The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 425: Be brave! Uncle takes good care of you!

Chapter 425 Courage! Uncle takes good care of you!

The one who treats her boyfriend has always been generous, saying that it is a joke.

Xie Chang looked at the other party with a calm expression: "You are joking."

In the fire escape just now, the other party deliberately waited for him to take a few kicks before shooting, probably because he was dissatisfied.

The original root knot is here.

Xie Chang didn't want to cause unnecessary misunderstandings, and still explained very seriously, "I went with the other party just because she threatened me, and I want to make things clear."

Yan Yunzhi looked at him for a moment and snorted coldly.

The other party didn't lie. What Awen investigated was that after the two sat down, Chang Xie didn't even touch the coffee ordered by the woman, and the conversation should have been very unpleasant. He Shi left in anger, obviously not taking any account of it. to cheap.

"You don't even look down on the wealthy daughter's initiative to show her favor. Your girlfriend is so good?"

Yan Yunzhi thought of the unfinished topic last time, "You said she was better than what I said, and also said that Yan Yan was full of sparkles, is the other party better than Yan Yan?"

Xie Changze: "...Which girlfriend are you referring to?"

Yan Yunzhi was stunned for a moment, "Who else is there except that Miss Su, she admitted it herself. Wait, don't you have more than one girlfriend?"

But how is this possible! Xie Changze's interpersonal relationship is very simple, and his personality is cold. Apart from his classmates, Yan Xi and that Miss Su are the ones who have more contact with each other.

On the contrary, I went to the temple diligently, but most of the time I spent most of the time copying scriptures in the quiet room, and I also came into contact with some men.

It is impossible for Chen Cang to go to the temple to engage in objects.

Xie Changze: "Sorry, I'm afraid you made a mistake, that Miss Su is not my girlfriend."

After a pause, he said softly, "Even Miss Su is definitely not as good as Yanyan's finger. Not to mention He Shi."

In addition to being confused, Su Yiran has impeccable professionalism. In the professional field, she can surpass her mentor.

Otherwise, it was impossible for him to allow the other party to approach.

As for He Shi, she is crazy and stupid, and she will only rely on her family background to be domineering, which is even more incomparable.

Yan Yunzhi was a little surprised. It turns out that Miss Su is not a girlfriend?

Although the two insisted on their own words, he believed Xie Changze's words, and the seriousness in the other's eyes could not deceive him.

"Since you think Yan Yan is so good, why do you have a girlfriend? Don't you like Yan Yan?" Yan Yunzhi snorted coldly, "I don't accept any other reasons except that you are not worthy of yourself."

Young people are talented, and their eyes are not blind, so how can they not understand clearly.

His own baby is so good, how could he bear to live up to it.

"I like it, I like it very much." The tenderness in Xie Changze's eyes almost overflowed, "I really don't deserve her."

Obviously dirty, but trying to cling to.

Yan Yunzhi felt that there was something wrong with this situation. The boy's eyes were obviously deeply immersed in it, but he couldn't love it.

what's going on! He thought about it carefully, Xie Changze's interpersonal relationship was simple, except for that Miss Su, it was impossible to contact more women.

He didn't let Awen investigate further, after all, it was just to prevent guys with ulterior motives from approaching his own treasure, and going further would be an invasion of other people's privacy.

But it is rare for people to have such a clean relationship, and the Flower of High Mountains is not something that anyone can climb and break.

In addition, the other's parents are engaged in scientific research, and the father seems to be a researcher at the Xihe Research Institute...

Yan Yunzhi knew that the mysterious Xihe Institute had set up a project on cancer, and the research progress was also very gratifying.

Like his son, he felt that it was necessary to have a good relationship with the Xie family. What if the anti-cancer Chinese medicine really came out? A little relationship can come in handy when necessary.

"So your so-called girlfriend, are you talking nonsense?"

Do you want to pretend that you are not single to prevent others from showing affection?

In fact, you want to protect your body and mind for someone in private?

Yan Yunzhi thought for a moment, then raised his hand and patted the other person's shoulder, "...Actually, it's still worthy, as long as you work hard and treat Yanyan well. I don't object to you chasing Yanyan, although you don't necessarily pursue it. Get it."

Xie Chang didn't come back to his senses.

Yan Yunzhi raised his eyebrows, "Why, don't you dare? Are you afraid of being hit? Or are you afraid that you won't even have friends?"

Xie Changze: "I'm sorry, Mr. Yan."

Yan Yunzhi: "Young people are not bloody, they are more courageous! Uncle is optimistic about you!"

Seeing that the other party was retreating, Yan Yunzhi couldn't help but feel a little anxious, and even changed his name.

Anyway, my baby has often been abnormal for this kid, probably because he fell in love with each other, so it's not a bad idea to fall in love.

He completely forgot that he was still planning not long ago, and Yan Xi had better fall in love and get married after the age of 30.

Xie Changze: "..."

He really felt sorry, so after thinking about it, he said solemnly "thank you" and then "sorry".

Yan Yunzhi sighed, he could understand why Xie Changze kept retreating.

Her own baby looks gentle and generous, but she is actually very calm and rational. She basically doesn't need much emotional value. She has been sensible and smart since she was a child, and rarely needs adults to coax her.

When she was only two or three years old, when she encountered difficulties, her first reaction was not to cry, or to seek solutions and comfort from adults, but to solve the problem herself.

This is probably the common problem of genius.

Yan Xi doesn't depend on others, so in the eyes of most men, she doesn't seem so gentle and cute, and some people even think that she is too strong.

Xie Chang didn't have the stinky problems of those men, he was probably just worried that Yan Xi would block him and never see him again.

He patted the young man on the shoulder and said meaningfully, "Isn't it true that I never chased girls when I was young. Sometimes you think it's as hard as the sky, but maybe you are favored by the goddess of luck?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned his head and saw his baby come over.

Gu Nianfeng followed behind: "Sir, the eldest miss feels that something is wrong, so she insists on coming back."

No matter how much attention was paid to their manners, after a fight, their clothes were wrinkled, but Xie Chang's footprints on the white shirt on his chest were still clearly visible.

Yan Yunzhi laughed and quickly explained, "Xie Chang and I encountered something just now."

He had an idea and thought that this was a great opportunity!

"Actually, we were in trouble, and Xie Chang was kicked a few times by others in order to save me. Those people are professional thugs, and they are very heavy."

After speaking, he felt that he really had a plan, and accurately helped Xie Changze to find the assist point.

Sure enough, Yan Xi stepped forward and was about to check on Xie Changze's injuries: "How is your injury? Does it still hurt? Does it matter? I'll call the family doctor right away..."

Xie Chang shook his head, then shook his head again, and suddenly stretched out his arms and hugged Yan Xi tightly in his arms.

"Yan Yan, I'm sorry."

Yan Yunzhi: "!!!"

He is encouraging the other party to be brave in chasing love, but he can't come up like this! Even if you have an extremely beautiful face, if you are so rash, you may get a slap in the face!

(End of this chapter)

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