The next day, at the end of the day, a string of firecrackers was set off in front of the sweet honey door.

The housekeeper of the Yang family, smiling uncle Yang and Bai Qianqian stood left and right, took off the red cloth on the plaque, and the shop was officially opened.

The neighborhood shops around the front and back, and passers-by who often pass by, smell the sweet smell overflowing from the shop these days, and have guessed something for a long time.

It's open today. I have to come in and have a look.

Wu er'er was dressed neatly in blue clothes, blue hat and ivory sleeves.

He smiled and stood in front of the door, bowing to the crowd and greeting.

"Dear folks, today's shop is open.

It specializes in selling delicious and sweet snacks and snacks. If you have old people, children or sweet little daughters, you must come in and have a look.

Big reward for opening, 20% discount on all goods in the small store today.

Only 800 Wen for one or two things, and a cream cake for two liang of silver.

Yes, it's a cream cake that can only be seen at every banquet.

If you are not busy, just come in and have a taste.

It doesn't matter if you don't buy it. It tastes good. Say more for the store with others, and the store will be very grateful. "

After saying this, he stepped aside and made a gesture of invitation.

You can taste it for free. Naturally, there are good and novel guests.

What's more, my eyes brighten when I listen to the words cream cake.

So many people walked into the store.

The housekeeper Yang stood by the gate, smiling and silent.

When an acquaintance came forward to salute, he won a few vague words when asking.

"An acquaintance's shop. Let me have a look and congratulate."

No one is a fool. How can you guess the truth.

Although the imperial court has regulations, officials can't buy or sell.

But who doesn't have any property? Just put it under his wife's name.

I can't say that the master behind this heart shop is Mrs. Yang.

In other words, master Fuyin is the most trusted master Yang.

Whether it's curiosity or a favor for the Yang family, we must go in and hold a show.

So many people came again.

The shop is naturally more lively. Fortunately, boss Bai, Liu Yufang and aunt Rong and Wang all came to help today.

Otherwise, it will be a mess.

Many people, originally just good novelty.

But it's really a sharp weapon to taste before buying.

Not to mention that all kinds of snacks in the shop are really novel. Even those snacks have never been seen before.

Melon seeds are even boiled to a spiced taste, and peanuts can wear sweet shells

This snack like a snail shell is filled with cream. My mother must like it

This crispy omelet is only as big as children's fingers, one by one, crisp and sweet. My little daughter must like to eat

This milk candy, a bowl of milk can boil into such a piece?

You must buy it back for your son to taste!

However, those who enter the door do not go out empty handed.

Some even carried a basket full, some two boxes.

Of course, they basically got a small cake as a gift.

The cake is only as big as a pottery bowl.

Some look like little pigs, some are cats, some are little rabbits, some are apples, some are peaches

In short, the ability to be very cute is destined to be loved by women and children.

In the big kitchen in the backyard, Bai Qianqian lifted the plaque and came to work.

All snacks are prepared in advance. There is a lot of inventory. If you lack them, you can replenish them at any time.

There are only some snacks that need to be baked and sent to the front.

Especially the cake, a small one, but it takes a lot of effort.

Fortunately, Tangtang and Xiaomei are also familiar now.

If the three masters and disciples work together, they can also provide the front sale.

In this way, he was busy until half an afternoon. The shelf in front was basically empty. Bai Qianqian resolutely told Wu Er to close the door.

The crowd gathered in the backyard with a long sigh of relief.

Boss Bai invited housekeeper yang to have tea and said with a smile, "when business is bad, it's worrying. When business is good, it's tiring."

Housekeeper Yang didn't expect that it would be so lively today and praised him.

"Master Bai is a good craftsman. If guests taste it, they don't pay for it."

Boss Bai was coaxed to smile, shouted Tangtang, took some snacks and asked housekeeper yang to cushion his stomach temporarily.

Everyone is like this. After all, it's really busy at noon. No one has dinner.

On the other side, Wu Er holds the silver box and is checking with Bai Qianqian to count the money.

When the number finally came out, Wu er'er's eyes were wide, and he endured it again and again before he didn't cry out.

Bai Qianqian was expected and smiled with housekeeper Yang.

"I sold 113 liang of silver today. It's really good.

But it's just opened. People are quite novel.

It will certainly drop a lot in a few days, but after January, the profits are also very objective.

Please go back and tell your wife the good news. At the end of the month, I'll come back and greet your wife. "

More than one hundred liang?

Housekeeper Yang quickly calculated, and his eyes were shining.

Even as Bai Qianqian said, there will be fewer guests in the future, but there will always be one-third of today.

Then you can sell 30 liang of silver a day, about 1000 Liang a month.

After deducting the cost and labor, there is always a profit of 700 Liang.

If you own 20% of your shares, that's one hundred and forty-two.

In other words, a month back to this son, after all is earned.

This heart shop is a... Cornucopia!

"Ha ha..."

Housekeeper Yang laughed twice before he calmed down and quickly got up to salute.

"Don't worry, Miss Bai. The villain must bring his words to you."

After that, he will leave.

Bai Qianqian shouted Xiaomei, "bring uncle Yang a box of snacks back. Uncle Yang is tired because he is busy today."

Housekeeper Yang said a few words politely and left with the box.

At this moment, there are only their own people left, and all the people are completely relaxed.

Aunt Wu cooked the food. It's not delicious, but it's homely.

They were not polite, so they quickly sat down to eat and drink.

Boss Bai drove the carriage and took Liu Yufang and aunt Rong and Aunt Wang back to the village.

Leave Bai Qianqian to stay in the shop for a few days. He always has to sit in the town when he just opened. It's not good to throw it directly to Xiaomei and Tangtang.

So far, sweet honey has officially settled in Xuzhou.

Xuzhou Prefecture is not the largest Prefecture in the whole Tianyuan.

But it is also strong. Many old families are here.

Moreover, because the geographical location is just in the middle of Tianyuan, a flat plain with many fields and developed transportation.

Therefore, there is no shortage of rich families in the city.

Sweet and sweet snacks are novel, delicious and have the name of cream cake.

After the first day was full, the second day was even more lively, because more people heard about it. They came to see and taste it. Of course, they had to bring a box or two when they left.

In this way, I have been busy for half a month before I reduce the heat.

And Bai Qianqian was really surprised. There was no way. Except when she had to go to the stove, the rest stared at the shop.

Mrs. Yang and Fu Yin were also unexpected and naturally overjoyed.

The two rarely walked together to the shop once. They were glad to see the guests coming and going, and then turn over the books. They really caught the cornucopia.

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