She made up her mind that she could not admit plagiarism in any case... otherwise, her star path would be completely finished.

He published his works online earlier than Yan Xi, which cannot be denied in any way.

Even if Yan Xi took out a notebook, she probably wouldn't be able to prove anything. Who knows if she faked it later.

Other onlookers thought so too. After all, Yan Xi was the daughter of a daughter, and if she wanted to forge any evidence, it would not be easy for her.

This statement is also reasonable. Yan Xi sang very well, but Chen Xiangxiang sang other people's songs just now, and she was also very spiritual, and she could switch between various styles at will.

Without warning, Yan Xi grabbed Chen Xiangxiang's collar abruptly, "Even if I don't have any evidence, it's still easy for me to take care of you."

Chen Xiangxiang breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, this is simply too good!

"So, you don't even have any evidence, so are you going to force me to admit what I didn't do? Sister Yanyan, how can you be so domineering!"

She was so weak that even struggling seemed so powerless, the more and more the person who made the move was aggressive and savage.

Xia Yanan's heart skipped a beat, did he really blame Chen Xiangxiang?

"Stop it! With so many eyes looking at it, do you still want to give in? There's no such thing!"

She stepped forward to help Chen Xiangxiang, but saw that Xie Changze handed over a helmet and slammed it on Chen Xiangxiang's head.

The helmet was so ugly that she was so shocked that she forgot to step forward to help.

Others are also shocked, what is this doing! Holding a broken helmet and buckling it on someone's head doesn't seem like he's going to beat the other person.

Chen Xiangxiang was also stunned for a few seconds and struggled violently, but she was not Yan Xi's opponent at all, her face flushed red, and it didn't help.

Yan Xi clasped Chen Xiangxiang's head noisily and motioned to Xie Changze, "Go away."

Xie Chang stepped aside, quickly turned on the computer, and tapped.

On the other side of the network, Jiang Tingfeng was bored waiting, and suddenly heard the prompt sound, and sat up straight, "Brothers, work!"


Xia Yanan hesitated for a while, but couldn't help but say, "What are you doing!"

Yan Xi chuckled, "Don't you think this helmet is a good match for Chen Xiangxiang? Of course, if you want to wear it, I can't give it to you."

Xia Yanan's eyes twitched, who would want such an ugly helmet!

However, she could also see that Yan Xi was probably trying to humiliate Chen Xiangxiang, so she took an ugly helmet and buckled it on her head.

Not very harmful, but highly insulting.

Chen Xiangxiang's original appearance is quite good, especially the way her teeth are biting her lower lip, even she can't help feeling pity for a woman.

Once this broken helmet is buckled, no matter how beautiful it is in the prosperous world, it will be greatly reduced.

He Jiangfeng, "Can't you just say something if you have something to say? You should take off this helmet."

He also felt that the helmet was too ugly, too ugly to look at.

Yan Xi: "That can't be done. She offended me, and I don't want to let her go easily."

She smiled and lifted Chen Xiangxiang back, motioning him to look in the direction of the mirror, "Does it look good?"

Chen Xiangxiang glanced at the mirror, and instantly understood Yan Xi's intentions. Was she trying to make her look ugly?

She couldn't help but reddened her eyes, and tears fell down, "Sister Yan Yan, you are enough, are you so interesting?"

"It's interesting, I'm very happy if you're ugly enough." Yan Xi thought for a while, then took out her lipstick and painted a few lines on Chen Xiangxiang's face. "It's more interesting that way."

Chen Xiangxiang's expression was blank for a few seconds, her head exploded instantly, and her tears flowed even more fiercely.

"Sister Yanyan...don't be like this. I can give you anything you want, but the copyright of those songs is really not acceptable. I can't be sorry for my partner."

He Jiangfeng just remembered that the song "Loving You" had already been bought by himself.

Yan Xi has been playing tricks on others for a long time, and she still doesn't understand what it means to accept it when you see it.

Even if he was moved by this person's singing just now, He Jiangfeng couldn't help but sink his face, "Please let go, or don't blame me for being rude!"

He is the one who is the host today, and of course he has the right to drive out the troublemakers.

Besides, Yan Xi had no evidence to prove that Chen Xiangxiang was plagiarizing, and now both sides hold their own opinions, and it is not clear who copied whom.

On the contrary, Yan Xi's behavior was too barbaric and rude, and of course it was worth being taught a lesson.

His agent stood up and shouted, the private room door opened immediately, and two bodyguards came in.

Other bodyguards blocked Gu Nianfeng in the corridor.

Chen Xiangxiang cried and said, "Sister Yanyan, let go, or they will really drive you out."

Yan Xi glanced at the menacing bodyguard, and didn't mean to let go at all. Instead, she had an attitude of pulling Chen Xiangxiang and sinking together.

"I warn you not to come here... Forget it, in fact, the clarification Weibo should have been posted at this time, so why not go to Weibo and take a look."

Clarify Weibo, clarify what? Chen Xiangxiang's eyebrows jumped fiercely.

He Jiangfeng waved the bodyguard back, "I'll see what's going on first."

A group of people sat down and begged to eat melons on their mobile phones, clarifying that Weibo was directly posted on the popular, and one click was...

"Is this incident a unilateral hype by Chen Xiangxiang?" Xia Yanan said in surprise, then looked down at the evidence.

In fact, it is difficult to collect evidence in such a short period of time. Although those naval companies are willing to rebel, they are not willing to disclose the name of Party A, and they have considerable professional ethics.

cdy started with the big v who retweeted at the beginning, and sure enough, he pried open the other party's mouth and found Zhao Heng.

The evidence she sorted out was very complete and complete, and it confirmed that this was a hype incident, in order to whitewash Chen Xiangxiang and step on Yan Xi to ascend to the top.

The people present have been in the entertainment industry for at least ten years, and they understand the twists and turns. Of course, it can be seen that these evidences are true.

The ten or so people at the scene also had different expressions, and they didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, they read the hot search on the just now, they were still sympathizing with the beauty of Chen Xiangxiang, and they wanted to pull her.

As a result, people are very capable, and this wave of wanting to be promoted first is really showy.

Xia Yanan couldn't help it at first, she stepped forward suddenly and grabbed Chen Xiangxiang's collar, "Are you lying to us just now?"

Chen Xiangxiang widened her eyes and shook her head while crying, "No, I don't know anything, please believe me..."

Even at this point, Yan Xi firmly held onto her head and helmet, but refused to let go.

Seeing Chen Xiangxiang crying heartbroken, Xia Yanan blurted out, "You are so ugly."

Chen Xiangxiang "..."

Xia Yanan was a little embarrassed. God testified that she either did it on purpose, or was inexplicably ugly.

Damn, obviously Chen Xiangxiang's crying face has always been called a fairy crying, but the other party's way of crying has not changed, probably because of the huge ugly helmet on his head and the lipstick on his face.

It's just that I can't feel the fairy energy, but I feel ugly and hot eyes inexplicably.

Please remember this book's first domain name ddyueshu. read URL ddyueshu

The wealthy eldest lady tore up the Bai Yueguang script https://

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