The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 430: Go straight to the live broadcast room and shut it down.

Chapter 430 Go directly to seal the live broadcast room

Seeing Xie Chang Ze's dark eyes staring at her for a moment, she asked calmly, "Am I wrong? Don't you want to do an experiment?"

Xie Changze: "...Yes."

He was a little helpless, but his heart softened.

This person, there is always a way to let himself sink again and again, without any thought of resistance.

Maybe it was a wrong decision to ask Su Yiran for psychological counseling before. He had always worried that he would hurt Yan Xi because of his strong possessiveness.

But in fact not at all, she will always be the yardstick for her actions.

Yan Xi nodded, "Then it's over, this so-called revelation, maybe it's your relatives who came up with it, they colluded with He Shi? One who covets your villa and one who covets you, They are the real despicable, shameless and low morality."

Xie Chang felt that his heart was beating fast, as if the shackles that had been pressing on him were trivial things that were not worth mentioning in Yan Xi's mouth.

If she confessed, would she be able to accept it calmly.

Of course, it's okay to only confess to this point. Yan Xi has strong hostility towards He Shi and the Xie family, and will never believe every word they say next.

As long as you continue to show weakness, you can completely pick it up.

Xie Chang didn't care about black and white and morality, and he didn't feel much guilt, but he cared about how Yan Xi viewed himself.

Care to the apex of pain, conflict and struggle.

"Squad leader!" Qiao Qian ran over panting, saw the two talking, stopped subconsciously, and did not dare to go forward.

Yan Xi walked over: "What's wrong?"

Qiao Qian said anxiously, "Squad leader, Yan Xi, someone is doing something at the gate of Imperial College!"

When Qiao Qian saw the rumors circulating in the WeChat group and QQ group, he immediately thought of coming to Xie Changze.

As soon as he got off the bus, he saw an unexpected person at the gate.

Qiao Qian had met that cousin of Xie's family, who was oily and powdery. He remembered that face because he dared to speak rudely to the monitor.

Although Qiao Qian didn't know the relationship between the rumors and the other party, he felt something was wrong the first time, and walked over quietly subconsciously.

Sure enough, after a minute, he was about to explode.

The cousin with oily head and noodles is broadcasting live, and the content of the live broadcast is all framing Xie Changze.

In addition to the revelations he saw, what else had used illegal means to occupy the family's villa, living in the villa area and pretending to be rich, so as to cling to the rich family's daughter.

It can be said that it is full of bad deeds and has a low character. It is not worthy of entering a sacred school like Imperial University.

He broadcasted the live broadcast with great fanfare at the school gate, and he also had photos and other evidence in his hand, which simply confirmed Xie Changze's black materials.

Many people were watching and talking.

Apparently, most passersby believed it, and some parents even reported the situation to the school.

It is strongly requested that this matter be thoroughly investigated. If it is confirmed that the person involved is indeed of bad character, then the school should not ignore it.

Yan Xi took out her mobile phone and searched for it. It was very good. A certain live broadcast platform was the most popular one.

Many people came in to watch because of the entries such as the top scorer in the college entrance examination and Yan Xi.

In fact, without these two entries, Shan Xie Changze's entry is also attractive.

The popularity of the "Brain Fighting" program has attracted many people's attention to this young man with outstanding appearance and cool temperament, who is more handsome than the fandom idol.

Who doesn't love the beautiful, cold and low-key little brother? Although he doesn't have the same trend as Yan Xi, his popularity is definitely not small, and he has a lot of passers-by fans.

The person who entered was originally aimed at Yan Xi, but it turned out to be Xie Changze.

Suddenly, I was very surprised. It turns out that Xie Chang is also the champion of the college entrance examination? Wasn't that the same as Yan Xi who scored a perfect 750 on the test?

This guy is really low-key, and he doesn't even say such things that are worth boasting about.

So, some people are fighting in the live broadcast room right now.

[You can eat rice indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. It is against the law to spread rumors. 】

[Also seduce rich family daughters, you can directly report Yan Xi's ID card. But can I say that these two match up? You are sour, you are not worthy of sour chicken. 】

[My little brother can get a perfect score of 750 in the college entrance examination. Is there an IQ ceiling? Is it necessary for him to do this? 】

[If it was really for the money, he would not just make his debut. At that time, the program team wanted to sign him, after all, he was the third runner-up. 】

[Yes, or directly hyping it up with Yan Xi, it has already become popular. 】

Xie Junxuan was furious, this time netizens took their heads, it turned out not to be so easy to fool.

With a cold face, he said, "I'll directly expose him with my name, is it necessary for me to lie? As for why I don't debut and what to do, in the eyes of the real wealthy, those who are in the entertainment industry are all actors. He wants to marry into a wealthy family, of course. Can't enter the entertainment industry."

"Is there a necessary relationship between good academic performance and poor character? No, our relatives say that smart people are the most selfish, and they are talking about him."

"I'm here to say it today, he is a pervert who is ungrateful, ungrateful and inhuman! There are other things I haven't revealed yet. The evidence in my hand is enough to send him to jail, believe it or not!"

In the live broadcast room, the exasperated man took out a few photos and put them on the camera.

If the previous revelations were just some text descriptions, these photos would be much more intuitive.

The young Xie Chang held a scalpel, his face was stained with blood, but his expression was indifferent and calm, next to the corpses and bodies of small animals that had been messed up.

The photos are old, but the impact is not low, and the live broadcast room was quiet for a few seconds.

Immediately, there was overwhelming condemnation and abuse.

Yan Xi closed the live broadcast app calmly, and said to Xie Changze and Qiao Qian, "Wait a minute, I'll make a call."

She walked to the side and called directly.

Coincidentally, this popular live broadcast app was one of Yan Qingcheng's early investment projects. At that time, live broadcast was not only not as popular as it is now, but also very unpopular. Yan Qingcheng was an angel investment. After three rounds of financing A, B, and C, more capital entered the market, and the equity was diluted, so no one noticed that the angel investor was Yan Qingcheng.

Those shares were all transferred to him long before Yan Qingcheng passed away.

Before the age of eighteen, she was entrusted to supervise by an agency, and after the age of eighteen, she was in charge of herself independently.

She has no intention of interfering in the company's business decision-making. She has always only paid dividends from dry shares. She is a very talkative investor. The CEO of the company is still the founder of the year. He has been competing with capital in these years and has been constrained by many parties. Instead, he has a great impression of Yan Xi.

Therefore, Yan Xi made a phone call, and without saying a word, he went to seal the live broadcast room.

The reasons are ready-made. The anchor is obsessed with showing off his wealth. He often shoots some sensational videos of showing off his wealth. Most of his comments are extreme, and the comment area has always been smoky.

The platform has recently been vigorously rectifying bad value orientation, and showing off wealth is also an item that explicitly requires rectification.

And the other party suddenly took out such a photo in the live broadcast room and got close to the camera, it was really inappropriate to be caught off guard.

It is suspected of promoting violence, blood and gore.

(End of this chapter)

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