The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 172: Yan Feilu: False affection and hypocrisy

Gao Tianlang thought about it and sent a WeChat message to Chen Xiangxiang, [Xiangxiang, did you forward my Weibo to Mo Fangfei? 】

Apart from Chen Xiangxiang, he really couldn't think of anyone who would do this and who could do it.

He has always been careful not to expose his Weibo in real life. After getting acquainted with Chen Xiangxiang last time, he learned that Chen Xiangxiang was playing Weibo, and the two followed each other.

He felt that Chen Xiangxiang was different from other girls, especially a girl like Yan Xi who was tough and aggressive.

Chen Xiangxiang is gentle and considerate and soft like a deer, which makes people very protective.

So he was willing to share his secrets with Chen Xiangxiang, and believed that Chen Xiangxiang would accept his remarks.

Chen Xiangxiang took a long time to reply to this message: [Sorry, I didn't know Sister Fangfei would do that. are you OK? 】

In the end, Gao Tianlang didn't say anything. He couldn't blame Chen Xiangxiang. The other party might have good intentions. After all, he also complained that Weibo was not popular.

Chen Xiangxiang brought him popularity, but also brought him a devastating blow.

This lesson is unforgettable, and he may never forget it for the rest of his life.


Yan Xi didn't plan to pay attention to things on the Internet, but the players were all talking about it.

After Mo Fangfei's apology video was posted, Feng Xue showed her.

How to say it, it is obvious that the show is more important than sincerity.

Originally, a female star looked at the camera with a bleak face and solemnly apologized to an amateur. This behavior made some netizens soften their hearts and gain a wave of goodwill.

Coupled with the guidance of the navy, the wind direction was very good at the beginning, and they were all remarks such as no fault, and even some netizens felt that Mo Fangfei apologized, and Yan Xi should forgive.

An amateur, how capable are you to make a female star apologize, and dare not to forgive?

This kind of trend is getting stronger and stronger, and many people even started to scrap Yan Xi's Weibo, hoping that Yan Xi himself can respond publicly, so that you are good, I am good, everyone is good.

At this time, Yan Feilu came off again.

Once again, he directly reposted Mo Fangfei's Weibo, with the words: [Fake feelings and hypocrisy. If you really want to apologize, why don't you go with your agent to apologize in person? 】

Fans of Yan Feilu were shocked. His idol was active today as if he were a marketing account.

Can't you learn from Huo Zi'ang next door, it's not about you hanging up high!

How can this kind of melon and tearful thing end, you are an idol! Just focus on the work and focus on the business!

Fans are very tired, and they are afraid that their idols will be criticized for their behavior.

But after waiting for a while, I found out that it seems to be okay, passers-by don't scold their idols much?

Of course, not all netizens are fools. At first, they were criticized by fans of Shui Jun and Mo Fangfei. With Yan Feilu's public end, there were many different remarks, which also proved that many people have feelings for Mo Fangfei. Apologizing doesn't buy it.

[Come on, your apology is not at all distracting, and you still have makeup on your face. 】

[The rhetoric is quite gorgeous, but are you sincerely apologizing, or are you here to show your writing, I don’t understand JPG. 】

[Fans are also funny, your family has apologized, and others must forgive? This is moral kidnapping! 】

[Miss Yan Xi is really miserable, she is inexplicably putting on such a thing. As if she were just an ordinary person, she would have no way of proving her innocence, and her whole life would be ruined...]

[Inexplicably, some fans say what happened to the deer, his behavior this time is really cool and sassy, ​​and he has been defending the amateur lady! 】

[I don't agree to take our brother away, he is just upright and kind, and he only speaks for the weak. 】

But these comments were quickly washed away by Mo Fangfei's fans and navy.

[Baby don't have to blame yourself, you are also misled, out of good intentions! 】

[Yes, Fang Fei has already withdrawn from the recording of the show, and promised to compensate the show team for the loss, what else do you want from her? Enough is enough for some people! 】

[A man, chasing after a girl to tear, ask for a face! This is not hot, do you want to step on others to take the top? 】

[Huo Ziang next door to Kangkang, this is the real top class, you don't need to tear it up to gain attention. 】

[I can’t laugh anymore, someone claimed to be the eldest lady of the Yan’s Group, but @yan’s Group did not claim it! 】


Seeing this, Yan Xi sighed lightly and returned the phone to Feng Xue.

She flipped through the information on her mobile phone, and it was all Mo Fangfei's black material.

The other party thinks that it has always been flawless, but as long as it has been done, there are traces to follow. After the incident in the morning, someone immediately sorted out all the black materials and sent them to her.

Yan Xi directly gave the order: "Okay, send it directly."

It was like she promised Xu Meikai that she would not let Mo Fangfei go easily.

I didn't expect the other party to jump around like this, it's okay to show off, and he also took fans and the navy to smash words, obviously wanting to portray himself as a victim, to get a wave of traffic.

Then you don't need to be polite at all.

After Yan Xi's order was issued, soon, there were marketing accounts on the Internet that released Mo Fangfei's black material.

This time, several major marketing accounts ended at the same time, and the evidence is clear and definitely not chasing shadows.

It turned out that Mo Fangfei's talent was false. She had studied the violin for many years, and her grades in the cultural class were at the bottom, and she played the violin well. The master's degree is also very important. Her tutor for graduate school is a tutor who spent 300,000 yuan on her family. The tutor once secretly complained to others that he was tricked by others. Mo Fangfei's level was barely even with the second domestic book, and the recommendation of foreign schools was really unreliable.

Mo Fangfei has always advertised herself as a mathematical genius who was delayed by music. She won a silver medal in the British Olympic Physics Competition in her early years, which is what her fans have always been proud of and talked about.

But now it has also been cracked down by the authorities. In fact, the photos were taken against classmates. Mo Fangfei simply relied on domestic and foreign information barriers and a long time to be unscrupulous.

In addition to this Mo Fangfei has a lot of black stuff about playing big names, insulting assistants at every turn, and stepping on newcomers.

The netizens who eat melons are stunned. It turns out that this so-called beauty scholar is at this level?

It's no wonder that there is a shady scene in the program team, and there are more people who dare to set up their own people. Everyone who sees them thinks that she is on the same level as her is a fraud.

This time, it was a complete overturn. Fans lost their fans on a large scale, and passers-by ended up laughing at them.

The attention and favorability that Mo Fangfei had just released the apology video had completely collapsed.


Mo Fangfei shouted angrily and swept everything on the desk to the ground.

"Someone is deliberately blackmailing me, it must be Yan Xi! Yes, it must be her!"

She calmed down and looked up at the agent who was standing still, "Brother Jie, I want to break the news! Yan Xi and Yan Feilu have an affair! I saw Yan Feilu and Yan Xi hugging each other that day, and the two had an ambiguous relationship. You can find someone to secretly take pictures of them now, and you will definitely be able to take pictures!"

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