At the end of spring, Sancha River is very beautiful.

Even in the eyes of outsiders, the poor mountains and rivers are a little more pleasant because of the recovery of all things and the green everywhere.

But this is the hometown of Sanchahe villagers. The place where they were born and raised is naturally the best place in the world.

At the foot of Nanshan Mountain, there were only two lonely broken earth houses many years ago, but now it has become a small town, bigger and more lively than Sancha River three miles away.

Merchants from all over the country are willing to come here and sell good things.

When the winery leaves work, you can sell all the pickled vegetables and meat you bring.

Almost everyone in Xuzhou knows that Shanhe distillery is here.

The good wine, which is popular in Kyoto and various state capitals, also comes from here.

In the past, wine was transported to Kyoto once a month, but now it has become once every seven days.

Some vendors, who want to earn hard money to support their families, will also come and buy a jar of Medium wine, then push down the city and hawk in the streets.

Earning twenty or thirty Wen a jar is enough to fill your stomach.

This day is also the day when the winery pays wages at the end of the month. Almost all the men in Sanchahe work hard in the winery.

This is also the happiest day for women in the village.

Although they often follow the cooking team to work and earn no less change than men, it doesn't delay them, hoping that men will pay.

The salary of the winery has always been very happy. It has never been deducted. There are also some extra things called welfare.

No, before the sun reached the top of the head, the men came back happily.

With a string of money in one hand and pork and big fish in the other, he shouted from a distance.

"Son, her mother, cook the pot quickly. When the master sends meat, stew it quickly.

And the big fish, stewed with a piece of tofu! "

The women immediately came out, smiled and picked up things, and then went to the kitchen.

In the yard of Feng's family, Cuiping is dressed in gray and patched. She washes the children's dirty clothes in her hands. Listening to the excitement of her neighbors, her men are working harder and harder.

The child in the room didn't know why she cried, so she called the man who was taking a nap in the sun under the eaves.

"Go and see the children. You're dead!"

Unfortunately, men just won't move.

Cuiping slammed her clothes and ran into the house to hold the child. She coaxed and cried and scolded.

"Other people's old men go out to earn some copper money to support their wives and children. You're a waste.

Like a dead man all day, I know it's at home.

How could I be blind and marry such a loser as you!

Obviously, they are sisters who grew up together. Why did I fall into the hands of you loser when they married the Marquis.

Sobbing, I can't live this day! "

This poked the lung tube of the dozing lazy man. He jumped up and slapped Cuiping in the face.

"Unlucky little whore, who do you dislike!

It wasn't you who wanted to seduce wild men in other people's clothes.

As a result, I went to pick up the plate. You think I'm willing!

Zombie star, it's been hard at home since you entered the door!

They are all surnamed Bai. If they are popular and spicy, you will scold endlessly!

Funeral star, give birth to a girl film. Who will pretend to be an uncle? "

"You dare to hit me. I'll fight with you!"

Cuiping left the child and pinched it with the man.

When the neighbors heard it clearly, the women said, "it's a joke. Every good thing."

The men said, "this family is worthless. There is a banquet at the foot of Nanshan Mountain.

Bai Laosan came back and worked as a soldier for several years, but his appearance has changed greatly and he is reasonable to look at it.

I knelt down to the great master when I met him yesterday. The great master and old white cried so much. "

"I also heard that I brought my daughter-in-law and son back."

"Yes, the Marquis promised to find a job in the urban defense camp for him, and then he will come back and take root."

"The old white house is not rotten at all."

"The next day, when the second son of the Marquis is full moon, the Bai family will certainly put a running water banquet.

Remember to catch a chicken and send it to us later, no matter how much. It's our intention. "

"Yes, that's it. We don't need the care of our boss."

Everyone ate happily, and the Feng family played lively.

In front of the Bai family yard at the foot of Nanshan Mountain, Liu Yufang was getting on the carriage and asked boss Bai not to worry.

"I'll go to Qianqian and come back after staying for a few days.

You must take good care of it at home. Don't drink too much wine. The third child doesn't leave immediately. In the future, there will be times when you drink.

I'll give it to Aunt Wang the next day. I'll buy something at that time. She will help.

Just greet the guests. Don't join in with others.

There must be a banquet at Qianqian's side. In fact, I can't help, but it's OK to take care of a child.

You must send someone to deliver the letter! "

"Don't worry, don't worry, there are so many people in the family, how can it embarrass me.

Besides, the people who came to drink were villagers from shiliba village, and no one made trouble.

It's the other side of the city. You need more help. All the guests are distinguished guests. Don't let Qianqian get tired. "

Boss Bai waved out, "hurry up and wait. It's going to be dark in the city."

Liu Yufang just pulled the little son who picked up the window and waved with boss Bai.

Boss Bai closed the door and the carriage kicked and ran away.

But in half an hour, the carriage entered the mansion.

Although both the champion Hou's house and the general's house are in Kyoto, they can only be regarded as other courts, but they are still the best courts in the city.

Last year, I bought three adjacent yards, opened them up and rebuilt them.

The servants in the front yard are busy keeping their feet off the ground to prepare for the banquet in the future.

Everyone salutes when the wife's mother comes.

As soon as Liu Yufang entered the main courtyard, she saw a screen surrounded under the eaves of the corridor, the boudoir wrapped her head, holding her little grandson in the sun and walking slowly.

She couldn't help complaining, "it's just two days before sunrise and a month. How can she run out? In case the wind blows and you're old, you'll feel better."

The meat bag also broke away from my mother's hand and ran over.

"Sister, show me your little nephew."

Bai Qianqian hurriedly sat down and smiled to show his little son's tender face.

As a result, a fat boy turned out at the corner door before the meat bag reached out.

"Little uncle, you can't touch my brother!"

Brother Xi ran over with his calf and pulled his little uncle.

"My father said that my little brother is too small and will be damaged."

Shan zhe walked behind and laughed.

He saluted his mother-in-law and said.

"Mom, why are you here? Aren't you busy at home?"

Liu Yufang waved her hand. "There's your father at home. I don't need anything.

Besides, your father is now focused on his brother and is looking forward to my absence. He can secretly supplement his brother. "

Shan Zhe and Bai Qianqian both laughed, and Bai Qianqian replied.

"Don't worry, my Lord has checked it. My third uncle is really good outside these years. He is no longer selfish.

Dad is always a white family. He is willing to be close to his brothers. Don't stop him. "

"I didn't stop it," Liu Yufang said with a smile. "I also see that your third uncle is different from before. Your third aunt is also honest. It's good to walk around in the future.

But your second uncle's family can't do it. The mud can't help up the wall. "

"Mom, if the second uncle's family is honest, my father needs to help. Don't stop it.

If the second uncle starts to toss again, let the Marquis find a way to drive them out of the mansion. "

"Yes, with your support, I don't worry about anything now."

Liu Yufang took over her little grandson and didn't like it. "This little face is really beautiful. She must be a handsome childe when she grows up."

"Tuanzi is about to take the exam in autumn. Do you want to go to Beijing to accompany him?"

"I'd like to go. I'll see what happens then. Besides, it's not so easy to go out at home and abroad."

"Kyoto also has iron eggs and sugar. They should be able to take good care of dumplings and emboli."

The mother-in-law and son-in-law talked about the excitement. Occasionally, when they looked back, they saw Bai Qianqian dozing on the couch.

Shan zhe quickly got up, took his daughter-in-law into the house and settled down to sleep.

Bai Qianqian subconsciously pulled his sleeve, so he sat down, shook his daughter-in-law's hand and quietly accompanied her.

Liu Yufang took three children with her. When her son-in-law didn't come out, she smiled along the window.

Finally, she greeted the three children, "go, go with me to the wing room, take sugar cakes at home, and let's steal a piece."

The meat bag and brother Xi ran away happily.

For a moment, the yard was quiet. Only the warm sunshine fell on the bluestone floor tiles, warm and light

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