The Returner

Chapter 576

[577] 2. The last is like a movie. (2) The loose snow has not found a place to go.

The eyes, staring blankly in the air, slowly glance around.

It looks like it will collapse soon.

But it is not everything.

Lee Ji-hyeok can destroy the world just by its appearance. And now he has no will or reason. All that remains is his instinct.

Only an instinct to destroy the world.

'It's common sense … … . '

Choi Jung-hoon tried to insert his hand into his pocket.

'Oh, not at all.'

I have no arm.

His hand came in his pocket, trying to move away from his regret.


Seo Aoyong, who had a disgruntled expression, handed the cigarette taken out of his pouch to the mouth of Choi Jung – hoon and gave it a fire.

“…….”"You have something to say to him?"

“Umm . . .

"When we talked to each other, we always started with one. I thought I would find it. "

Thank You

Choi Jung Hoon smoked a cigarette in his mouth.

I saw that laugh and I sighed.

"What are really men … I do not choose not to do that. "

"Because there is no difference."

“…Then there is no soup. "

If you have the following.

Choi smiled bitterly.

Although it seems hollow, Lee Ji-hyeok does not know when to start the eruption with a little stimulation. It was no different from a grenade with a safety pin.

"There is nothing left in that person."


"But I do not think so."


Apeldričhe's eyes were shaken.

"Maybe the coincidence of coincidence overlaps, but I think that he saved me at the end. Maybe he might be left in that person. "

"Are you going to walk there?"

"Are you reckless?"

"It's not worth the answer."

Choi Jeonghoon laughed lightly and puffed out smoke.

Yes, I will be reckless.


"It would be better than stopping someone who can not stop."

“…….”Apeldrie also did not say Katabuta. This person has done it a number of times because of rational thinking and impossible things. If you have to gamble, it's a good idea to hang on to this person's opinion.

And she wanted to believe.

There is still a treasure in me. Though it is a wind that is not worthless.

"Let's go."

“…….”Choi spit on the floor and walked slowly forward.

I walk in.

Into the typhoon.

I know it is a reckless thing. Perhaps what he is doing now is based on emotion rather than reason.

Anger, anger, and sadness, Choi Jeonghoon, who was trying to maintain his cold temper, came to the end and begged.

Yes, it may be just a fuss.

I do not want to admit it.

I do not want to admit that you have so disappeared.

"It's exhilarating."

Choi Jeonghoon laughed lowly.


It's a bit of a throbbing neck to a falling guillotine.

Stupid, stupid.

However, Choi Jung Hoon was feeling somewhat alone.

If not, die. And if it dies, it is better to die in the hands of the person than to die in the hands of Barbacchi.

The tragedy is so complete.


At the end of Choi Jeonghoon, Apeldrieche started to walk.

"Without any measures?"

"I've already made the measures so tired."

“…In the memory of that person? "

"Yeah. It's a simple thing. "

Choi Jeonghoon laughed.

"Even if it remained in that person 's memories that we should not kill, we could succeed. But if it is not, it will die. Is not it a real test to be judged that you have done so far? "

"You, you are a little strange personality."

"I admit it. And I admit that it is ridiculous. But I think it's rather wise to do the same thing that tries to tie the guy's feet in a power that's no longer available. "

Apeldrieche slipped his head.

This is really stupid.

It was an unacceptable thing for a dragon, a creature of reason.


'I'm not a dragon anymore.'



"I'll go alone."

Choi Jeonghun looked at Apeldrieche as if it was what he was saying. Then Apeldrić responded casually.

"It would be better to go alone if you say so. You do not have to go and stimulate him. "


"You tried."

Apeldrieche laughed and laughed.

"So now it's time to rest. I'll try what's left. "

"Apeldrieche … … "

"I'm going to throw out the compulsion that I have to do something until the end. Now you see what you have to do. Everything. "

“…….”Choi Jung Hoon quietly nodded his head.

She is right.

He has already done everything he can. What is left is watching. Either way will be the last moment.


"Yeah. then… … "

Apeldrieche laughed and laughed.

"Goodbye, man who was small but brave."

Listening to her last farewell, Choi closed his eyes quietly.

Apeldriche slowly walking to Lee, Ji-hyeok.

As she watched her behavior, Ayyun approached Choi Jeonghoon and grabbed his clothes.

"What are you doing?"

"It's a story."

Choi Jeonghoon said in a nutshell.

"It's a conversation."


"Yes, conversation. The only way to communicate each other's minds. But I do not want to suck. "

"Against Lee Ji-hye?"


Choi Jeonghoon said in a convincing tone.

"After all, the best thing a human can do is talk."

“…….”"It's the best way to choose, and it's the only way to do it."

Seo looked at Apeldrieche with uneasy eyes.


She could not understand Choi 's words.

Why is the word conversation here?

"It's not just a horse. To convey the mind, to understand each other. That's all talk. The strongest force human has is conversation. This is not to say in the yard where we have been through violence, but in the end, this is what humans can choose at the end. "

Choi Jung – hun smiled brightly at Seo – young, who had a face that she did not know English.

"It is a little irony that the person who carries the last hope of humanity is not human, but … It'll be okay. She is not a human being, but she is more human than anyone else. "

'It feels strange.'

Apeldrieche lifted his hand and pinched his chest.

'Is this tension?'

The dragon does not panic about his death. Death is the result of time or the foreclosure of life by force majeure. It was something I could explain in the end.

There is no embarrassment in the world of causation.

For her as a dragon, the world was a huge wheel that moved by the Law of causation. I can never get out.

And one day, there was a foreign substance in her wheel.

Everything started there.

"What are you saying, a damn lizard?"

The existence that can not be explained by reason.

Ignoring all the laws of the world.

The existence that opposes the law of mortality that everything that exists is eventually vanished.

It is strong, but also weakly … … .

Being filled with contradictions.

okay . . . That person was Lee Ji-hyeok.

A person who has suffered from a severe destiny given to him but never flees from that destiny.

A person who does not want to be at ease for a moment even though he can easily feel a little bit turned.

It's strange and … It was hard to watch.

Appearing in the eyes of Apeldrike, he was like an incarnation of irrationality.

Who resisted God, resisted destiny, and even denied herself. And someday the world will perish. The result is now in front of her eyes.

Lee Ji Hyeok.

Now he might be called a destruction god, he was slowly turning his head around here.

Unacceptable behavior.

But Apeldrieche knew what Lee Ji-hyeok's actions meant.

You are looking for.

What you have to do, and where you should go.

Apeldričhe thought it was like a child.

A lost child.

And a child who has no place to go.

I do not know where to go I just have to look around, like a child.

I have no choice but to know.

His body was scarred.

His last battle with Barbácia had been ruined, and his body was torn and divided and bleeding. The arm that was regenerated was torn again and the white bones were exposed.

None of them had anything better. I'm seeing him as a tattered figure in the ensuing battle and battle, but something keeps coming up.

When was it?

I have seen him relaxed.

Maybe not even once. Lee Ji-hye, she remembers, was always tired of not being able to bear the burden given to her.

Even though he seemed fine on the outside, his genitals were always in the dark.

'Maybe you've been watching so far.'

It may have been for this moment since I realized that the Maoization was done in exchange for the use of black magic.

When you use force, you lose yourself as you use it.

How did it feel to endure it?

What is the one step toward the worst result that has been fixed, the feeling that you walk one step at a time?

What if you knew all of that and could never stop?

"any… I'm sorry. "

I do not understand. I did not understand. She can not understand him because he is not human, and he can not understand him because he is not human. So Lee Ji-hyeok always had to cover everything with his small body alone.

It is the same now.

Parallel lines.

can not understand.

But she could only realize one thing now.

'It's not a difference in race.'

Nobody can understand each other. Just believe it.

No one can look into the hearts of others. Just guessing and just believing it will happen.

Believing what can not be confirmed. What did he say?

okay . . .

It was trust.

You should have said that.

I can not understand you, I can not understand you, but I believe.

That … … .

I realized it too late.

Too late.

Apeldričhe sighs low.

Then he lifted his head and looked at Lee.

'It's stupid.'

A frozen pupil.

The eyes that can not find the place to go have pierced her mind.

So much … It hurts too.

The most heartbreaking thing about her was not her eyes, her wounded body, which was released.

He stands alone in the hollow. Even now, when he saved the world by devoting all his own, he was still alone. yet.

That made her unbearable.

So I have to go.

So give it to me.

So that he will not be lonely anymore.

at least

Apeldričhe smiled brightly.

"I'll be with you at the end."

For a moment more meaningful than thousands of years, Apeldrieche slowly walked toward Lee.

With a face without any hesitation.

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