The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 451: pouring dirty water on the old lady

Chapter 451 Pour dirty water on the old lady

Xie Luan looked at Xie Guoli and whispered, "Brother, let's go talk at home, this is not the place to talk."

Xie Guoli sneered in his heart, would you like to ask for mercy at this time? late!

"You couple have no conscience, not our relatives, who have been helping for so many years, always thinking about the pity of the child." After a pause, Xie Guoli changed the conversation, "But I didn't expect that the child who has helped for more than ten years, It's actually a white-eyed wolf!"

Xie Luan took Xie Guoli's arm, "Big brother!"

Xie Guoli was unmoved, "Actually, I'm not surprised. Xie Changze is a smart child from novels, but there is actually a problem. The psychiatrist said that it is a lack of emotion and a cold nature. We used to think that the child was pitiful and the younger brother was pitiful. Now it seems that How can others deserve sympathy, we are clearly pitiful! Some people even have their own fathers in order to gain family property!"

Xie Luan: "Big brother is not like this, I am not for the family property..."

Xie Guoli: "Then you admit that you did it? Xie Luan, if you have any conscience, you should go to the police station and surrender yourself, you murderer!"

Xie Luan felt like falling into an ice cave. He couldn't escape the psychological condemnation for so many years. At this moment, he finally couldn't help closing his eyes.

There was an uproar among the melon eaters, and they didn't even argue and refute. Is this an admission?

The media is also very excited. This is big news, and it can do many special reports, and even continue to guide the topic to earn dividends in the follow-up.

"Mr. Xie Luan, are the Xie family's revelations true?"

"You used to be a doctor, for what purpose did you prescribe the compound hibernating spirit to your seriously ill father, is it really just to relieve the pain of the father, or is it for the so-called family property?"

"Is your five-year-old son injected to avoid legal responsibility?"

"It is reported that the villa left by your father has been inhabited by your son Xie Changze. It has been transferred to Xie Changze's name a few years ago. Do you think it is reasonable?"

"You and your wife haven't seen each other for so many years, are you afraid that things will happen? Or can't you escape the condemnation of your conscience?"

All kinds of problems came one after another, Xie Luan was surrounded, and the more he heard, the more anxious he became, "That's not the case!"

But no one listened to his explanation, everyone just wanted to hear their guesses.

Xie Guoliang suddenly came over, grabbed Xie Luan's collar, and punched him directly, "Beast! You are an old beast, and Xie Chang is a little beast!"

Xie Luan received a fist, and the corner of his mouth was broken, but he suddenly calmed down.

He was called by a phone call today, and he mentioned the death of his father that year, and finally he couldn't help rushing home.

He came all the way in a hurry, and he didn't even know that there was a trap waiting for him here.

This matter has been concealed for more than ten years, and he has suffered enough of psychological torture.

His wife has also been unwilling to forgive herself, and she is even more unwilling to face that wise and near-demon son, who has not appeared for so many years.

If it weren't for the debt to be repaid, the other party would have filed for divorce long ago, ending this tortured marriage.

It's time to come to an end, even in the face of moral and legal trials.

Xie Guoliang wanted to take the opportunity to punch more, but Xie Luan's eyes suddenly changed, and he actively blocked his arm.

Xie Guoliang was angry and anxious: "What are you doing, you still want to beat me? Killing people, Xie Luan wants to kill his own brother again!"

Xie Luan held on to the other's arm, ignoring the other's pouting, looked at Xie Guoli and said word by word, "Brother, let's talk in the house, what do you want to know, I'll give you an explanation, including the re-division of the house. ."

Where are these people making such a fuss, why are they seeking justice?

It is nothing more than this villa for Anzhi Tinglan.

Xie Luan could see clearly that when the Xie family went bankrupt, he had already seen through the faces of these so-called relatives.

At that time, no one thought about being filial to their parents. Instead, they wanted to hide as far as they could, lest they be too far away.

If letting go of the villa can quell this matter, of course he is willing.

Xie Guoliang jumped: "What are you talking about, you murderer is not qualified to inherit this house!"

Xie Guoli seemed to be struggling in his heart, and he turned his face away after a while: "If you have a clear conscience, explain it clearly in front of so many people, is the so-called euthanasia an excuse for you, and is there any cure for your father's illness? What are you? Isn't it to gain family property? What role does the old lady play in it? After all, she is your mother, not ours."

Xie Luan's whole body is like falling into an ice cave, and his heart is completely cold.

Mrs. Xie is the second wife of Mr. Xie. The previous one died unexpectedly. Mrs. Xie married and was the stepmother of several children.

Everyone knows that a stepmother is not easy to be a stepmother, but Mrs. Xie has always been a bowl of water, and she is very good to several children.

Even when the Xie family went bankrupt that year, Mrs. Xie provoked the debt independently, saying that she could not cause trouble for the children.

These people are now dragging the deceased old Mrs. Xie into the water, and they don't even have a face.

"Nonsense, nonsense!" Butler Liang heard this sentence just as he squeezed over, and the veins on his forehead jumped with anger.

Xie Guoliang was very dissatisfied, this old thing was annoying to see, "This is our family business, why do we want you to intervene?"

Butler Liang: "You poured dirty water on the old lady, I can't say it yet? The old man's illness was consulted by experts back then. He was in the advanced stage of liver cancer and ascites, and he could not be saved at all! Also, the old man and the old lady owed tens of millions of dollars at that time. The house is the only residence that has not been confiscated by the bank, where is there any family property!"

"Is the debt of tens of millions of dollars real? Why haven't we seen people calling for debts? There are also many types of ascites in the liver. Who knows if the old man has liver cancer or not. This is not a matter of the old lady and Xie Luan." The situation is not right, he quickly said cheekily.

Before they came, they discussed it, no matter what the other party said, they would not admit it anyway!

The old lady didn't let them take on anything back Who knows if she secretly gave property to her son, so that the family can live happily.

Butler Liang is so angry that his chest hurts, these shameless people!

The media and onlookers were also shocked. It was originally just an ethical issue, and there were some who agreed or understood. There were huge differences of opinion.

But now the problem is serious. This is not just an issue of euthanasia. It is a matter of killing people and taking family property under the pretext of euthanasia.

This is a sure-fire crime, and the meticulous thinking and secret methods are even more chilling.

"In short, the old man died of illness, and the master and the young master are clean!" Butler Liang thought for a while, and said decisively.

Xie Guoliang sneered: "What you say is what you say, do you think everyone will believe it?"

He turned his head to look at Xie Changze who was standing outside the crowd, "Zhang Ze knows the truth of the matter best. But I guess you won't be condemned by your conscience, anyway, you have always had no conscience."

(End of this chapter)

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