The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 142: Did you do something behind your back?

Du Xiaoman let go of Chen Xiangxiang and came out, her smile was the same as always, gentle as water, weak and harmless.

"Yan Xi, here's one million. I'll pay you back first, and I'll figure out what to do with the rest." Du Xiaoman handed Yan Xi a bank card, with a natural attitude, "Since it's a family, we both If we want to celebrate, why don't we come together. I just heard that the diamond VIP room here is very large and can accommodate four tables of people. Eating together will be more lively. "

Chen Xiangxiang looked up at Du Xiaoman in amazement. The other party was still gentle and unassertive, but he had already arranged the private room with the lobby manager next to him.

She clenched her fingers hard, forcing herself to calm down quickly.

There was no response from the system, so it was obvious that we couldn't count on it for the time being; Manager Xiao hung up the phone, and he didn't plan to worry about it.

She has called so many people today, she can't lose face no matter what!

The only thing that can be used is Yan Xi's membership.

She was very unwilling to bow her head like Yan Xi, but there was nothing she could do. Who would have known that Jinyin Pavilion had put her together?

"Sister Yanyan, I'm sorry." Chen Xiangxiang took the initiative, "I originally wanted to invite you to dinner, thank you for your care for me, why don't you just join us... I treat you!"

The word "my treat" rushed out, and she felt her heart was bleeding.

Although she is bound to the heartthrob system, she has never been able to realize it; she has worked so hard to save some money, and this meal will cover her debt!

Yan Xi gave Chen Xiangxiang a thoughtful look, and always felt that the mother and daughter seemed to have some bad idea: "It's not good, I'm afraid you will take advantage of it."

Xi Lurong was so angry that her blood pressure rose, she felt that Yan Xi had taken advantage of her, but Yan Xi actually dared to beat her up!

"Who took the big advantage! Xiangxiang is a lifetime free diamond VIP, can she be treated the same as an ordinary member like you? She knows the boss of Jinyinge!"

Yan Xi looked around, smiled, and said casually, "Really, then you guys are amazing. By the way, why don't you go to the private room?"

It was only then that Xi Lurong remembered: "Is our private room not arranged yet? How are you doing?"

The lobby manager stood by and watched for a while, and finally understood.

This old lady is domineering, she doesn't look like a good person, she is old and not dead, she is a thief.

This family is all wonderful, of course, except for Miss Yan Xi and Young Master Xi Yan!

If that's the case, he doesn't need to be polite.

"There's something I've been wanting to clarify just now."

Chen Xiangxiang saw the lobby manager speak, her heart sank suddenly, "Wait!"

However, the lobby manager didn't even give her a look, "Ms. Chen Xiangxiang is not our gold and silver pavilion's lifetime free diamond VIP customer, she is not even our member, so I'm sorry, please forgive us that we can't receive it, please do it yourself leave!"

Chen Xiangxiang felt that her head was completely exploded, and her hands and feet were shivering with cold blood flowing against it for a moment, and she almost couldn't stand still.

The place suddenly fell silent.

Everyone looked at the lobby manager in shock, a pupil earthquake.

What did he say, Chen Xiangxiang is not only not a lifetime free diamond VIP, but even their member?

So, are they going to be kicked out?

Those who thought of this first felt a suffocating embarrassment in an instant.

Lu Qingming was also shocked. What the **** was Chen Xiangxiang doing? She was clearly a goddess in the second year of high school, so how could she make such a mistake?

Before inviting guests to dinner, she didn't know whether she was qualified or not? God, fortunately I didn't follow them, otherwise the embarrassment would make my scalp tingle.

"Impossible, you are talking nonsense!" After Xi Lurong reacted, she was literally furious.

The old lady saw Chen Xiangxiang's chat records with her own eyes, how could this be fake? The manager Xiao was clearly respectful to Chen Xiangxiang.

Besides, Chen Xiangxiang knew Su Mu, the owner of Jinyin Pavilion! This is not groundless!

She specially asked people to check in the imperial capital and confirmed Su Mu's identity.

If he didn't really know each other, how could Chen Xiangxiang be able to say Su Mu's name?

The old lady was the first to look suspiciously at Yan Xi, and she determined that this matter was related to Yan Xi.

"Did you do something behind your back? Xiangxiang knows the boss of Jinyin Pavilion. It's useless for you to unite with the people below to bully Xiangxiang! And you, aren't you afraid of being fired by your boss?"

Du Xiaoman hesitated for a moment: "I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding in this matter, I believe it wasn't Yan Xi who did it."

Rather than clarifying, she was adding fuel to the fire.

If it's not Yan Xi, then it can only be Yan Yunzhi. In short, he can't get rid of the relationship with the Yan family!

Yan Xi chuckled lightly: "Why don't you say that you are too much, bringing too many people to eat free food, scaring the owner of Jinyin Pavilion, and cancelling Chen Xiangxiang's lifelong free diamond VIP qualification?"

There was a roar of laughter around, and the people from the third grade and the first class desperately agreed. This guess is reasonable! It's entirely possible!

Lobby Manager: "Actually, this incident is an oolong incident, the cause is the wrong person, Ms. Chen Xiangxiang is not our lifetime free diamond VIP customer from beginning to end."

Chen Xiangxiang has already accepted the shameful fact.

It didn't matter, she took a deep breath and decided to take this incident as a test for herself.

The system's judgment can't be wrong. Su Mu is a target. Although he doesn't know why this is happening, with such twists and turns, the man will feel heartbroken.

Although it was embarrassing, it was not her fault. She explained that she had been slapped by others, and she could gain some sympathy.

She will never be defeated so easily.

The lobby manager's words made her feel a subtle sense of unease, her eyes widened, and her hands and feet were sweating.

No, no, it is impossible for Su Mu to know Yan Xi, absolutely not because of Yan Xi...

The lobby manager seemed unaware of her inner resistance, and said with a smile, "Actually, our real VIP customer for lifetime free diamonds is Miss Yan Xi."

Yan Xi: "???"

Onlookers: "!!!"

Everyone looked at Yan and at Chen Xiangxiang, and had to admit that Chen Xiangxiang's eyebrows did look a bit like Yan Xi.

So, is it really the wrong person?

This is too hot, isn't it Chen Xiangxiang himself who doubted it? Dare to bring so many people to come to eat free food?

Everyone felt incredible and looked at Chen Xiangxiang in shock.

Chen Xiangxiang's breath was trembling, it was actually true, it was actually because of Yan Xi!

She could even feel the deep disappointment in Xi Jingxing's eyes, and the shock and suspicion in the eyes of others.

Unwillingness and anger gnawed at her heart, making her unable to react at all.

"Are you joking if you admit the wrong person? Xiangxiang knows your boss!" Xi Lurong was so angry that her temples jumped. She couldn't accept such a thing as admitting the wrong person, and she couldn't accept being kicked out of the house, so she turned her head and urged Chen Xiangxiang, "You Hurry up and call Su Mu and ask him to fire the manager!"

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