The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 189: What a beautiful and kind girl

After Zhao Qingxuan left, it seemed as if the seal had been lifted, and a second person came to her immediately.

Luo Wanrong stood in front of Yan Xi, her expression a little nervous.

"Yan Xi, can I invite you to accompany me to the Chunlei Charity Gala?" She practiced this sentence for a long time, but her voice was still a little tight when she said it.

Luo Wanrong paused and continued, "The editor-in-chief Liang of "Spring Bud" magazine is my aunt. I think I can bring someone."

After hearing the rumors, she felt that this was a godsend! Although the Luo family is not the top wealthy family in Beiqiao City, her aunt's status is unusual. It is possible to get an invitation letter for her unsatisfactory niece. It just so happens that the family wants her to meet the world.

Yan Xi was even more surprised. If I remember correctly, when she went home from the hospital, Luo Wanrong was among the people she drove out, right?

Isn't this girl from Chen Xiangxiang's camp? In the novel, at least it can be ranked the seventh female.

Like Zhan Xinrong, she was conquered by Chen Xiangxiang's charm early, and willingly became her sidekick. Like Zhan Xinrong, she helped her deal with all kinds of coquettish **** and clear obstacles along the way.

However, not only did the other party not target him, he even helped him the last time he went to clean up Mu Yuyang himself.

Although it was an accident, Yan Xi could also see that the other party came with good intentions.

"Thank you, but really don't need it, I have an invitation letter myself."

Luo Wanrong was a little disappointed, but she was not discouraged: "I don't think boys are good, don't you think? If you regret it, you can come to me at any time."

What is this confusing statement? Yan Xi couldn't fathom what the other party meant.

"Thank you for your kindness, I think you're fine." Yan Xi said with a smile.

Luo Wanrong hesitated for a moment, and someone came to look for Yan Xi: "I'm looking for Sister Yan Yan."

This time, it was Jiang Chengyu.

Yan Xi suddenly had a bad premonition: "...You don't want to invite me to accompany you to the Spring Bud Charity Gala, right?"

Jiang Chengyu's eyes widened, "How do you know?"

Yan Xi: "…"

Jiang Chengyu said seriously, "Sister Yanyan, they said you didn't have an invitation letter. I think my family dotes on me so much, and my parents like you so much. It's okay to take you to the event."

If so, Luo Wanrong will have an opinion.

She hugged her chest and rolled her eyes at the other party, "Jiang Chengyu, can you speak? Also, what kind of energy are you messing around with as a child!"

Lu Yiyao went back to the classroom from the outside, and his eyes were about to fall out when he saw this scene.

What the hell, why is Yan Xi suddenly so popular?

One or two of these people, just wanting to rush to please Yan Xi?

He immediately took a photo and sent it to Chen Xiangxiang: [Aren't these two your friends? Why haven't they been looking for you recently? 】

Chen Xiangxiang's eyes flashed quickly when she saw the message, and she returned a helpless emoji.

Then he raised his head and said to Fu Yuhuai, who was sitting opposite, "Yuhuai, Sister Yanyan, she also wants to participate in the Chunlei Charity Gala, why don't you invite her to be your female companion, just help me, okay?"

Fu Yuhuai's fox eyes were smiling, with a little distraction: "Forget it, she probably doesn't need it."

The corners of Chen Xiangxiang's lips couldn't help but raise, Fu Yuhuai's words were obviously perfunctory.

Why didn't Yan Xi need it, she was reduced to asking Luo Wanrong and Jiang Chengyu to save her.

But although the family of these two people can barely be regarded as a veteran family, the family strength is simply not enough.

With all the power of the family, I am afraid that they can only get an invitation letter. How could the family allow them to bring an outsider to take advantage.

So even if the two of them wanted to help Yan Xi, it was just a fantasy, and it would not be that simple to actually implement it.

She is the well-deserved protagonist of this Spring Bud Charity Gala, and she will not let Yan Xi take away her own beauty.

"Yuhuai, are you having a conflict with Sister Yanyan?" Chen Xiangxiang pursed her lower lip, her expression hesitant, "The two of you had such a good relationship before, I'm sorry if you had a quarrel because of my appearance. It's me. I am greedy for temporary friendship, I can reduce meeting with you and avoid your embarrassment."

Fu Yuhuai looked up at her and casually stirred the Americano in the cup with a spoon.

The fox's eyes narrowed slightly, the corners of his lips seemed to be raised, and his smile was a little weird.

"What do you think you're thinking about? I'm not embarrassed, and I don't want you to be wronged." He smiled and changed the subject, "Didn't you say you have something for me?"

Chen Xiangxiang knew that he didn't want to talk more, and it seemed that he didn't plan to help Yan Xi at all.

She took out an exquisite sachet and handed it to Fu Yuhuai, "This is a Chinese herbal medicine bag I made by myself. You can put it on your pillow at night to improve your sleep."

After leaving the door, Chen Xiangxiang freed up her hand to reply to Lu Yiyao's message alone.

[I don't know what's going on, maybe there's some misunderstanding, I feel like they've been avoiding me recently. 】

[I didn’t want to come out even if I had a dinner date. I clearly said that I wanted to be a good friend for a lifetime. I would never be separated at the age of eighty. 】

[Sometimes I wonder if someone spoke ill of me behind my back, which caused them to suddenly prejudice me so deeply. Helpless laugh~]

After sending it, she put away her mobile phone, smiled and walked to the tall and handsome boy in front, "Uncle Liang Shan, how is it, is the sachet I gave you easy to use?"

"It's very easy to use!" Liang Shanbo is a mixed-race child who likes Chinese culture very much. He is also an exchange student of Shengyang. At the beginning, Chen Xiangxiang was in charge of his reception work, and the two had a good relationship.

He sighed, "Xiangxiang, you are really a good-natured and skillful girl!"

Chen Xiangxiang smiled and glanced calmly at the other party's wide pocket.

Liang Shanbo recently followed his parents to a country in Africa where diamonds are abundant. He also sent a message to tell himself that he had never seen such cheap diamonds.

This time I came back with a lot of diamonds, presumably I wanted to give it to myself and confess it by the way.

Chen Xiangxiang is very confident, after all, the system prompts the other party's favorability to 80%. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Those people in the school had seen her embarrassment, which caused her reputation to drop a bit, but Liang Shanbo was not at the school some time ago, so it was not affected at all.

When Lu Yiyao saw these pieces of information, he immediately became a little angry.

What else could this be for? It must be because someone targeted Chen Xiangxiang and incited her friends to oppose her.

Recently, the wind direction on the school forum has changed a little bit, and there are many people who ridicule and step on Chen Xiangxiang.

Not long ago, she was the most popular campus goddess, and she was blown by rainbow farts every day.

The only person who can do this and has a reason to target Chen Xiangxiang is Yan Xi.

...Thanks to myself not long ago, I was thinking of reconciling with the other party, or even making friends.

But since the other party was so ugly in his heart, he didn't bother to be with her.

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