The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 453: I dare to pledge my name and my life

Chapter 453 I dare to use my reputation and life guarantee

Xie Guoliang was so angry that this woman was sick! He actually recorded so deliberately!

"Is 500,000 yuan still less? This is enough money for Xie Chang to go to college abroad. We are looking at him and helping him! What do children do with so much money? "

Xie Guoli glared at Xie Guoliang, this idiot, are you rushing to admit it?

Although this was his rhetoric and reason at the time, it was obvious that he couldn't say that to the media.

"You're mistaken, I... I mean, we five brothers, one of us pays 500,000."

Yan Xi: "Oh, that's 2.5 million. Is it a lot? My family's villa at least adds zero to this base and then doubles it."

The media at the scene and many passersby gasped.

Of course, Yan Xi said this on purpose. This is the price of his own villa, but Xie Chang's villa is smaller, so of course it's not so expensive.

"So have you found an excuse? I'm still 2.5 million, do you really think I'm 250? That day, Uncle Xie, you didn't look like that." Yan Xi smiled, "Aren't you guys just looking at Xie Changze's parents? The tens of millions of debts left by the old man and the old lady are almost paid off, and there are only some arrears from the bank left in the villa, so have you made up your mind?"

"In order to grab the villa, it's quite calculated. No wonder Xie Changze and his parents have refused to communicate with your relatives for so many years. Why do relatives who only **** blood want to communicate? Is it because they think their blood is thick? "

Xie Guoli: "Why do you say that, you are slandering!"

He was a little flustered in his heart, why didn't this woman play cards according to the routine? Why did he bring it up on himself and not continue to defend Xie Changze's question.

"Did you slander yourself clearly?" Yan Xi took a step forward and slowly looked towards the Xie family. His eyes were like a beacon that illuminated the calculations in people's hearts.

"You guys have discussed how to divide this villa? Xie Junxuan said that he wants to live in, so it is probably divided between Xie Junxuan and his son, and the others will share the money, right? I just want to ask you all, if you get Xie Junxuan Have the father and son promised the money? Xie Guoli closed the company a few days ago, and many suppliers are looking for him to settle the payment. I don't know if your money is still available. "

There was a small uproar in the crowd, and many people looked at Xie Guoli subconsciously.

"Brother, you..." Even Xie Guoliang hesitated for a while, and couldn't help but tentatively speak.

"Shut up!" Xie Guoli was so angry that his lungs were about to explode, what a bunch of idiots!

Isn't it just a few million dollars, I can't take it out now, but He Shi promised to give it, and he can still run away!

Xie Guoli said with a sullen face: "Don't change the topic here to deceive people! These are not true, what evidence do you have? I want to sue you for slander, yes, I want to sue you!"

Yan Xi: "Then go and sue. You guys are obviously trying to figure out a villa, so it's not uncommon for them to fabricate any kind of facts to frame Xie Changze. Of course I can reasonably suspect that you are here today in an organized manner. Premeditated smear and framed!"

Xie Guoli looked at her in horror, "You, are you sick!"

Yan Xi: "Is it wrong to tell the truth? I dare to use my reputation and life to guarantee that none of your accusations are true, and Xie Chang has never done those things. Can you guarantee that everything you say is true? Father Xie and Mrs. Xie are in heaven, you might as well make an oath. You should also know that I have leukemia, and I will bet that if Xie Chang does it, I will not survive this year, do you dare to bet?"

"Yan Yan!" Xie Changze's face changed completely, and he hurriedly stepped forward to cover her mouth, "Nonsense, childish words are unscrupulous."

Yan Xi blinked and looked at him, "Anyway, you haven't done it, and this curse can't be dealt with by me."

Her expression was too calm, although the question pointed out was sharp, her voice was always gentle and calm, with some inexplicable convincing power.

Everyone immediately looked at Xie Guoli, apparently doubting his motives and rhetoric.

That recording didn't look fake, Xie Guoli was obviously trying to make a villa!

Besides, Yan Xi, a daughter of a daughter, would be fine if she didn't really confirm Xie Chang, how could she dare to take a curse on her cancer!

This is really deadly!

However, Yan Xi was also certain that she would not be able to respond to her. Could it be that she should be...

Noticing that the eyes of everyone looking at him were not right, Xie Guoli's face changed again and again, "You are crazy! Does this matter have anything to do with you, want you to talk nonsense here?"

He was utterly heartbroken.

Because the old man believed in Buddhism, the Xie family traditionally worshipped Buddha on the 15th day of the first day.

After Mr. Xie and Mrs. Xie passed away, the family will pay tribute every year on the anniversary of his death.

Although he does not respect ghosts and gods on weekdays, he is not sincere in offering sacrifices, and even feels annoyed, but at this time, when he thinks about it, he panics in his heart.

And Yan Xi has cancer! Think bad luck!

Yan Xi: "You don't dare, because you are afraid that Mr. Xie, Mrs. Xie, will come to you at night? In order to completely occupy this villa, you have to smear the old lady. Of course, you have a guilty conscience."

Xie Guoli's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, he stared at Yan Xi for a moment, and suddenly said yin and yang strangely, "You are so rushing to protect Xie Changze, is there any secret relationship between the two of you? Ha ha, the little girl now. They're all in love, but my nephew is really good at pleasing women."

The middle-aged old man had a self-righteous greasy smile on his face, and his eyes were wretched and uncomfortable.

Xie Changze's eyes suddenly turned cold, and the moment he raised his hand, Yan Xi held it down.

Yan Xi looked at each other calmly, "You're right, I'm dating Xie Chang."

Everyone was in an uproar, and God did not expect a big melon to burst in the end!

Su Mu and Lu Qingming in the crowd looked at Yan Xi unexpectedly, and actually admitted to dating under such circumstances? !

I have to say This eldest lady is really brave and daring!

Lu Qingming grabbed Su Mu's arm excitedly, "Young miss is so sassy!"

Su Mu thought for a moment and said, "But it doesn't seem right to admit it at this time. After finally turning the situation around, it will make people feel that she is selfish."

He was very worried that netizens would scold Yan Xi again.

Xie Guoli's face lit up with joy, and Yan Xi admitted the relationship, so what she just said was obviously biased, and she couldn't do anything!

"You..." He cleared his throat and tried to fight back quickly.

The media who had just met him had already given him a cryptic look, and if Yan Xi continued to talk nonsense, the trend on the Internet would be uncontrollable.

"To be precise, Chang Xie and I are dating on the premise of marriage." Yan Xi didn't intend to give each other a chance to speak.

"We plan to get engaged first, and then get married after graduation. Of course, the engagement is subject to the inspection of the Yan family. After all, it must not be sloppy. Character and ability are very important."

(End of this chapter)

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