The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 122: There is something I want to confirm with you

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Xi Jing Xing began to feel uneasy.

I don't know which ear reported God's notice, but my aunt Xi Lurong knew that he was kicked out of the house by Yan Xi in the afternoon.

The old lady was very angry, saying that Yan Xi was lawless, and she wanted to go to the door and talk about it.

Xi Jingxing was a little worried that Xi Lurong scolded Yan Xi too hard and made Yan Xi cry.

But after all, my aunt was married to a big family in the imperial capital, so she should be able to handle this kind of thing very well and be able to explain Yan Xi well.

Besides, ten hours had passed since he was kicked out in the morning, and he still didn't believe that Yan Xi would be so heartless.

"Uncle Xi, let's go to Man Tingfang downstairs for dinner!" Chen Xiangxiang took the initiative to invite Xi Yan to dinner. She wanted to eat at the restaurant on the third floor of the hotel. .

Xi Jingxing nodded casually and glanced at his phone.

When he was about to go downstairs with Chen Xiangxiang with his suit jacket, his phone suddenly rang.

Xi Jingxing hurriedly connected: "Hello."

Although the mobile phone number was an unfamiliar number, it might be that Yan Xi was embarrassed and asked the servant to call from the phone.

"Hello, is this Mr. Xi Jing Xingxi? When are you going home? I'm here waiting to unload the goods. What if your old lady keeps the door closed and won't let you in?"

As soon as Xi Jingxing heard that he went home, the corners of his mouth could not help but lift up, this is probably the stage where Yan Xi directed and acted?

But when I heard the last sentence, I felt something was wrong, "The old lady won't let you in, what old lady?"

"It's the 45th villa in Qiushuiwan. Isn't that the moving company you asked to move from Anzhi Tinglan to Qiushuiwan?"

Xi Jingxing felt his head buzzing and went blank for a moment, "Moving?"

"Yes, moving. There's a big truck, sofas, massage chairs and everything. Your housemaid is very professional. When we arrived, we were almost packed."

Xi Jingxing hung up the phone with difficulty.

He was in a mess. He didn't expect Yan Xi to do such an amazing job. He packed all his belongings. Did he really not want to let him go back?

Xi Jingxing felt a little dizzy and almost couldn't stand for a moment.

But those things had to be dealt with, and there were still a lot of literary play and paintings and calligraphy of his own missing his deceased wife.

Xi Jingxing could only make a phone call to Xi Lurong and ask her to help let people in to unload the goods.

Xi Lurong was also so angry that she left the moving company's people and the car to hang outside. When she received a call from Xi Jingxing, she could only have the car put in to unload the goods.


When Chen Xiangxiang saw Xi Jingxing calling, she walked to the side and happened to arrive at Man Tingfang's door. She was standing in the corridor grasping the handrail and looking at the night outside the glass.

"Are you Ms. Chen Xiangxiang?" A hesitant voice sounded behind him.

Chen Xiangxiang turned her head and glanced at the other party. It was a kind-faced middle-aged man, wearing a decent suit and smiling just right.

Her thoughts were flying, but she still smiled and nodded: "Yes, I am. But are you?"

Wouldn't he be Xi Jingxing's friend? This was quite rare, Xi Jingxing seemed to be very kind, but in fact he didn't have any friends.

"I'm Man Tingfang's manager. My surname is Zhen. Do you want to eat now? Welcome, I'll help you arrange a diamond VIP box right away."

The other party was so enthusiastic that Chen Xiangxiang almost thought for a moment that she had encountered a liar.

But soon, she denied it, no, it can't be a liar, a liar can't get Man Tingfang's diamond VIP box.

"I want to have dinner with the elders in the family, but I don't know you."

Manager Zhen smiled and said, "That's right, we have received news that as long as you come to the company's restaurant to eat, you will be free of orders and will be upgraded to the best box."

Chen Xiangxiang was a little dizzy, Man Tingfang's consumption was not cheap, she managed to maintain her composure.

"I don't quite understand, I may be mistaken, and I probably don't know the senior management of your company." She wanted to confirm again.

Manager Zhen: "That's right! I've seen your photos and confirmed your name, Chen Xiangxiang. By the way, not only Man Tingfang, Jinyinge, and Sihaijia will all waive your order for you. You are welcome to taste it. ."

Chen Xiangxiang asked the system in her mind, "Can you find out who the top management of their company is?"

The system gave the answer in a short while, "Su Mu, 25 years old this year, can target the target, the target name has been lit up, please take the opportunity to the host."

Chen Xiangxiang also wanted to chat with Manager Zhen.

"Xiangxiang, I have something to do, so I won't eat for now." Xi Jingxing was still at the elevator entrance over there, he turned around and left.

Seeing that his face was not good, Chen Xiangxiang guessed that something had happened, and he dared to eat, so he could only apologize to Manager Zhen and hurriedly chased after him.

Anyway, those top restaurants in Beiqiao City are all open to you for free, so you are afraid that you won't have the chance to eat?

At that time, she can invite Xi Jingxing, Xi Lurong and Xi Yaohua to dinner and show her strength.


In the evening, Yan Xi ordered Jinyin Pavilion's private kitchen and delivered it directly to her home.

She felt the need to celebrate.

For this reason, she also invited Xie Changze and Butler Liang to come over for dinner.

Jinyin Pavilion specially sent three people to deliver the meal. When the dining car came in, Xi Yan was a little stunned when he looked at the logo of Jinyin Pavilion on it.

"Sister, I don't remember that Jinyin Pavilion has a delivery service!"

Jinyinge's meals are generally not delivered. Not only that, their family is still on a membership reservation system, and private rooms even need to be reserved a month in advance.

But Yan Xi has a black diamond card issued by the World Bank, so that's another story.

The black diamond card in her hand contains a variety of services, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care.

Even if she wants to go to a private island in Southeast Asia for vacation now, it is a matter of a phone call. The issuer of the black diamond card will make arrangements for her as soon as possible to ensure that she will be able to arrive at the island tomorrow at the latest. Take a bath.

Yan Xi: "Oh, I have members, these are nothing. If you like to eat, you can eat them often in the future."

As she spoke, she blinked at Xi Don't make it difficult to eat Jinyin Pavilion.

Turning his head, he smiled at Xie Changze and said, "If you like to eat, you can also let me order it at any time. I have a membership and it doesn't cost much. Even if it's my payment for borrowing your laboratory, is it alright?"

Xie Chang nodded, "Yes."

Butler Liang silently looked at the logo of Jinyin Pavilion without saying a word.

The food delivery manager stole a few glances at Butler Liang, and seeing that the other party didn't even give him a look, he still didn't say anything knowingly.

But he didn't dare to leave, but waited outside the door, and sure enough, Butler Liang came out not long after.

"Butler Liang, hello!" The delivery manager didn't dare to look inside, "do you have any orders, young master? By the way, there is something I want to confirm with you."

"Master Biao ordered that a girl named Chen Xiangxiang should be exempted from the bill and given the highest standard of treatment, but the other party's eyebrows look a little like Miss Yan Xi, what's going on?"

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