The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 460: Do you really think I'm scared?

Chapter 460 Do You Really Think I'm Scared?

It did not stink Xie Changze's reputation, but instead exposed the character of the Xie family and his son.

He Shi was very angry, and when the other party on the phone was on the phone, he was even more angry, and his tone could not be good.

Xie Guoli's flesh aches when he thinks of the 50 million he just missed.

What He Shi told him was mutual benefit, but he didn't give himself any benefit. At most, he promised to help him spend millions to get those relatives.

I don't even see any money now.

"Miss He asks us to follow your arrangement every time. Your contacts and marketing companies will help to hype, but why do you overturn every time? Could it be that your contacts are not good at all?" Xie Guoli sneered.

If I hadn't listened to her nonsense, would I have avoided answering unfamiliar calls? How could I miss the call from Yusen Group.

He thought about it a bit too much, but Xie Chang specially reminded him of Yusen Group's call, most of the investment opportunities this time were drawn by the other party.

And he just pushed it out so casually.

Xie Guoli was so remorseful, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the gains outweighed the losses.

He Shi: "What do you mean, you actually blame me?"

Xie Guoli: "Otherwise, do you blame me? Didn't you arrange for us to pull up banners to make trouble offline, and your people cooperated with online hype to ensure that it was foolproof?"

He Shi was so dizzy with anger that she had been living smoothly since she was a child, and everyone was holding on to it.

"Shut up! Who are you, you dare to talk to me like that? Don't you want to get involved?"

He Shi threatened in a sharp tone, "Don't forget, you are trapped in it now! If you withdraw the accusation against Xie Luan at this time, you are guilty of a guilty conscience! Then you will really steal the chicken and lose the rice!"

Xie Guoli was so angry that he wanted to hang up for a moment, but after a longer time, he calmed down.

He Shi sneered: "So you understand? You have no way out. Only by cooperating with me can you get what you want."

Xie Guoli: "What do you want to do?"

He Shi's voice softened, "I've already had someone put 5 million into your account. I've always been generous, and I hope you don't hide it. Didn't you say that Xie Changze saw a psychiatrist when he was a child? ?"

After hanging up the phone, He Shi sneered.

What if Yan Xi and Yan Yunzhi both intervened, he was never the one who swallowed his anger.

One can only blame Xie Chang Ze for being too ignorant of praise, forcing himself to make ruthless moves step by step.


Yan Xi guessed that the Xie family had kicked the iron plate and would not learn their lesson.

Sure enough, Xie Guoli opened a live broadcast account the next day, probably thinking that black and red are also red, and he started the live broadcast in a grand manner.

He chose several platforms, and he should have promoted it with some platforms. The popularity of live broadcasts is not low.

In addition to the navy, there are also some people, some of them are self-proclaimed smart people, some want to attract traffic to attract traffic, and some are sunspots who are simply afraid of chaos in the world, all gathered together to help Xie Guoli speak.

Especially after Xie Guoli took out the so-called evidence.

In the comment area of ​​Xie Guoli's account, it was a one-sided crusade.

[This list is not fake, Xie Luan, as a doctor, what is the bottom line? 】

[The voice of the child in the recording is Xie Changze, so calmly proposing to euthanize his grandfather is really vicious. 】

[Xie Changze has been seeing a psychiatrist since he was very young. He said it was a lack of emotion, but it was actually an anti-social personality. No wonder he brutally murdered his grandfather at such a young age. 】

[It is illegal to spread rumors upstairs! What you said is all one-sided, there is no evidence at all! 】

[After listening to the recording several times, I don't think there is any problem. Let's assume that the voice of the child is Xie Changze, and what he said is "He is in pain... Promise him", why do you think it is a proposal for euthanasia? 】

The person who occasionally helped to speak was quickly criticized by Heizi, and no different opinions were allowed to arise at all.

Cindy: "Boss, are we going into the navy?"

If you let the other party talk nonsense, black can also be said to be white.

This world has always been like this. If you don't say a word, others will not think you are decent and polite, but will doubt whether you are guilty or not.

Whoever cried the loudest was heard by more people, and it seemed that whoever said it was the truth.

People have the habit of preconceived ideas, and those who speak first are always easy to occupy the moral high ground.

Although it seems that most netizens are still very awake at present, they will not be led to the wrong rhythm, and they will help Xie Changze to speak.

But there are also many fair-minded rationalists, emphasizing that Xie Changze was too young at that time, and he might have been used by his parents. Anyway, Xie Guoli had evidence that Xie Luan prescribed medicine.

Yan Xi: "No. Chang Xie has evidence in his hands, and the police have already intervened and are investigating."

Today, she accompanied Xie Changze to the police station to take notes.

"You go to Xie Guoli's live broadcast to collect evidence, as well as those rhythmic marketing accounts and big Vs, I will sue them."

Those people danced happily on the Internet, and they inevitably mocked and despised Yan Xi.

Probably think that Xie Chang has no evidence, or think that the boss of a large group of Yan Yunzhi has no time to care about them, and each of them is quite fierce.

It is just convenient for them to collect and preserve evidence.

Cindy understood: "Okay, it just happened that there was an online purge recently, which is a typical case."


Zheng Wenxin watched several accounts being scolded by himself so he didn't dare to say a word, so he got up contentedly and poured a glass of water.

Last time, he couldn't help Sister He Shi to vent his anger. This time, he took the initiative to follow Xie Guoli's account.

Under the cover of the Internet, he felt that he had finally found his own stage.

Since he can be admitted to Imperial College, his IQ is already above that of ordinary people, and his thinking and logic ability is very strong, so it is easy to seize other people's loopholes and step on them frantically.

Because of his sharp words and quick thinking, his speech has been popular, and many people have come to worship him.

Zheng Wenxin feels very proud. If this goes on, he will become popular Of course he does not reject being an Internet celebrity V, after all, traffic means profit.

After drinking a glass of water, the roommate came back from outside, "Zheng Wenxin, your courier."

"What? Is it a document?" Zheng Wenxin was a little surprised. How could there be a document sent to him? Could it be the reply letter he submitted not long ago?

"It may be the acceptance letter from the magazine." Zheng Wenxin smiled and opened the document in front of his roommate.

Curious roommates looked over and looked at each other immediately. It seems that this is not a reply letter from a magazine, but a lawyer's letter? !


[I received a lawyer's letter today, guess who sent it to me? It's that rich lady! It's funny, I said a few truths, and she couldn't wait to maintain the little white face? It seems that Xiaobailian is very skilled in bed, and the eldest lady is comfortable in her body and mind, so she doesn't care about her face and cares about our little people. It really is the style of the capitalists. If you have a kind of thing, you can send a court summons and a lawyer's letter to scare anyone. Do you really think I'm scared? 】

(End of this chapter)

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