest. The moment he saw the overwhelming physical, his instincts started to scream.

'It feels less scary to fly a country.'

You will not be afraid to see the nucleus dropping over your head. The body of Barbácia was stimulating the fundamental fear he had as a creature.

also I

At that moment, Barbácia threw a finger.

Fear a million!

At the moment, I was not aware of what had happened.

A little later realized. The horrible pain felt where the arm should be, told him what happened now.

"Oh, my God."

Choi Jung Hoon tightly bites it.

His arm was blown away by a hand gesture that could not be called an attack, and it was cut off under his shoulders.

"Hmm, not easy. It is also difficult to attack without modesty. By my standards now, humans are so fragile. Too much. "

“…Maybe. "

Choi Jung – hoon 's face looked white because of the blood that the arm had lost flying or the pain.

"You die painfully."

“…….”"The aesthetics you think do not work out. I will give pain to you as much as I can, bearing in mind that I have made myself hard and that I have eaten it properly. I will deny the existence of you thoroughly. That is a gift I can give you. Of course you can not understand it with your aesthetics. "

When he saw Barbara, smiling, revealing it, Choi Jung-hoon gave power to his eyes.

Do not be shaken.

"But will you resist?"

“…….”"Run away. Look away and run away. Then I might be bothered and killed in the blow. What do you get because you're stuck here? There is nothing but pain. You know? "

"You know, the stupid demon."

Choi lifted his arms as long as he stayed. Then he grabbed his fist and raised his fingers.

"I do not know what you are, but I am a man who is not a man. A moment when you bow your head and acknowledge the reality, and give up that you can not help it … Humans lose the possibility of developing. I lose my dignity as a human being. pain? What does that mean I have to give up being a human? "

Choi Jeonghoon laughs and said.

"If I do not run away from you, you will not forget me until the moment you die. I can not forget humans. This is the last gift I give you. Revenge. You're a shitty devil. "

Barbache's face was distorted.

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