The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 286: Don't let you come over, save me trouble

Yan Xi didn't expect that this usually shrewd and capable chief assistant would also have such a sweet side.

The other party's tone was too sincere, and his eyes widened somewhat innocently.

Yan Xi could only answer with a smile: "Okay, if you are free on the weekend, you can come to me, but let me know in advance."

Cindy responded with a smile like a flower, and sent Yan Xi to the book in person, before standing by the roadside with a smile and waving goodbye to Yan Xi.

Speaking of which, Cindy didn't graduate to look for a job in her senior year. Because of her outstanding appearance, she encountered many dirty things.

Of course she was not convinced and felt that she was capable, why should she be discriminated against by her appearance, and was asserted that she could only be a vase.

When interviewing for this company, she made various preparations in advance, and even wrote a proposal.

Among the interviewees in the same class, one was an alumnus of the same school, and he was also a boy.

After several rounds of interviews, at the end of the interview, the other party queued behind him, and when he came out, he glanced at him with satisfaction.

On the day I went back to school, there were rumors that the other party got the offer.

Along with the rumors, there are also words from the male roommates.

It turned out that during the interview, the other party noticed that the interviewer was optimistic about him, so he spread rumors on the spot that he was his girlfriend.

The person who spread the word might not be kind, and there was a bit of complacency among them, and he felt that it was also a skill to squeeze others out by despicable means.

Cindy was so angry that her lungs were about to explode, but she had no choice but to hold back and admit her bad luck.

It wasn't until a week later that the company's personnel director suddenly called her personally and invited her to come back to the company to talk.

Later, she learned that it was the boss who personally read the information of several candidates, was very interested in her own proposal, and specifically asked about the interview.

"Wait a minute!" The boss was very puzzled after hearing this. "You guys think that a man is stable, responsible and responsible when he is in a relationship. Why is it a deduction when it comes to a woman? This is unreasonable and unfair."

So there is this opportunity to talk again.

In fact, that conversation was also a video conference. Yan Xi was still in the hospital at the time, so she easily discussed some business issues without asking anything else, and she received an offer that day.

As for that boy, of course he lost the election. It is not possible to get an exciting offer by means of despicable means, but only by strength.

But the other party was not reconciled, and immediately spread rumors that he had seduced the boss by virtue of his beauty... Including these years, rumors that he gained power by virtue of beauty have been circulating privately in the circle.

Those men didn't dare to speak in front of her, they only dared to slander and spread rumors behind their backs.

However, it is useless to spread rumors. Instead, it has inspired Cindy to keep going up, from the original Guan Peisheng to the current CEO.

She once thought that if Yan Xi wanted to, she would lie down and be submerged in minutes.

After all, the eldest lady on the other end of the video is gentle, beautiful, dignified, elegant and generous, which is simply an ideal in the world.

Seeing a real person today, the impact is even greater...

It's a pity that the other party is still young, neither the old man rumored by the group of men, nor the beer belly Mediterranean.


Yang Mei sat in the car, looked back at Cindy, and felt that this one was a little different from her impression.

"I remember that she used to be very sharp and didn't like to laugh very much. Today I feel like she likes to laugh very much."

Yan Xi: "That's probably because I love to laugh? I used to want to be sullen at work."

She recalled that during the initial video chat, the other party was indeed tense and unsmiling.

But every time I have a video conference with myself, I will laugh.

The other party doesn't know where he is or what he does, so he doesn't dare to ask more questions, but he pays attention to the good weather and cares a few words between words.

In short, considerate and attentive, is a very good work partner.

When the car arrived at the Anzhi Tinglan villa, only to find someone at the door, there was a lot of noise.

Yan Xi saw Xi Jingxing and Xi Yaohua in the crowd.

What are these two doing here today?

Yan Xi sat in the car and didn't move. Gu Nianfeng honked a few horns, and the people around dispersed. The door of the villa opened and the car drove in.

Xi Jingxing and Xi Yaohua followed, but the others were stopped outside.

Yan Xi sat down on the sofa, and then instructed Steward He, "Pour tea for the guests... Forget it, it's already night, drinking tea is not good for sleep, so just pour two glasses of plain water."

Xi Yaohua has an opinion in his heart, how can anyone come to the house and only pour plain boiled water as a guest, this is simply too rude!

——No, she is barely considered a guest, Xi Jingxing is her father, obviously he is the master!

"Yan Xi, are you being too rude..."

"Please turn off the microphone, I don't want to hear your words." Yan Xi turned her head and asked Xi Jingxing, "Dad, what are you doing?"

Xi Jingxing was a little embarrassed, he wanted to go home to have a look today while he was drinking.

This is the place where he has lived for more than ten years, and it has long been his home.

He always thought that the conflict between himself and Yan Xi was because he wanted to adopt Chen Xiangxiang, and now that the adoption was definitely not going to happen, then Yan Xi didn't need to keep arguing with him.

This home is always the home he can come back to at any time.

Unexpectedly, after arriving here, he found that his fingerprints had been deleted, and he could not enter the gate!

Xi Yaohua, who was with him, had a seizure on the spot, and it happened that the friends they had gathered today also came together.

So he just slammed the door outside, clamoring that no daughter would keep the old man out of the door.

Xi Yaohua was listed by Yan Xi as a key target to be banned from entering, so Butler He was even more reluctant to close the door.

At this time, Butler He also had an old face and said, "I'm getting old. Today, the young lady and the young master are not around, so I slept early, my ears were back, and I didn't hear the knock on the door."

Xi Yaohua: "..."

God **** out of his ears! This is simply talking nonsense!

Xi Jingxing was also afraid of arguing, so Yan Xi had an opinion on herself, and hurriedly said, "It's alright, it's not a big deal, I just waited outside for an hour."

Yan Xi: "So Dad, is there something wrong with you?"

Xi Jingxing looked at her I heard that you were injured and wanted to see you for a long time, but your grandma said..."

Yan Xi nodded: "Yes, grandma said she stopped her and won't let you come over, so as not to block me."

Xi Jingxing choked for a moment, and the expression on his face became even more embarrassing.

He quickly said, "Yan Yan, since Wang Zinan hurt you, my father must make her pay for this incident!"

Yan Xi thought for a while, "You sued her, isn't it because she committed the crime of entry theft? It is also suspected of intentional harm to you."

The other party wanted to describe his actions against Wang Zinan as venting his anger on his own behalf. The reason was quite righteous, and it really fit his holy father's character.

In this way, the outside world would not dare to say that he was persecuting a little girl. After all, no one could scold a father who wanted to seek justice for his daughter.

It's just this pot, but Yan Xi can't bear it.

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