The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 136: Just go to the Gold and Silver Pavilion to see the situation.

Lu Qingming was so embarrassed that he couldn't find a hole to burrow into.

It was proposed by Mu Yuyang at that time.

Everyone agreed, and he also posted such a circle of friends.

Hearing Jin Zhao say this, Lu Qingming quickly picked up his phone, flipped to the Moments, secretly deleted it, and sat quietly, pretending that nothing happened.

Butler He was the first time he saw Xi Yan bring so many friends to his house.

Each of these students carried books and stationery. At first glance, they were good students with good academic performance and love to read.

Butler He smiled and helped the servants bring tea and snacks to everyone, while greeting: "Everyone sit down."

The main sofa in the living room is large, and two small sofas are placed on the left and right sides.

There are also sofas in the reception area on the other side.

A dozen people can all sit down.

As the deputy monitor, Qiao Qian consciously wanted to play a positive guiding role, and hurriedly took out the prepared books, "Today is a study party, everyone can do homework and review together, and if there is something you don't understand, you can bring it up to discuss with each other— By the way, what about Miss?"

This kind of learning and exchange party, how can it be done without a powerful person sitting in the seat.

Qiao Qian couldn't guarantee that he could answer the questions raised by everyone, so he could only turn to Yan Xi for help.

More than a dozen pairs of eyes glanced over.

Xi Yan scratched his head, "She went to the Jinyin Pavilion for a banquet..."

Most people have no concept of the Golden Silver Pavilion, but Lu Qingming glanced at Xi Yan in surprise.

He was only popularly popularized by Mu Yuyang in the circle of friends not long ago, such as Jinyinge's very high membership system, reservation system, and the deliciousness of private dishes.

Lu Qingming subconsciously entered Chen Xiangxiang's circle of friends, and found that the latest circle of friends released by Chen Xiangxiang was located in Jinyin Pavilion.

"Chen Xiangxiang is also eating at Jinyin Pavilion today." Ying Shiyu suddenly said, "It seems to be accompanying the Xi family's aunt and the others."

Jin Zhao's sensitive nerves instantly tightened: "So, Chen Xiangxiang treats guests, and the eldest lady is going to the banquet? Wow, this is interesting, this green tea will not cause trouble, right?"

"Then why don't we just go to the Gold and Silver Pavilion to see what's going on?" Someone suggested enthusiastically.

Not only Jin Zhao likes to watch the fun, but other people in the first class of senior three also like to watch the fun.

A group of people sat together and analyzed for a few minutes, and extracted several key pieces of information from Chen Xiangxiang's circle of friends.

The person who entertained the guests was Chen Xiangxiang, she seemed to know the boss of the Jinyin Pavilion; the purpose was to hold a banquet for the aunt of the Xi family; there were aunts of the Xi family, Xi Jingxing, and the family of Xi Jingren, the uncle of the Xi family.

This banquet, no matter how you look at it, looks like a Hongmen banquet.

Jin Zhao: "Anyway, everyone has to go out to find a place to eat at noon, why don't we go together?"

Ying Shiyu shrugged, "Okay, we can go to the nearby shopping mall to find a place to eat."

This group of people in the third and first class of senior high school are not bad, but that is only for ordinary working families.

It was discussed before everyone came. This activity is considered a class building. Everyone pays 300 yuan as the activity fund, and they can find a place to eat at noon.

But restaurants with a per capita consumption of several thousand yuan are obviously not within their scope of consideration.

Everyone has no idea of ​​looking for Xi Yan to eat free food. They are all high school students, and they are not financially independent. AA is just fine, there is no need to be so ugly.

Although Qiao Qian said that he was the captain of this event, that was limited to learning. He always listened to Shiyu when it came to eating, drinking, and having fun.

Seeing that Ying Shiyu agreed, he said decisively: "Okay, then let's go over now!"

Xi Yan was also worried about her sister. If she was closer, even if she wasn't in the Gold and Silver Pavilion, she could rush to the scene to help at any time.

"Then let's go together."

As soon as they said they did, the group of people hurriedly packed up and prepared to leave.

Butler He: "…"

No, the eldest lady just called her to greet her classmates for lunch, and she ran away without eating anyone?

He had to make another phone call to report the situation to Yan Xi, "The classmates seem to say that they are going to the shopping mall near Jinyin Pavilion for dinner..."

Yan Xi glanced at the map: "Okay, I see."

When she went to the Jinyin Pavilion for the banquet, she had no intention of going to dinner. In that case, she simply joined the army.

Chen Xiangxiang is meticulous in her work. As early as Man Tingfang learned that she could eat unlimited free orders, she made a phone call to various restaurants.

Especially in Jinyin Pavilion, she consulted various information in detail, and also successfully added the WeChat of the restaurant lobby manager.

Looking at the circle of friends posted by the other party, she is in her thirties, has a family, and her wife just gave birth to a child, so she decisively did not disturb the other party too much.

Only when I was about to leave today, I sent a WeChat message to the other party.

When the lobby manager saw the news, he immediately replied: "Sorry, I have been on paternity leave at home for the past two weeks, and I regret not being able to entertain you; but I will pass on the relevant information to my colleagues, and they will arrange everything so that you can satisfying."

After Chen Xiangxiang saw the reply, she was in a good mood.

She deliberately didn't make an appointment in advance.

In this way, it seems that today's behavior seems to be random, and it also highlights the extraordinaryness of her platinum VIP.

She took a few selfies, and after posting on the Moments, she put her hands on her knees and maintained an elegant sitting posture.

Xi Lurong glanced at Chen Xiangxiang, and the more she looked, the more satisfied she became, "A girl as good as Xiangxiang is like a girl from our Xi family."

The car they were in was the extended Lincoln that Xi Jingxing specially arranged for Chen Xiangxiang. The back seat had a lot of space and could seat four people.

Xi Jingxing and Du Xiaoman sat opposite them.

Du Xiaoman raised his eyes and glanced at Xi Jingxing quickly, then said with a smile, "No way, Xiangxiang all learned from Yan Xi, and Yan Xi is the girl of the Xi family."

Xi Jingxing frowned, with a hint of indifference and impatience in his eyes.

He always looked at people with tinted glasses towards Du Xiaoman, and really didn't like her talking too much when her own people were talking.

A mountain village girl from a humble background, why did she change herself to be on an equal footing with them?

But I can't help Xi Lurong like Du Xiaoman, UU reading www. uukanshu. com that simply likes to the heart.

"You can stop talking about that one, how can a junior talk to an elder like that!" Xi Lurong was unhappy when she thought of Yan Xi.

Xi Jingxing felt compelled to say a few words to his daughter, "Yan Yan is a kind-hearted child, she... was also angry at the time. Since she agreed to go to the banquet, she must be willing to have a good talk."

After all, it was her daughter who had been in pain for more than ten years, and Xi Jingxing was always reluctant to believe that she was so heartless.

After staying at Xi Lurong's house for a few days, he was not very comfortable and wanted to go home every day.

Anzhi Tinglan is his home, and there are all the memories of his life with his wife.

If he can reconcile today, he is still willing to make a big step backward and reconcile with his daughter.

Xi Jingxing began to wander again, Du Xiaoman gave him a sad look.

Xi Lurong sensed her thoughts and patted the back of her hand calmly, signaling her to relax.

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