Xie Changze: "It's very simple, if an illegitimate child sees Huo Ziang coming to you alone in private, then you will face the crisis of being harassed by Huo Ziang's tens of millions of fans. Those fans are crazy and can easily tear you apart. Hot search. And the people around you who have been doing things to make you unlucky, except Chen Xiangxiang, will not be the second person. "

Yan Xi: "..."

She felt that Xie Changze's most prejudice against Chen Xiangxiang was deeper than her own. Does it really matter?

If you keep speaking dangerously like this, it's really easy to go down the path of the villain.

Yan Xi originally wanted to tell the other party about her dream, but now she is a little hesitant.

If she said it, she didn't have to worry that Xie Chang would not believe it. She was afraid that the other party would believe it too much, so she turned to deal with Chen Xiangxiang...

That would really completely blacken the villain and have no choice but to run away.

I am confident that I can break free from the predetermined destiny in the novel, but that is only my own business, and there is no need to involve innocent people.

She was also a little hesitant, whether she was a little too dependent on Xie Changze.

Xie Chang has been observing the other party's expression.

In fact, he had been waiting for Yan Xi to share her secret with him. After all, when she said it with a smile that day, it seemed like she had a lot to talk about.

"Actually..." He lowered his eyes slightly, and decided to share the secrets he had verified first.

He just opened his mouth when Xi Yan ran downstairs, "Yan Yan, Jin Zhao and the others will come over later for a study party!"

Jin Zhao said he wanted to come, but he really did. A few minutes later, a servant came to inform that the person had arrived.

This time, it was still a car of people, and it was lively and lively.

Because I ate the Gold and Silver Pavilion that the eldest young lady had invited last time, the parents felt uneasy when they found out. This time, everyone came here empty-handed.

"This is a mutton cake made by my mother..."

It looks very crystal clear, why do you want to take a barrel?

"This is the ham sent from my hometown."

There are still two whole hams, the smell is fragrant, and it seems that they can be eaten for a long time.

After a while, the living room was filled with all kinds of food, with a wide variety, comparable to a vegetable market.

Butler He liked these things very much, and accepted them with a smile, while saying, "You can share some with the neighbors at that time."

The neighbor in his mouth naturally refers to the Xie family next door.

The two closest to each other are the two of them. The other neighbors are a little far apart, and they don't move much between each other.

Not the kind of relationship where you can share food with each other.

Ying Shiyu was holding the mobile phone and was doing hot searches, "I heard that today there are illegitimate fans who are chasing celebrities and they are chasing after this villa area. Are you all right?"

She is mainly worried that the monitor's beauty will be coveted by those crazy illegitimate fans. After all, the monitor's appearance is a hundred times thousand times better than the real masters of many of them.

Jin Zhao was also very excited, "So, are there really stars living here?"

Anzhi Tinglan Villa Area is an old-fashioned villa area in Beiqiao City, where all the wealthy families live, with good privacy.

However, Ying Shiyu's family is a new wealthy family in the first class. Although the other people's family background is good, they still can't reach the level of a wealthy family.

Everyone is very curious. After all, Lu Qingming likes to hang out with them. That guy is very familiar with this area, and he has never heard him say that there are celebrities living here.

Yan Xi replied categorically, "No."

Huo Zian does not live here, but in another villa area in Beiqiao City.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Butler He walking in with two people.

The one in front was the owner of the flower market last time, and the other one was wearing a mask and lowered his head... She glanced at it and looked back calmly.

"Miss, the boss of Lunong Flowers came to take care of the green plants and flowers." Butler He came to report with a smile.

The boss of Lvnong Flower greeted with a smile: "Hello, Miss, everyone! I brought some succulents to give to Miss. If the students like it, they can choose some to keep and play with."

The boss of Lunong rarely encountered such a generous customer as Yan Xi, so he insisted on coming over to say hello to the eldest lady and give him a small gift.

As he spoke, he instructed his newly recruited temporary workers today, "Well, Afei, help the classmates get some succulents."

The new employee, A Fei, glanced at him.

Green Farmer Boss: "Come on!"

Looking at what he is doing, he is so big, why is his brain not so bright, so he has to poke it before moving?

It's no wonder that the other party will be unemployed and reduced to running here to find a job, and they say that they don't need money, just take care of the food.

It was obvious that the other party still came to deliver the courier when he came last time, so he lost his job and looked for a part-time job so soon.

A Fei turned around hesitantly to get the succulent, but Yan Xi sighed, "Uncle He, bring two people to help."

Having said that, Yan Xi also walked over, pretending to be picking succulents, and quickly whispered, "Brother! What are you doing?"

Last time I was a delivery boy, this time I just turned into a flower shop handyman?

So you went to be an actor, or because you love to play drag games?

A Fei, that is, Yan Feilu, looked down and looked down.

He looked at the little vest he was wearing.

This was found on the owner's car. The flower shop ordered a small green vest with the logo and slogan of Green Farmer on it. Fortunately, the boss is still sensible, the hat is not green, but white, but a large area of ​​green fonts and logo are still used on it.

"It's hard to say anything." Yan Feilu said concisely, "I'm on vacation, I wanted to surprise you...forget it."

The classmates all came out, the two quickly stopped talking, and Yan Xi picked out a pot of succulent and walked away.

After a while, the students also picked their favorite succulents.

Everyone came in and sat down around the sofa.

Jin Zhao was the last to come in, "Miss, why is the probability of meeting a good-looking guy at your house so high? I just noticed that the flower shop guy actually has abdominal muscles!"

Yan Xi: "..."

Ying Shiyu also noticed: "It's really tall. It's the type of steel wrapped in satin that I like... But the abdominal muscles? Did you see it or touch it?"

Jin Zhao: "I can see it at a glance through the clothes! Just like our class..."

The long characters disappeared into Xie Changze's faint glance~www.readwn.com~ Jin Zhao touched his nose awkwardly.

Qiao Qian quickly changed the subject: "Really, I don't believe it. Unless you touch me."

The boss of Lunong happened to be there, and when he heard the words, he hurriedly said: "Of course you can touch it, Afei, come here!"

This is not a big problem, it's just to let the boys touch their abdominal muscles. When they do business, of course, they must meet all the requirements of customers!

If it wasn't for these students who weren't interested in their beer belly, the boss would want to open his belly for everyone to touch!

The boss of Lunong enthusiastically pulled his employees and whispered to soothe the other party's emotions, "It's just a touch. I'll give you a salary of 100 yuan, okay?"

Yan Feilu's face was already dark, he was too shocked, this boss is simply daring!

"not good!"

"Then... 150 yuan?"


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