"It's a small business of several Liang silver. I'm so happy.

Uncle and aunt know? "

"Of course I know. My family is very happy.

But I didn't mention the job you helped find. My father is very thoughtful. I'm afraid he thinks you have nothing to pay attention to. Either rape or theft! "

Bai Qianqian raised his chin and glanced at Zhao Bin with a smile in his eyes.

Zhao Bin turned his eyes and said, "is there such a handsome thief as me in the world? Besides, you don't have anything worth stealing, fat woman!"

"You're fat, you're the fattest!"

No matter which time and space, which world, the most annoying thing for girls is obesity.

Bai Qianqian was poked into the lung tube and immediately looked like a fried cat.

During this time, the family baked a cake, and she liked to eat sweets. Her mouth was not idle all day.

In addition, the food at home was good. After eating like this, she gained a lot of weight.

Fortunately, the winter jacket and skirt are relatively thick and not so obvious.

But Zhao Bin's sentence exposed her self deception and naturally exploded.

But Zhao Bin refused to give in. He shrugged his shoulders, squinted his eyes and added another sentence.

"Obviously, I'm fat. I'm not allowed to tell the truth."

Bai Qianqian gritted his teeth in anger, jumped off the shaft and ran home.

Liu Yufang was bringing food to the house. When she saw the girlish hum running in, she asked.

"What's the matter?"

Bai Qianqian told her, "Mom, sobbing, brother Zhao said I'm fat like a ball!"

Liu Yufang listened and looked at her daughter carefully. She was also surprised.

"Oh, don't tell me. I've really gained a lot of weight.

You can eat less in the future. The girl's family is not very fat! "

Bai Qianqian was hit one after another and couldn't spit out blood.

She looked sad and angry, which made Zhao Bin who came in later laugh loudly

The family gathered for dinner. Zhao Bin mentioned that he would go out tomorrow.

Boss Bai and Liu Yufang had to give careful instructions. Although they knew that he must know well, they couldn't help saying more.

Zhao Bin smiled, listened carefully and nodded from time to time.

Bai Qianqian secretly stares at him from time to time, but after thinking, he still goes to the kitchen.

When the night was deep, Zhao Bin came out of the house and didn't turn over the wall immediately.

Sure enough, Bai Qianqian heard the news and rushed over with two big baskets.

"For me? Thank you!"

Zhao Bin smiled and bowed his hands, full of ruffian Qi.

Bai Qianqian clenched his teeth and glared at him.

"This is a thank-you gift for your business introduction."

After saying that, she ignored his narrow smile and ordered them one by one.

"It's said that it's the coldest in the north. It's a rabbit hair scarf. Remember to wrap it around the collar. The cold wind can't get in.

Also, this knee pad is sewn with wolf skin. Remember to tie it. Riding is the most freezing leg.

And this glove, with five fingers separated, won't delay riding and grasping the reins.

This is called vest. I sewed it with thick cotton cloth. It contains the fluff of chickens, ducks and geese. It is the most lightweight.

You put him over your shirt because I sewed a lot of pockets.

You can take out some food and things at any time when you reach out.

You've eaten most of these foods.

Remember to put some preserved pork in your pocket. When you are hungry, put a piece in your mouth and chew it slowly. At least you can hold it for a while... "

Bai Qianqian nagged and told him to take it out to Zhao Bin every time he said the same thing.

Kneepad, scarf, vest and so on, I can't help but compete with Zhao Bin.

Zhao Bin's eyes are more and more gentle. He should say from time to time, but his eyes have never been moved away by Bai Qianqian.

"When I get back..."

"What about coming back?"

Zhao Bin said half, which made Bai Qianqian curious. He looked up and almost drowned by the tenderness of his eyes.

She was flustered for no reason and went on her way.

"When you come back, introduce me to work."

With that, she threw down her things, ran back and closed the door with a bang.

Zhao Bin is carrying two baskets, and the corners of his mouth are rising higher and higher

The Bai family got up early because they had to prepare pastries, but as soon as they opened the door the next day, they still looked at the empty yard of the Zhao family.

Zhao Bin did not know when he had set out early.

Boss Bai and Liu Yufang talked a few words and began to get busy.

Bai Qianqian didn't know how, but his heart was empty.

Fortunately, she had a lot of work to do and soon moved away.

Because I'm going to the stove tomorrow, I'll bake more cloud cakes today.

Steamed stuffed bun stuffing and bean paste should also be prepared more. Fortunately, it is winter and is not afraid of corruption

At dusk on this day, it is rare for many villagers in Sanchahe to walk around the entrance of the village against the wind and snow.

Uncle Rong grabbed his cuffs and shrunk his neck with cold. He still couldn't help looking at the distance, which made the neighbors joke.

"Boss Rong, waiting for your daughter-in-law to bring you meat back?"

Uncle Rong smiled and refused to answer. As a result, a lot of people appeared in the distance.

Uncle Rong ran over and picked up the cart. Aunt Rong glanced at the villagers and said with a loud smile.

"The head of the family, I brought you a big meatball, which is as big as the mouth of a bowl.

You don't know. The Liu family is quite satisfied with today's banquet. They not only gave a fixed salary of 60 Wen, but also a reward of 10 Wen.

People in their village especially like Qianqian's craft. Before the banquet was over, three or four people lined up to set a date.

In the future, I'm afraid I'll go out often.

Qian Qian, you've made a fortune with us. "

"OK, OK." Uncle Rong rubbed his hands and listened with joy.

The villagers were even more envious and surrounded Bai Qianqian one after another.

"Qianqian, if you need help in the future, take our mother-in-law for a visit."

Bai Qianqian was very tired, but he also smiled politely.

Finally, when the villagers dispersed, she pushed the car back to the foot of Nanshan Mountain.

The villagers are novel. They soon tell everyone that boss Bai has a successor and that his daughter is more promising than his father.

Other people are just fine. At most, they envy and praise, but old lady Bai is mad.

The next day, she ran to the town to find the blind diviner and made a scene.

She wanted to get back the reward copper money, but the blind man was not easy to bully.

Not only did she loudly tell old lady Bai that she wanted to use the unlucky things on the stove, which tired her son's family. It's best to break her family and die.

Moreover, she has to take old lady Bai to the government office to file a lawsuit.

Old lady Bai was wronged. She didn't dare to go to the government office. Finally, she went back to the village.

But it was clearly understood by many spectators, but it soon spread to the ears of the white family.

Liu Yufang had to scold, but boss Bai was silent and didn't come out for half a day.

Obviously, the little confidence and affection he rekindled for his mother were ruthlessly broken again.

Liu Yufang and Bai Qianqian looked distressed, but they didn't say anything.

These two days, Bai Qianqian took aunt Rong, Aunt Wang and others out to the stove.

Boss Bai occasionally says that there are not enough people. His meaning is very clear. He wants to call Wu guihua'er and Cuiping for help.

Now it's like a sledgehammer, knocking back a little softhearted again, and nailing it to death

Seeing that the weather is getting colder day by day and the heavy snow is one after another, I occasionally hear that a house in a village has been crushed.

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