The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 153: Wait for the revenge of the Yan Group.

Chen Xiangxiang even had a feeling of despair in her heart for a moment, which almost drowned her completely.

Until a pair of soft hands took hers.

Yan Yunzhi sneered: "So don't your Xi family plan to apologize properly?"

The atmosphere at the scene was stagnant for a while, no one dared to say a word, even Xi Lurong did not speak with a gloomy face.

Of course, Yan Yunzhi didn't expect this group of people to be able to introspect, "Very well, things haven't happened yet, I'll leave it alone for now. But next time someone dares to adopt a substitute or something, just wait for Yan's group's revenge! "

Since Xi Jingxing has nothing to do, he certainly doesn't plan to stay, "Yan Yan, let's go!"

Of course, Xi Yan immediately followed silently, her footsteps slipping so fast that Xi Lurong was so angry that she wanted to call someone, but she kept her mouth shut.

After the three got into the car, Yan Xi sighed softly: "Uncle, you don't actually need to say that."

Yan Yunzhi supported his elbow with one hand, "Do you think I made some scare words just to support you? No, I already had this plan."

Gu Nianfeng testified while driving: "Yes, after you were discharged from the hospital, Mr. Yan proposed at the group meeting to train you to be the heir of the Yan Group. 70% of the top executives passed the resolution, and the group of people who did not pass was the Worrying about your body..."

Having said that, Gu Nianfeng stopped, and Xi Jingxing gave Yan Xi's anti-cancer injections as a gift. Although Yan Shi immediately used the relationship to re-queue, and the progress was very good, everything was still unknown.

In any case, in the eyes of outsiders, Yan Yunzhi's approach is quite impulsive and risky.

Also quite crazy and inadvisable.

Yan Yunzhi's attitude was somewhat scattered, "In any case, the meeting has passed the vote, and you are the heir to the Yan Group."

Although it has not officially issued a document, it is enough to deter the Xi family.

Yan Xi sighed lightly. She really didn't expect that her uncle and the senior management of Yan's Group had placed such high hopes on her.

"Then I have to live longer." She didn't want to live up to other people's expectations.


In the hospital, this floor is full of senior wards, and the corridors are very quiet, which saves outsiders from being disturbed.

It also gave everyone in the Xi family time to digest Yan Yunzhi's words.

After a long silence, Xi Lurong snorted coldly, "Is Yan Yunzhi crazy?"

Anyway, she didn't believe it, how could the Yan family really let a girl be the heir!

What's more, Yan Xi is only Yan Qinghe's granddaughter, not his own granddaughter!

Du Xiaoman's voice was soft: "Perhaps he was just talking? Yan Xi is still ill, so she definitely shouldn't be tired. There is no time to learn about the heir."

Xi Lurong remembered Yan Xi's illness. Yes, it was cancer after all. If something goes wrong, Yan's group would be empty.

Xi Yaohua also regained his composure, "Yan Yunzhi is mostly trying to scare us. For a company as big as the Yan Group, one must be cautious in choosing the heir. Even if they are optimistic about Yan Xi, they would not dare to choose her. If the news spreads, Shan Yan The fact that Xi suffers from blood cancer can make the Yan Group's stock plummet."

So, in the final analysis - impossible!

Chen Xiangxiang pursed her lips. The main quest originally assigned to her by the Heartthrob System was to cure Yan Xi's blood cancer.

She originally thought that this was fine, because according to the established arrangement of the system, Yan Xi was just a tool person, and curing Yan Xi's blood cancer would help her occupy the moral high ground and gain the favorability of those admirers.

But now, she doesn't want to complete the main quest at all.

Yan Xi's life was in her hands, and she always had a sense of superiority in cat-and-mouse.

As long as her medical skills are exposed, Yan Xi will definitely bow her head to herself, begging herself to give her a chance to live.

Even if she is misunderstood and targeted, she can take all this as a test. Anyway, people always prefer the weak and pity the weak.

But she was repeatedly frustrated by Yan Xi, which was very embarrassing, especially in today's Jinyin Pavilion incident, it was more like a slap slapped on her face.

The strong sense of humiliation made the scalp numb, and Chen Xiangxiang couldn't calm down no matter what.

"In any case, Uncle Yan is willing to say this because Sister Yan Yan is excellent." Chen Xiangxiang looked guilty and uneasy, "If only I could cure Sister Yan Yan's illness..."

Xi Yaohua was a little touched, Chen Xiangxiang was really kind!

"Yan Yunzhi is forcing you so much, and you still want to save Yan Xi, are you stupid?" He turned to look at Xi Lurong, "Auntie, we can't let the Yan family be so domineering."

Unless, the Yan family can give the Xi family great benefits.

But Yan Yunzhi didn't even allow him to contact him about the subsidiary's projects, which is simply too much deceiving.

Of course, the Yan family should not be allowed to interfere in the affairs of the Xi family.

Now is the matter of adopting an adopted daughter. Will it be the next time to fight for the Xi family property?

Xi Lurong tapped the cane heavily, "I've decided to adopt Xiangxiang!"

Chen Xiangxiang's bottle of pills, she firmly believed to have miraculous effects. As she gets older, her body will have various problems. Recently, after taking the Chinese medicine pills given by Chen Xiangxiang, her body has obviously improved, and her sleep quality has also improved a lot.

That's why Xi Jingxing vomited blood and fainted, so she allowed Chen Xiangxiang to feed the medicine. The effect was, of course, good to the naked eye.


Of course, Xi Jingxing's health was not serious, and he was discharged from the hospital the next morning.

At the same time, Chen Xiangxiang's bottle of medicine has also been confirmed to be a quick-acting heart-saving pill, which is better than all the pills on the market and has no side effects.

This kind of pill can quickly act on the patient's cardiopulmonary resuscitation in some sudden situations, such as the patient's cardiac arrest, and can effectively prevent sudden death.

If you take it for a long, it can also strengthen the heart and lungs and prevent various cardiovascular diseases.

When Xi Yan heard the news, he was a little dumbfounded: "So, auntie and the others mean that my dad almost died suddenly, and Chen Xiangxiang saved his life? No, did they blow it too far, my dad is in good health? It's on!"

Yan Xi's expression was very calm, even the doctor dared not come to a conclusion on such a thing.

"Who knows."

But the effect of that bottle of pills really shocked the hospital, and even people from the Chinese Medicine Association came over and expressed their willingness to absorb Chen Xiangxiang into the Chinese Medicine Association.

In just one day's work, Chen Xiangxiang turned around, which is really gratifying.

The matter of pretending to be a lifelong free diamond VIP member of Yan Xi Jinyin Pavilion was swiped by the first class of the third grade. Almost the news would soon spread throughout Shengyang High School and became the object of everyone's ridicule, but the next day the other party became a mysterious escape. Descendants of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

This reversal, Xi Yan was the first to not believe it. He had lived with Chen Xiangxiang for so long, why didn't he hear that Chen Xiangxiang had this ability?

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