The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 447: 2 paternity test certificates

Chapter 447 Two Paternity Tests

"Lock the safe again. Our family is better than anything else."

On the way here, Xi Jingxing had figured it out clearly, children are all debts, and parents always have to accommodate their children, so it was okay for him to take a step back.

There is no need to keep the relationship so rigid all the time. A family is not like a family.

Yan Xi has a business acumen that is not inferior to his wife's. The Qingcheng Group has been developing very well recently, and the time has not come to open this safe.

Xi Jingxing finally made up his mind and didn't want to stare at these jewels anymore, so he got up and walked out first.

The bank manager pushed open the door and walked in, looking at Yan Xi.

Yan Xi: "Brother, go out and see Dad."

Xi Yan obediently walked out.

The bank manager closed the door and confirmed that no one was there before taking out a document and handing it to Yan Xi.

"Ms. Yan Xi, this is the document that Ms. Yan Qingcheng left here. It will be handed to you when you are over 18 years old and you have opened the safe to divide your property."

He completed the task and walked out politely.

Yan Xi was not surprised at all, her mother would keep things for herself in private.

She tore open the envelope of the document, and there was a notarized document inside, declaring that the property in the safe was distributed by herself, which means that even if she took all the jewelry as her own, it was completely legal.

Yan Xi frowned slightly, all the arrangements before her mother's death were paving the way for her, but everywhere she left Xi Jingxing.

She could understand the company's stock, even if those things were handed over to Xi Jingxing, it would only go bankrupt sooner or later like the Xi Group.

But why are these jewels?

Yan Xi flipped through the pages. The following were two paternity tests. The first was the test of his elder brothers Xi Yan and Xi Jingxing. The test results confirmed that Xi Jingxing was Xi Yan's biological father, and the date was 18 years ago.

The second appraisal was written by myself and Xi Jingxing. The appraisal date was five years ago, probably when my mother was seriously ill.

Yan Xi turned to the last page, her pupils tightened slightly.

Ying Shiyu set the place for classmates to meet at the club.

When Yan Xi walked in, Lu Qingming was still lying on the bar not far away, doing his homework, while Xie Chang sat next to him to help.

As if feeling something, the other party raised his eyes suddenly and looked at him, the cold expression on his face dissipated, and he instantly became gentle.

Noticing that the people around him got up, Lu Qingming was a little anxious and grabbed the hem of the other's clothes, "Cousin! Wait, I still don't understand this question!"

Xie Chang took a deep breath, and his already anxious heart became even more impatient.

He directly picked up the pen and quickly wrote down the steps to solve the problem, "Think about it yourself first."

Then he got up and walked quickly in Yan Xi's direction.

Yan Xi was surrounded by everyone, and Fu Mengjia saw that Yan Xi was very excited, so she stepped forward and hugged him fiercely.

"Yan Xi, I miss you so much!"

Probably because her appearance has become better, her personality is obviously much more lively, and she is no longer devoted to studying, and will try to make friends with the people around her.

Unexpectedly, I received a lot of kindness and got along well with my roommates and classmates.

Of course Fu Mengjia knew that all this was due to Yan Xi.

Ying Shiyu thought about it, Fu Mengjia has already hugged her, so can she?

"Miss, long time no see." Because of the family's request, Ying Shiyu stayed in the local area to study, and hadn't seen Yan Xi for a while.

The other girls also lined up, waiting for a loving hug.

After I went to college, I realized even more that it was such a blessing to be classmates with Yan Xi and Xie Changze!

These two are very popular, and many college students are fans of the two. Even the people who brought them were given preferential treatment, and the line was full.

Jin Zhao stared, feeling a little unfair!

Girls are too foul, why can they all hug?

"Or can you go and hug your squad leader?" At this time, only Xi Yan made such a proposal.

Very bold. Everyone turned to look at him.

Jin Zhao's eyes lit up, he also coveted the squad leader's beauty! When the squad leader came over today, he felt that his aura was obviously different!

He exuded a calm and powerful aura all over his body, and he instantly felt that he was stunned. This is too fierce, monitor!

Qiao Qian: "Are you thinking about eating shit, and the monitor can also hold you?"

He was a little angry, this group of people is really getting more and more arrogant, probably there is no pressure on the head of the college entrance examination, and finally there is no need to suppress their nature.

Jin Zhao looked at Xie Changze who came over.

Sensitively aware of the dangerous atmosphere, he said decisively, "You are right, the squad leader is the Frozen Throne, and no one can monopolize it."

Xie Chang glanced at him, "Wrong."

Jin Zhao was stunned for a moment, what was wrong?

Then the next second he bit his fingernails and nearly screamed.

Xie Chang said to the girls who were still in line, "Can you give me Yan Yan back?"

Although it was a polite inquiry, he had already pulled Yan Xi into his arms and embraced the other party's shoulders, and the meaning of the oath of sovereignty was very obvious.

"I'm sorry, it's not easy for me to find a girlfriend. I hope you all abide by morals and take care of your classmates' friendship. Don't rely on a girl to covet her recklessly."

Everyone: "…"

My God, the monitor is so domineering!

Is this an official announcement to everyone? Except for a few insiders, most of the classmates did not know that the two had come together.

But it's not surprising at all, I even think that's what it should be, after all, the two are so well matched.

This time I really hit it, the first CP!

Qiao Qian looked at the fuss of this group of people, and thought that you guys still have too little experience. I don't know that these two are making rapid progress and are already preparing to get engaged, right?

However, this matter has not been finalized, and the squad leader has not said that it can be announced.

Qiao Qian also knew that the squad leader wanted to hold the engagement ceremony very solemnly and after obtaining the consent of the Yan family according to the etiquette.

Everyone will be invited to attend.

Faster, probably at the end of the year, or next spring. After all, there is no need to be sloppy, and the preparatory work in the early stage is very complicated, and all aspects must be considered.

There are many items that can be played in the club, UU reading www.uukanshu. The tea room upstairs in com is also very quiet, and many business people will meet here for talks.

Yan Xi walked to the atrium to breathe, her eyes swept across a group of people who came out, and she quickly turned to leave.

The headed man's originally chilling face softened quickly, the corners of his lips raised, and he smiled happily.

"Good-hearted little girl, it's a coincidence that we meet again."

The assistant behind him hurriedly took everyone who followed him away.

Qi Yuan put her hand in her trouser pocket at will, and walked over with a smile, "I don't know why, every time I see you, I always feel in a surprisingly good mood, probably because of my eyesight?"

Yan Xi turned her head to look at the other party, she didn't want to see this person now, but since the other party stepped forward, let's talk straight.

"Isn't it because I look like my mother?"

Qi Yuan's expression remained unchanged: "You really know it."

(End of this chapter)

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