The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 251: I did that to get revenge on you

What do you get by doing this? Just to get the attention of Xi Jingxing, Huo Ziang and the others?

There is no need, I never have expectations from these people.

Yan Xi walked away in relief, while Xie Chang stood where he was before clenching his fists for a long time.

There's more to the second half of his sentence--

I used to think so too, until I met you.

Just this sentence, there is no way to say it to the other party.

Especially after the other party made the remarks just now.


After school in the afternoon, Yan Xi went home with Xi Yan.

When the two walked to the school's artificial lake, Yan Xi paused, "I'll answer the phone first."

Xi Yan nodded and walked forward boredly, when someone suddenly rushed over and grabbed Xi Yan's arm.

"Xi Yan! Xi Yan! Please, I was wrong, I was really wrong."

Xi Yan looked at the person in front of him with a confused expression, why did the other person appear here?

Wang Zinan was still wearing Shengyang's school uniform, watching Xi Yan's tears rolled down, "Are you satisfied when you see me like this? I shouldn't cherish you, I regret it a long time ago."

"Actually, I fell in love with you for a long time, but I didn't realize it. You don't treat me as the only one. I'm jealous of me and angry, so I did many wrong things. You forgive me, okay?"

The other party's tone was so humble and humble, and the expression on his face was a little pitiful.

Xi Yan came back to his senses and almost spoke.

He put aside the other's hand and said indifferently, "but you were planning to give my dad medicine to climb on my dad's bed yesterday."

Wang Zinan: "I did it to retaliate against you, not sincere! It's all because of you, you don't want me anymore, I can only take revenge on your father, he still looks so much like you."

Big sister, have you lost your mind after watching too many TV shows? !

Xi Yan was speechless, "You have violated the school rules by entering the school, right? I suggest you leave as soon as possible, otherwise you will be caught by the security."

"You still won't forgive me, are you? Well, I'll show you the death! Anyway, without your love, I can't live!" Wang Zinan climbed up the fence of the artificial lake emotionally.

Xi Yan was stunned, how could he still be alive?

After all, he didn't dare to leave. If the other party really jumped into the lake, he would be in trouble. He didn't want to take a life on his back.

Seeing his hesitation, Wang Zinan thought that he had made the right bet.

She had already thought about her lines, "Xi Yan, I like you! If you don't forgive me, I'll jump off!"

"You just jump down, it's good, it's good for the society." Yan Xi walked over and looked at the other party calmly, "People like you are wasting food and air in life, and society is too tolerant towards you. It nourishes your ambition and greed. Before you jump, why don't you explain, where are the jewels you stole?"

The phone she just answered was from Gu Nianfeng.

After Wang Zinan was expelled to attend Lurong's house, he was extremely courageous, and sneaked back again at night.

Xi Lurong likes to sleep with her treasures every day, for fear that others will steal it.

Wang Zinan had already made a cliché, and went directly to Xi Lurong's room to steal... But Xi Lurong was drowsy after taking the medicine, and she really succeeded.

It's just that no matter how well-planned she was, the scene of entering and leaving the villa in the middle of the night was still recorded by surveillance.

Xi Lurong called the police in anger. The police acted quickly and solved the case in half a day.

Wang Zinan wanted to escape by car but was unable to get away. Unexpectedly, he sneaked into Shengyang High School to find Xi Yan.

Xi Yan was stunned for a moment, "What kind of stolen jewelry, did she steal jewelry again?"

Wang Zinan exploded with anger: "Nonsense, what do you mean? I'm not stealing! You gave me those things voluntarily before! Xi Lurong's things are also compensation for me. I almost fell asleep by your father's old man. Victim!"

When she was emotional, Yan Xi seized the opportunity, stepped forward quickly, hugged the person, and rolled to the side.

Wang Zinan was not willing to be subdued so easily, new hatred added to old hatred, a fierceness burst out in her eyes.

Since Yan Xi is courting death... let's jump into the lake together, anyway, since he can swim, no one in the school knows about it.

Yan Xi didn't expect that the other party wanted to take her to the lake, so she couldn't blame herself for being rude.

She started a little harder before finally subduing Wang Zinan.

Xi Yan was so anxious that he was going crazy, and hurried forward: "Yan Yan..."

Yan Xi's eyes were calm: "Brother, hurry up and call the police!"

In fact, there is no need for Xi Yan to call the police. There is too much movement here. Some classmates have already notified the security department, and security guards will soon come over.

Not only that, but also the police.

When the shackles were placed on her hands, Wang Zinan was completely paralyzed on the ground. It was over, she was really over...

She couldn't help covering her face and crying bitterly, she was wrong, Xi Jingxing was hypocritical at all and gave herself hope, but she turned out to be so heartless!

Didn't he just stole a little jewelry? He didn't give up and insisted on pursuing his criminal responsibility.

Don't give anyone a chance to make a change at all.

He also saw him completely last night, and he didn't feel pity or guilt at all.


The students from Shengyang High School were stunned when they saw Wang Zinan being taken away by the police.

Is this one still a legal coffee?

It just shocked my whole family, okay, so fierce?

Zhu Yuan and four or five girls were standing on the main road of the school, when they saw Wang Zinan crying and being taken away with her hair knotted and clothes messed up, she was shaking with anger.

Although they have a plastic friendship with Wang Zinan, they are friends after all. Of course, they can't accept the other party being treated like this. It's too vicious.

Seeing Xi Yan coming from behind, Zhu Yuan clenched her fists and stepped forward: "Xi Yan, why do you have to kill them all? Wang Zinan came to ask you for asylum, but you asked the police to take her away?"

Today, Wang Zinan came to her, crying about the experiences of being suppressed by the Xi family after dropping out of school. Hearing that, Zhu Yuan and several little sisters were filled with righteous indignation.

Too Can rich people do whatever they want?

"It doesn't matter if you forced her to be dropped out of school by Shengyang. Even ordinary high schools will not let her go to school, and she will be kicked out for part-time jobs. In the end, you set up a fairy dance and want to send her to prison. Is there any humanity?"

"Xi Yan, it was you who wanted to like her back then! Why, if she can't meet the expectations of the eldest young master, she must be destroyed, right?"

"We were really blind at the beginning, and we treated you as a friend and said good things for you. It seems that the world is as black as a crow, disgusting!"

"The most disgusting thing is Yan Xi. She is so domineering. Don't allow my brother to like others, or else they will destroy them. Isn't this really a psychopath?"

Yan Xi went to explain a few words and walked out, and heard this wonderful speech.

This group of people has always had opinions about themselves and Xi Yan, and it is not without rumors these days.

Anyway, Wang Zinan was expelled from Shengyang High School. Neither Yan Xi nor Xi Yan suffered substantial harm. Wang Zinan was the real victim.

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