Mo Fangfei stared at that face, and suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

This female contestant named Yan Xi's preliminary results were terrifyingly dazzling, and her appearance was even worse. No matter how jealous she was, she had to admit that the opponent's face was too dazzling in the entertainment industry full of beauties.

The variety show this time is definitely going to be a star, and I want to create a group of mental idols. Since capital has invested in this program, it must have thought about the downstream related industry chain.

The final winner of the show and the hottest contestant can all sign a cooperation agreement and continue to enjoy the show's dividends.

Not surprisingly, this player named Yan Xi must also enter the entertainment industry.

The route he took even collided with himself, and he was also a beautiful scholar. The key is that this person is still handsome, and he has an unclear relationship with Yan Feilu.

Mo Fangfei had already foreseen that once this one debuted, it would be her own disaster.

Just thinking about it, there was a knock on the door of the dressing room, and the agent walked in with a smile: "Fang Fei, there are die-hard fans who want to get your autograph."

He said that he turned sideways and gave way, revealing a beautiful and gentle face behind him.

"Hello, my name is Chen Xiangxiang, I'm your fan, can you help me sign it?"

Chen Xiangxiang held the perimeter with the other party's photo in her hand, and Mo Fangfei glanced at it. It was a fan commemorative welfare poster that was published on her birthday three years ago.

Being able to get this set of posters, Mo Fangfei felt the other party's intentions regardless of whether the other party was a true fan or not.

With a decent smile on her face, she signed for the other party.

The agent who followed Chen Xiangxiang into the door suddenly spoke, with a bit of probing in his tone, "I heard that Chen Xiangxiang knows Huo Zian, and recommended him to be a guest of the star observation group this time?"

Mo Fangfei quickly raised her head and glanced at the other party.

She has a natural sense of hostility towards beautiful and smart girls, and this girl named Chen Xiangxiang should not be surprised, but somehow she feels as if she can't be hostile.

Hearing the agent say this, he left the last bit of prejudice behind.

Chen Xiangxiang hesitated for a moment before nodding: "He is a close friend of my family, and the relationship is relatively good. However, his filming time is not well arranged. He will be busy until the early morning tonight before he can come over, and he will not be able to participate in the recording until tomorrow."

Such detailed information - Mo Fangfei didn't even know about it!

God, this is really a very good relationship to know such details!

The agent gave Mo Fangfei a look, how could she not seize such a good opportunity quickly.

"I am an observer of the star observation group, and I just need to communicate more with your players. So, can I add your WeChat? You can treat me as a sister, and you can come to me to complain if you have any questions!"

Of course, Chen Xiangxiang was fine, and the two quickly added WeChat.

"By the way, among your players, are there any outstanding performances?" Mo Fangfei suddenly asked in a relaxed tone.

She stared at Chen Xiangxiang's eyebrows and quickly grasped the point, "You look a bit like that player named Yan Xi."

However, the temperaments of the two are completely different, one is bright and generous, the rich flower in the world, and the other is weak and delicate, and it is no wonder that she hadn't noticed it before.

"Yeah, we both look alike since we were young." Chen Xiangxiang said with a smile, "She is our best performer this year, and a role model for all of us. We are all scum by comparison.”

Mo Fangfei had just seen Yan Xi's grades. The faults were so high that I had to say that they were too fake.

Many of the players gathered in this show have even played on behalf of the national team. With so many smart people gathered together, they still can't be a Yan Xi who has no background and no achievements?

Are you kidding me when others are fools?

Mo Fangfei said jokingly: "Yeah, I've seen her results too. How can I put it, there are so many faults, it looks like a fake. No one of your players questioned it?"

Chen Xiangxiang hesitated for a while.

Mo Fangfei quickly caught the hesitation in her expression and frowned, "Why, has anyone really questioned it?"

Chen Xiangxiang's smile was a little helpless, "Yeah, but he has already been eliminated from this show."

The agent suddenly answered a phone call, and the other party walked to the window with his mobile phone in his hands. Chen Xiangxiang stopped the topic in time and got up to leave.

After a while, the agent came back and said, "You just went to find Yan Feilu? What happened? Ge Xiwen actually called and asked me to take care of him, and said he wanted to invite me to dinner."

Mo Fangfei understood, this is the other party trying to keep her mouth shut?

So that woman really had an affair with Yan Feilu?

"Brother Jie! Since Ge Xiwen took the initiative to contact you, then tell him that I want to play the female third in "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains 2"!" Mo Fangfei spoke directly about the conditions.

The agent was stunned for a moment, how much of a handle was caught, "I'll fight for you first."

When Ge Xiwen heard this request, he was also speechless.

The other party really dared to speak loudly. Is it true that the entertainment industry was opened by his family, or by Yanfeilu's family?

Instead, Yan Feilu pondered the possibility: "It's not impossible, isn't she a scholar? Sign her up for an acting class first, and one-to-one tutoring for a month or two should be enough."

Ge Xiwen: "No, I don't have that much face, and neither the producer nor the director will listen to me."

He felt that his entertainer was a bit big, and he looked up to himself very highly, and always felt that his agent was omnipotent.

He actually told himself before that he should not arrange work for him in the next year. He wanted to rest, lie down, and accompany his family. He wanted to go back and inherit hundreds of millions of properties to reduce the burden on the family.

Even if he can get the company's top management and partners, is this guy sure he can really lie down? Do you really think that your family has hundreds of millions of properties instead of 10,000 properties?

"So can you tell me what exactly happened?"

Yan Feilu was a little uncomfortable: "I'm just a fan, we hugged and let Mo Fangfei see..."

Ge Xiwen rubbed his temples, always feeling that the other party wasn't telling the truth.

But forget it, just a hasty hug is nothing, but, "I have to remind you that rising idols will be finished when they fall in love!"

Yan Feilu: "Oh, no, I'm not interested in dating."

Ge Xiwen glanced at the other party, okay, this guy should be serious, every day he looks beautiful alone and no one is worthy of Lao Tzu.

"If that's the case, then don't be too nervous."

However, with the attitude of not offending the other party, he cautiously replied that he would try his best to help Mo Fangfei get the chance to audition.

Mo Fangfei was very angry when she heard that, she didn't want the first female role, but only the role of a female third! Doesn't this help her settle down directly?

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