The Returner

Chapter 578

[579] 2. The last is like a movie. (4) It is pure white.

Everything was fresh and white.

He was alone floating in a new, white-faced space that had no boundaries.

What was that?

Recognition begins.

As he recognized where he was, he awakened.

The moment I recognized the world, I started to grasp myself. Slowly looking around, he "recognized" who he was.

"Are you alive?"

The one who was called "Life". "No, I can not stay alive … … "

Memory comes to mind. Your last.

He certainly died. Then this is … … .

"After World … … . It's terrible. The one without the afterlife would be better for me. "

Considering the iniquities he had committed in his lifetime, there was no place for him to go to hell. But this place was so bright and hollow for hell.

And hell does not matter.

No horrible hell will be as painful as his past life.

I am sorry that I can not rest forever … … .

At that moment, memories began to dig into the brain of Lee Ji-hyeok.

“…Kenichi Momoyama

It is his memory.

But it is his memory that is not him.

To be precise, after his death, he began to be pushed into the memory of his body.

I do not know why this memory is pushed up, but there was only one impression of memory.

"You stupid … … "

Lee Ji-hyeong did not move for a while. I was just closing my eyes.

What do you believe?

What the hell. He is already dead. It is not him who is there, but what does he want from him? He can not do anything now … … .

"You stupid … … "

It is all he can do to recite the same words.

"But that was the best for her."

Lee Ji-hyeok turned his head.

There was something other than him in a new white – and – white space. The sound of Lee Ji – hyeok 's mouth flowed slowly as he saw his presence approaching him.



Being an Apeldrieche, a person with an unimaginable shape shook his head.

Lee Ji-hyeok also noticed the moment.

This woman is not Apeldrieche. Apparently she was not Apeldrieche, but she was not. I felt the temperament was completely different. It looks like Apeldrike, but not Apeldrieche … … . It is more sacred and more majestic than that.

Lee Ji-hyeok's face was slightly distorted.

I think I know.

Who is interest?

Lee Ji-hyeok's face was filled with hatred.

A person who has no choice but to hate. A person who twisted Lee Ji – hyeok 's life in a mess and put it into eternal suffering. "Latrell!"

One of the faces of Apeldrić laughed grimly.

"Yeah. I'm Latrell, Lee Ji-hyuk. "

Lee grabbed his fist tightly.

At this moment he would have torn apart the Latrell. But there was nothing he could do here.

"I thought it would be easier if I died … … . If you knew you were in charge of the damn, afterlife world, you'd have to end up dead. I am not a person in your world, and I do not know why I should look like this. "

Apeldrieche, no, Latrell shook his head silently.


No way!

"Yeah. First of all, this is not the afterlife. It's the space I created. "

"I'm dead?"

"Yeah. You are dead. But your body has not died yet. So you're half dead now. "

“…Whether I should be happy or sad. "

Lee Ji – kyou scratched his head.

"No, I must be sad. That means I did not have to see your face if I was dead. "

"This face is not what I created. It is the symbol that reminds you the most intense memory. It is a little surprising that the presence is Apeldrike. "

"That does not mean it, this booty!"

Lee grabbed his head.

I felt frustration when I first met Apeldrieche in the past. At any rate, the Berapans make him hurt like one.

"There is no need for a story. Explain to me why you came before me. As I said before, this situation facing you is so fucked up I hope to finish it soon. "

Latrell blinked.

It has never been and never will have been a curse on her. But she fully understood Lee 's reaction. If she thinks what she did to Lee Ji-hye, she should be sweet even if she is killed right now.

"I wanted to apologize."


"Yes, an apple."

Lee Ji-hyeok laughed the crowd.

Nothing… Look, I do not know if you have a concept of normal perception, but my relationship with you is not such a relationship that can be solved by who apologizes to anyone. I thought I was smart because I was a god, but I'm too stupid. "

"I know. You can never forgive me. But I have to apologize. This is where all Maybe it'll be the last time. "

Looking at the horrible Latrell's face, Lee Ji-hyeok frowned.

"I apologize, let's hear it."


"Why is that?"

“…….”"Why did you try to bind me to the world? It can not live or die. Why did you call me the left of destruction and make me hostile? "

"One is intended, and another is mistake."


"It was my intention to bind you. But it was not your enemy. I just made you believe that someday you will be the one who will bring ruin to the world and that you have to keep it in Berap to stop the situation. But the trust that I give to my creatures does not fully reflect my intentions. So I have become a little deteriorating. "

"To, so … I wrote a letter, and the letter was shipped a little while, and the middle of it all flew away, and I was told that I would destroy the world? "

"It's similar."

"Then you should have AS! This bitch! How I did it because of it! Nowadays, the service center is also free of charge for three years, but the god is one message wrong. Leave it alone? This is not a fool! "

It was Lee Ji-yeong who shouted with a moment of urge in his mouth, but Latrell did not show any response.

"It is not as simple as you think about putting a trust on my creatures. God can move the world, but it must not interfere with the free will of the creatures. It is a big burden to be involved indirectly through the trust. "

Burden Boo ~ fence? Can I tell what the burden is now? This is a big day girl, is this? "

“…….”"Oh, this is a god," Danny Berap said. Do not you have any conscience? Because you run the shit out of the world, there 's no progress for thousands of years. This time around the world is not looking in the eye? "

"Development is not necessarily good. It is important how happy the creatures are. "

"So you see that the people of Berap seem happy? Hey, there's hell, this crazy woman. There is no human rights, human rights! I was going to die a few times in Veraf. "

"If you look at the case of humans. But other people live in Berap. "

“Umm . . .

"If you did not make any restrictions, Verap would have been conquered by humans by now. If you look at your standards, similar human beings, monsters, and higher creatures … Nothing could have survived. Or it would have exterminated humanity by the counterattack of those who felt the crisis. "

"Uh … … "

Lee Ji-hyeok felt the need to speak for a moment. In fact, he was also thinking about that part. Humans do not know the satisfaction. If Berap's mankind developed like the earth's mankind, the orcs or elves would be slaves if they were released, and would have gone extinct if they were badly released.

Dragon The dragon is treated as a good item … … .

"Well, let's get over it anyway. I did not intend to bet on your mode of operation. "


"What is the intention that bound me?"

"That's what I have to apologize for. But I could not help it. "


"Because of destruction."

Lee Ji-hyeon distorted his face.

"Are you still doing such a rattle? It is not I who drove Berap to perdition, but you. Even if you did not do that … … "

"Afraid not." That's not what I said. "

Lee Ji-hyeon raised his eyes.

This woman, what are you talking about now?

"It's not that you're destroying Berap. It's just that Berap is destroyed. "


"There is a limit in every world. It's time for Berap to come to an end. It will soon be darkness in Berap, and all life there will die. The death of the world is already determined. "

"So, is Berap falling? Regardless of me? "



"It's because I'm alive. Just like creatures, they have vitality in the world. "

"No, I do not understand that he's done his life. It's not a star. "

"It is not like you. The source of maintaining Berap, when mana is destroyed, all life naturally has to follow. "


Lee Ji – hyeok could understand Latrell 's words.

It will surely be if mana disappeared. The beings of that world are all tied up with mana.

"I understood. But why did not you catch it and me? "

"I could not give up."

Latrell said with a firm face.

"The death of the world is a reason to accept as God. But I could not accept it. My creatures, my children have to accept death. "


"I needed a world where everyone in this world could live."

"Is that the Earth?"


Lee Ji-hyeok's face was distorted.

I could understand what Latrell was saying now.

"Fairy tale."


Latrell nodded.

"You know, it takes a lot of mana to open the door to the other dimension. But there is something more important than that mana. It's the mediator. "

“…….”"It is impossible to open a huge door by accurately conveying mana beyond the walls of many dimensions. To make it possible, we need a mediator with the same mana. "

"That's why you got it. And so I would have to live forever. It will take a tremendous amount of time for me to be fully assimilated into the mana of Berap, which is another level entity. "

"Yeah. And before the work was done, you found a way to go. "

"So you tried to stop me."

"Yeah. I did not stop it, though. "

Lee grabbed his fist.

"You sound like you're being good."

Anger, hate … His anger, which had accumulated for thousands of years, burst out.

"Do you think I would understand and understand if I said, 'There was a reason for this?' What does that have to do with me! "

The cry came out.

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