The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 239: Participate in the birthday banquet, but will not eat there

Yan Qinghe is a music lover. He is also proficient in various musical instruments. He has been collecting various musical instruments since he was young. For this reason, he also bought a villa to store his Western musical instruments.

This piano is his treasure and the treasure of the house. Yan Qinghe is reluctant to touch it at ordinary times, and will only move it out and play it on important days.

Yan Xi walked over and pressed a few keys. The intonation was very good, and the tone was clear and powerful.

Yan Feilu came over, his expression slightly moved.

Yan Xi smiled and said, "Brother, come try it?"

Yan Feilu: "That's not good, grandpa's piano should be given to you."

Yan Xi: "Then you made a mistake. Grandpa gave this piano to you."

Yan Feilu couldn't believe it, and stood stiffly on the spot, staring at Yan Xi with wide eyes.

"No." He said after a while, "This piano is too expensive. Isn't grandpa planning to open an exhibition in the future? This will make more sense. What if I play it and break it?"

Yan Xi pushed him to sit down on the piano bench, "The purpose of musical instruments is to be played by people, and it is unfortunate that they are kept on the shelf. Besides, the exhibition of musical instruments is something that will happen in the future, so it doesn't affect your use now, right? Don't worry, this piano is expensive, but it's not a real antique, the materials are the best, and it won't be damaged so easily."

Yan Feilu had a surging expression on his face. He placed his fingers on the black and white keys, and after a while, his fingers began to jump on the keys.

A smooth serenade in G major pours out.

The whole piece of music is light and serene, joyful and beautiful, and it can be seen that Yan Feilu enjoys and is very happy.

Yan Xi quietly turned on the camera function of her mobile phone, recorded a video, and sent it to her grandfather.

After doing all this, she went upstairs to wash up, and when she came out of the shower, she saw her grandfather's reply.

"Yes, the technology has not regressed."

Yan Xi couldn't help but laugh. The Yan family's men are really bad at words, especially stingy in expressing feelings and compliments to those closest to them.

She picked up the phone and replied, "I think this piano is more suitable for my brother. It can really shine in my brother's hands. What do you think, Grandpa?"

Yan Qinghe: "Use it for him if he likes it, let him take care of it, and don't break it."

Well, it's really hard to say that this piano was given to Yan Feilu.

There was a knock on the door, Yan Xi put down her phone and walked over, Yan Feilu coughed a little unnaturally, "Well, Yan Yan, are you going to eat there tomorrow? I thought about it, this way. It's not good for me to eat at home alone at night, or I'll go there for dinner tomorrow."

Yan Xi: "But I have something to do tomorrow night. I'm going to my aunt's house for a birthday banquet."

The expression on Yan Feilu's face was blank for a few seconds.

Yan Xi: "But I don't think I'll be eating there. I'll go see Grandpa after it's over. You can go over and wait for me first."

The birthday banquet on Xi Lurong's side was clearly the Hongmen Banquet. She didn't have such a good appetite and could eat on the other party's site.

Inevitably, I have to go back to Yan's house to treat my stomach.

Yan Feilu frowned. He had heard how aunt Xi's aunt didn't want to see her sister. In recent days, he had gotten to know the servants very well, and everyone liked him very much.

Especially, this one is still a big star, a big star!

Yan Feilu is about to become the nanny killer of this villa. Everyone is willing to tell him anything. After all, he is not only a big star, but also a eldest young master, and his attitude is kind and polite.

Everyone told him that Xi Lurong came to teach Yan Xi a lesson that day.

By the way, let's talk about the gossip and bad things about that aunt... Of course, I can't say bad things, because those are the facts.

Yan Feilu had already heard about the name of Aunt Xi's difficult to deal with, and after hearing those old things, she had a deep understanding, and the three views were greatly impacted.

Therefore, he ignored the trap in Yan Xi's words, "If you don't go there to eat, is there something going on? In fact, you don't have to go there at all, and you don't need to pay attention to those people."

Since grandma passed away, the Yan family has not been keen to hold birthday parties. Grandpa's 60th birthday was still spent in the hospital.

It was even worse for Yan Xi and Xi Yan. Since their aunt passed away, they haven't celebrated their birthdays.

Eighteen-year-old is a very grand birthday. According to the tradition of Beiqiao City, eighteen-year-old parents should hold a coming-of-age ceremony for their children.

Yan Xi didn't talk about the coming of age ceremony, I was afraid she would have to face Xi Jingxing's sad old face.

Yan Feilu thought about it and felt that there was no need to give that family a face.

Yan Xi nodded: "I'm just going to walk through the motions, it's alright, Grandpa asked Uncle Gu to follow me all the time. I will definitely retreat soon, will my brother and Grandpa wait for me to have dinner together?"

Yan Feilu nodded subconsciously—then stiffened, and looked at Yan Xi.

Yan Xi couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Then let's say it, don't go back."


Aunt Xi's birthday was announced in the company by Xi Yaohua.

Not only that, he also invited several senior executives of the company to participate on behalf of the Xi family.

Deliberately bypassed bayberry.

In the afternoon, these people started to go to the nearby beauty club together to get dressed up, which made the people in the office fluctuate.

Some old employees in the company know that Yang Mei is close to the Xi family. When the company was at its most difficult, the boss was invisible for a while. She also took the documents to find the Xi family and asked the boss to sign and issue instructions to promote the normal operation of the company. run.

Now that the Xi family finally held a banquet, but did not invite Yang Mei... This move is a bit intriguing.

"Director Yang, we have to leave work two hours earlier, and the company will leave it to you. I hope you can supervise the attendance of employees."

Xi Yaohua not only deliberately did not invite Yang Mei, but also deliberately danced in front of her.

He had endured this old woman for a long He didn't know how many eye drops he had used, yet Xi Jingxing refused to prescribe it.

Is it because he is afraid that he will make other old employees feel cold by opening the hero? But isn't Xi's plan to expand new business and enter the film and television industry?

Isn't it normal for the old section to make no money, cut off business and lay off employees?

However, it may also be because they don't want to lose money to Yang Mei, not only will they have to compensate N+1 for dismissing the other party, but they will also have to pay non-compete compensation, which is a bit uneconomical.

It's better to marginalize her so that she can't bear to leave by herself.

Xi Yaohua knocked on the baffle of the desk: "Mr. Xi and I have been out a lot recently, and the company's attendance is inevitably a little loose. I hope that Director Yang can catch up and not allow the phenomenon of being late and leaving early!"

This is also one of his methods to marginalize Yangmei, letting her be a dignified director to take care of trivial matters.

The core of the business did not let her touch at all, and even several company management meetings did not notify Yang Mei.

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