Seeing Lu Yiyao, everyone was stunned.

Why is this guy here?

"If I remember correctly, isn't this the gift you want to give to Chen Xiangxiang?" Someone suddenly said.

Lu Yiyao shoved the gift into Yan Xi's hand with a cool expression, but was stunned when she heard that.

Someone added: "Yes, Zhang Zixuan and the others said that because Chen Xiangxiang won the third runner-up in the mathematics, physics and chemistry competition, they want to celebrate."

Lu Yiyao: "...No, they are talking nonsense! I didn't give it to Xiangxiang!"

After he knew that Yan Xi had won the championship, he asked his family to help him buy this pen, and then waited for Yan Xi to invite him, Fu Yuhuai and others to celebrate.

Unexpectedly, Yan Xi invited the classmates, but excluded a few of them.

Lu Yiyao couldn't smear at all. After being seen the gift in the schoolbag, when the brothers guessed that it was for Chen Xiangxiang, he simply followed the words.

I didn't expect to shoot myself in the foot with a stone, and now I can't tell.

Xie Chang picked up the gift and put it back into Lu Yiyao's hand.

"Since it was given to others, don't take it out again to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. The gate is over there, walk slowly and don't give it away."

Lu Yiyao boldly glanced at this person, the other side was cold and cold, and his manners were well-bred, but he was so alienated and indifferent that people didn't dare to make trouble.

As the number one valet of the school bully Fu Yuhuai, he never gave others face at Shengyang High School, but he dared not to give this face.

"I really want to give it to Yan Xi..." He muttered in a low voice, turning around and preparing to leave.

"Lu Yiyao, wait a minute!" Someone suddenly said.

Lu Yiyao turned around excitedly, these classmates finally remembered their classmates' friendship, are they going to help to save themselves?

Whether it's on Fu Shao's face or on the affection of classmates, these people should keep themselves.

He happily watched a few girls come over and hand him a few barbecues.

Just when I was about to ask myself where to sit, a few girls said, "Okay, you can go now."

Lu Yiyao: "???"

He stared at the bunches of grilled corn, potatoes, and baby vegetables in his hands, his face full of disbelief.

Fu Mengjia: "...isn't it enough? I'll give you this skewer of roast lamb too."

So, after harvesting five or six skewers of vegetarian dishes, he finally had a mutton skewer.

The other girls stopped Fu Mengjia talking.

"You're too sincere, how can you be so cheap as the meat is so delicious!"

"Just give some cheap ones. It's not necessary. We don't lose weight. We study hard and consume a lot. We need to eat more meat to grow our body!"

"Forget it, let's go eat seafood. Hee hee and the seafood soup cooked by the chef is absolutely amazing!"

Fu Mengjia hesitated for a moment, "...I'm a little tired of eating too many mutton skewers, and the mutton skewers are a little fat. I want to eat some seafood to relieve my tiredness."

Lu Yiyao: "!!!"

No, this is not how he should be treated!

He should be treated as a guest of honor by everyone, and all the classmates circled around him. Then he led the Rockets to fight with Xie Changze!

Fu Shao is a school bully, and he is at least a class bully. Shouldn't these classmates be afraid to worship and respect him?

These fake students!

When standing outside the gate, Lu Yiyao was so angry that he wanted to scream.

He didn't eat the food that came from him. These classmates were too deceiving. He remembered that when he went back, he would sue and lead others to isolate them!

A few minutes later, Lu Yiyao squatted on the side of the road and ate mutton skewers.

And Fu Mengjia is just talking nonsense! Where is the fat mutton skewer, with the fragrance of fruit trees, fat and thin, one mouthful is full of oil, obviously delicious!

After he finished eating the mutton skewers, he thought about it, and finally ate a few skewers of vegetarian dishes.

...The main reason is that the surrounding environment is too good to find a trash can, so I can't keep walking back with these.

He doesn't envy those people, hum!


After the dinner, it was Xi Yan who contacted the bus driver to help send the students home one by one.

A few boys took the initiative to apply to stay at the end, and after confirming that the girls were safely delivered to their homes, they began to send boys.

In the end, everyone reported safety in the group, and today's meeting was completely over.

Xi Yan was keeping a notebook in his hand, and by the way, he settled the bill for the servant who helped to buy it.

Because his sister gave enough money, he also gave red envelopes to the cook and the servant who helped with the cleaning.

Yan Xi handed Xie Changze's bank card to him, and Xi Yan waved his hand, "No need, there is still a lot of money left over."

He was very excited. This was the first time he had organized an event by himself. Everyone had a lot of fun, and it cost less than 10,000 yuan.

This also includes the charter fee for two buses!

Inexplicably special sense of achievement!

And this time, Gu Nianfeng, Butler He, and all the subordinates all obeyed his command and arrangements, and they performed their duties well without any mistakes.

Xi Yan never knew that he could still be so capable, it was as if he had discovered a new continent.

"Sister, don't worry, I have a good control over the cost, and I can buy you gifts for the remaining 90,000 yuan."

Yan Xi smiled: "No need, you can take the money, the pocket money for you."

Xi Yan: "It's not good, this is your bonus."

Yan Xi: "Just treat it as a gift from me to my brother. If my brother likes it, just buy it."

Xi Yan hesitated for a moment, "Then I'll save the money to buy financial management... I don't know much about investing yet, but I'll learn it slowly. Sister, I'll work hard to make money to support you."

He had seen Yang Mei come to his house several times, and he also vaguely knew that his sister had asked the other party to resign.

The Xi's enterprise belongs to the Xi family. Although the Xi's enterprise was brought back to life by the mother's single-handed support, no one will remember it.

Xi Jingxing said that Xi's enterprise was left to himself to Xi Yan had always thought that there would be no problem.

After all, he was Xi Jingxing's son, the heir to the Xi family.

But it wasn't until recently that he knew that there were no absolutes in the world.

Xi Yaohua's ambitions are written on his face. After entering Xi's enterprise, he has been attracting those old shareholders and excluding dissident Yangmei.

And Xi Jingxing was so confused... Maybe Xi's enterprise had already been hollowed out by those people, so my sister asked Yang Mei to retreat in time.

Xi Jingxing was unreliable, Xi Yan felt that as a man in this family, he had to be reliable and support himself.

If the Xi's company goes bankrupt... Who knows if it will affect their brother and sister?

Xi Yan scattered his thoughts for a while, and became more determined to cut clearly with Xi Jing.

Even if you want to be filial, you can't pay for your whole family... and Xi Jingxing, a father, obviously does not need to make his father and son feel deeply.

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