The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 439: Maybe you will make a different decision

Chapter 439 Maybe you will have a different decision

Xie Chang was a little remorseful in his heart. In the past, it was to hide the Xie family, but also because he kept a low profile and didn't like to talk about it, so people always thought that his family was ordinary.

He always wanted to wait for his relationship to stabilize a little more, and then tell Yan Xihe about his financial situation.

The bank card that was given to Yan Xi had 200 million funds in it, all of which were fixedly purchased for wealth management products, which would gradually expire in the next one to five years.

I thought of slowly revealing, bit by bit, that Yan Xi is so smart, and if she is mentally prepared, she won't be too surprised.

But now that he couldn't care less, Yan Xi suddenly proposed to get engaged, so he would show his financial situation to the Yan family.

There is also an engagement banquet, which must also be held in a grand and grand manner.

Let everyone know that she is her treasure, all her principles and bottom lines.

Let no one dare to despise her, and understand that she is not her weakness, but another strong backer of hers, so she is afraid.

Yan Qinghe said calmly: "You don't need it if you come to the door. I'll pretend that I haven't heard about it today. You are still young, I thought at least you would have to wait until you finish your studies before thinking about it."

"And I don't approve of getting engaged without a thorough understanding. Getting engaged shows that both parties are ready to enter the marriage and take responsibility. What if they find that the two are not suitable? It doesn't matter, it's just an extra affair; people in the world are too harsh on women, and I have to protect my granddaughter."

Yan Xi couldn't help but feel anxious: "Grandpa! I'm pretty sure, my feelings for Xie Changze..."

Yan Qing said gently, "Don't worry, baby, you can tell your grandfather in private when you have something to do. Now it's our Yan family and the Xie family who are talking."

Yan Xi couldn't help but cry.

Grandpa was obviously afraid that he would support Xie Changze. He never commented on his parents' marriage, but Yan Xi could tell from a young age that Grandpa was always dissatisfied with Xi Jingxing.

He felt that a big man had no sense of responsibility or responsibility at all, and even felt that all the criticisms placed on Yan Qingcheng were all Xi Jingxing's incompetence.

No matter how much he said, his grandfather might compromise, but he couldn't change his feelings for Xie Changze.

Xie Chang said slowly: "I understand what you mean, Mr. Yan. Marriage is good for two surnames. But please rest assured about the Xie family, those people will not have the opportunity to be a demon in front of Yan Yan."

"If you are really worried, you can give me an inspection period, and I will prove it to you with practical actions."

Yan Qinghe put down his chess pieces, and was a little dumb for a while, but the young man was quite strong, and under his own pressure, he did not back down.

It was indeed many times better than the timid Xi Jingxing back then.

However, Xie Chang Ze suddenly changed his words, "Yan Yan is the best girl I have ever met. She is beautiful, gentle, kind and generous. It is God's blessing to meet her."

He turned his head to look at Yan Xi, "But it's not necessarily her luck to meet me, Yan Yan, there are some things I want to tell you, maybe after listening to it, you will make a different decision."

Yan Qinghe was a little surprised, and it was all about it, why did he let Yan Xi make a new decision instead.

However, he could feel the young man's greatest sincerity and caution.

Originally, he wanted to find an opportunity to push this matter off, or delay it, even if it would make Yan Xi unhappy.

It's better than being hot-headed and falling into someone else's gentle trap.

Xie Changze's current performance made him take a high look at him.

It is rare that he is not impetuous in his mind at this age, and he has always been calm, and he is indeed a genius with outstanding intelligence.


When Xi Yan returned to his room, he was so shocked that he couldn't return to his senses.

He couldn't help editing the text message and started sending it to the small group.

Eldest Young Master: [Do you know what that **** Xie Changze did? He actually deceived our family Yanyan to be with him, and he even took the initiative to propose to the family to get engaged! 】

Damn, I really didn't expect it.

The previous guesses were guesses, it was not that I never suspected that the other party had bad intentions towards his sister.

But based on his trust in the other person's character, he didn't think much about it.

and many more!

No, doesn't Xie Chang have a girlfriend?

Eldest Young Master: [Wait a minute, do you know the name of Xie Changze's ex-girlfriend? 】

Ying Shiyu: [Did you make a mistake, the monitor has always liked the eldest lady alone. 】

Xi Yan thought about it again, but seeing that Xie Chang was drinking coffee with a girl, it might not be his girlfriend.

To be honest, he didn't really believe it at the time. Didn't he make the association because Xie Changze admitted that he had a girlfriend.

Unexpectedly, the so-called girlfriend turned out to be my own sister!

Class 1 mascot: [Is the squad leader so fierce? The eldest lady is indeed my favorite fierce 1! Although very happy, but also a little sad what is going on. 】

The squad leader's deputy: [Wow, Yan Xi is mighty and domineering! Action is amazing! So moving! I support Yan Xi and the monitor together, and support the engagement! 】

Qiao Qian was so excited that he kept throwing flowers in the group, and for the first time in his life, he generously distributed a few red envelopes to celebrate.

Xi Yan didn't stop, couldn't help but clicked, and then got 0.08 yuan.

He didn't believe in evil, so he ordered the next red envelope, which was even less, 0.05 yuan.

A total of 10 red envelopes were ordered, and the final harvest was 1.74 yuan.

Xi Yan: "..."

Whoa, I almost cried.

Lu Qingming is cute: [The college students are so busy that they only have time to reach for the mobile phone to read the news. So the engagement is settled? 】

Eldest Young Master: [No! You think too much, it's impossible! Our family disagrees! I also strongly disagree! 】

Cute Lu Qingming: [Oh, okay. 】

Having said that, Lu Qingming also launched a red envelope soon.

Xi Yan took a deep breath, stretched out his hand and ordered the first one, and nearly fainted with joy, 188 yuan!

He ordered more than a dozen in one go, all of which were 188 yuan.

When he reacted, there were already more than 3,000 yuan in the balance.

Young Master: [You sent an exclusive red I thought it was a lucky red envelope. 】

I thought I had a good time, but it wasn't, it was someone else's kindness.

Today, Lu Qingming probably wanted to be a money-losing boy, so he started to swipe more than a dozen lucky red packets.

Xi Yan ordered all the way over, but it's okay, the harvest is good, each red envelope has dozens of dollars, and it's not a fraction of a cent.

The eldest young master: [These red packets were not sent by Xie Changze, right? 】

Lu Qingming was a little surprised, the eldest young master turned out to be smart once.

He would video with his cousin every night to review what he learned that day, record his confusion, and ask his cousin for advice.

Xie Zigui agreed that he should stay in China to take the college entrance examination. Of course, he wanted to work hard. If there is a cheater like his cousin, he can't slack off.

Unexpectedly, Xie Chang suddenly transferred 100,000 yuan to him today and asked him to send red envelopes in the group.

(End of this chapter)

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