Chapter 463

He Shi repeatedly found faults, and Yan Xi reminded the He family through Mr. Yan, but with little success.

Since the elders in the family are unwilling to come forward to discipline them, they can't blame others for discipline for them.

Besides, Yan Xi didn't like being passive, and she gave her a few chances to be honest and righteous.

He Shi relied on the He family and the Cao family to pave the way since childhood, created an image of self-reliance and self-reliance, and won a good reputation. He has always been like a duck to water in the circle.

But unfortunately, these are all illusions. This self-proclaimed top-notch Bai Fumei has always been bullying others and never restrained.

Yan Xi didn't need any special effort to detonate these thunderbolts. As soon as her people came to the door, the other party cried and said that she had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

If ordinary people want to fight against the He family and the Cao family, it is like hitting a stone with an egg.

At first I had to swallow my anger, but how could the hatred in my heart be eliminated.

After so many years of dormancy, I finally found an opportunity.

Yan Xi was the life-saving straw they grabbed.


He Shi sneered when he received the WeChat message from Ling Linlin to complain.

Very good, Yan Xi actually made up her own mind.

Want to compete for your school belle and student council president? It's just a fool's dream!

He Shi thought that he had given up to Yan Xi repeatedly and had given him enough face.

Unexpectedly, the other party has to rush against him, just for a little white face.

She always thought that Yan Xi was of the same kind as herself. She was rational, calm and sober, and had her own life plan. Unlike most people in the world, she was mediocre.

It doesn't seem to be the case now, the other party is a love brain, and it is impossible to make any great achievements in the future.

Besides, Yan Xi probably doesn't have a future. A blood cancer patient may live a few years.

He Shi didn't take Yan Xi seriously, but that didn't prevent her from finding something to do for Yan Xi.

"Our student union also needs to recruit new students. I recommend Yan Xi to join. She hasn't joined any clubs, so she probably won't be able to bear it. The students who come here will bring them with me, and I don't have to worry about not getting points for social practice."

Several vice presidents and cadres looked at each other, and immediately felt a sense of crisis.

Could it be that He Shi wanted to train Yan Xi to be her successor?

How can this be done? They all worked hard in the student union for a long time, and climbed to where they are today, step by step, in order to add points to their resumes.

Yan Xi is a wealthy eldest lady who has a family business to inherit, so she doesn't need any training or a good resume.

Why should they take their cake for nothing?

He Shi calmly provoked a few more sentences, then turned around and left with the bag.

Naturally, someone at the school helped her to make things difficult for Yan Xi and found something to do for Yan Xi.

And the olive branch of the student union, probably the other party will not be willing to refuse.

He Shi left the school, walked into a box, and met someone.

Xie Guoli drooped his face, his expression was not good, "Miss He, you said you wanted to give me money..."

He Shi pressed his hand and motioned him to be calm, "Wait a minute, my uncle will be here soon."

Only then did Xie Guoli restrain his temper a little, and sat down and took a few sips of tea, but the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

Xie Chang had evidence in his hand and fought a perfect turnaround. Coupled with the police's involvement in the investigation, he completely cleared the other party's innocence.

Now the Internet is accusing their father and son of being stubborn, and even destroying their own brothers and nephews in order to embezzle their family property, which is simply beasts.

Even if Xie Guoli wanted to justify his evidence, no one would believe it.

Everyone felt that his evidence was fabricated, and the recording was deliberately taken out of context.

Xie Guoli was so annoyed that he was praised so highly before, and many marketing accounts and big Vs supported him, allowing him to enjoy the taste of success.

Unexpectedly, those marketing accounts and big Vs turned their heads and accused him of being scheming and fooling netizens, not as good as pigs and dogs.

"Miss He, aren't you very familiar with the marketing company, why didn't you help me to clarify?" Xie Guoli couldn't help speaking.

He Shi drank tea slowly, "What do you know, do you know what is bottoming out?"

"Everything is too much. You and I both know that the evidence in your hands is true, but now the public opinion is one-sided, and everyone is fooled. But Xie Chang himself has affective deficit disorder, which is impossible to whiten. "

"When netizens react and get tired of one-sided rhetoric, it's easy to reverse public opinion if they speak again at this time."

Xie Guoli frowned, his face solemn.

As a middle-aged man, he didn't know much about the ways of the Internet. He suffered a devastating blow as soon as he tasted the sweetness, and now he still has lingering fears.

He Shi: "Did you know that there are two specific manifestations of Affective Deficit Disorder, one is an antisocial personality, and the other is a schizotypal personality. Since Xie Chang is trying his best to prove that he is not an antisocial personality, then... "

She paused and smiled meaningfully, feeling very happy.

Xie Guoli frowned: "What do you want to do?"

"Mr. Xie, hello, hello! You have to cooperate and help in this matter!" A cheerful male voice sounded.

He Shi's eyes lit up, "Uncle!"


Su Mu was stunned when he received the report from his subordinates.

He thought about it, took the car keys, and decided to drive out to find someone.

The car entered Imperial University and stopped in front of a building. He couldn't get in, so he had to trouble the guards to report.

After a while, a young man came out in a hurry, and brought people in diligently.

"Mr. Su, please wait here. The professor will be here soon."

Su Mu didn't wait long when someone pushed in the door: "What's the matter with you looking for me in such a hurry?"

"When did you become a professor?" Su Mu looked at the person and couldn't help but complain.

The place was so heavily defended that he held his breath from the moment he entered the door.

"I'm not." Xie Chang sat down on the sofa and pressed his There was continuous busy fatigue in his expression.

The young man was a doctoral student at Imperial University just now, and he was an assistant assigned to him by the school, so the other party had such a misunderstanding and called him a professor directly.

But in fact, he didn't even have a college degree, and he was far from being a professor.

The reason that the other party is so respectful is simply because he represents the Xihe Research Institute, and is cooperating with Imperial College on the research and development of anti-cancer pills. At present, the finished drug has been almost done, and only some final experiments and adjustments are needed to minimize the side effects of the drug.

At this time, it is a free gift to let Imperial College join in. Even the doctoral student has benefited immensely. Of course, you must be respectful to yourself.

Xie Chang thought about it, tapped his finger lightly on the table, reminded, "Are you busy?"

Only then did Su Mu remember her purpose, and she couldn't help but want to laugh a few times before she opened her mouth.

"Well, a few customers came to Baiwei Pavilion for dinner today... It's really because your name was mentioned, our people couldn't help but listen."

(End of this chapter)

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