Chapter 469 The fault is your parents

Zhao Qingxuan: "No, this matter is always the fault of the He family. He Shi was not restrained to make her do such a ridiculous thing."

After a pause, he continued, "Of course Xie Chang is the victim, and I will apologize to him on behalf of the He family, and I will not ask for his forgiveness."

Yan Xi also knew some internal news of the He family. The heir of Mr. He was Zhao Qingxuan, but He Shi was supported by the other houses of the He family. The two were competitors.

If it wasn't for Zhao Qingxuan's sudden return to the imperial capital, I'm afraid He Shi's arrogance would be even more arrogant.

Mr. He probably won't give up easily, even if he faces head-to-head, he must keep He Shi's completeness.

The absurd things He Shi did have nothing to do with Zhao Qingxuan, and even if he wanted to anger him, he would not be able to anger him.

Yan Xi: "There is no need to apologize, as long as He Shi can be punished by the law, it is enough."

Zhao Qingxuan: "I also persuaded my grandfather. He Shi will be taught a lesson this time, so that he will have a reverence for the law and avoid the catastrophic disaster that the He family cannot contain in the future. This matter will not be repeated by the He family. Go and help find a relationship, don't worry."

After a pause, he chuckled lightly, "Besides, the more unlucky He Shi is, the better it will be for me. Recently, I have less resistance to acting in the company."

The boy has a mild expression, wears a well-tailored uniform, and appears well-mannered and well-bred.

Yan Xi: "...Actually, it's easy to be criticized for being cold-blooded, or for turning your elbows out?"

The more unlucky He Shi is, the more generous Zhao Qingxuan has to show, actively run for her, and bring people out, so as to convince the people of the He family.

Without saying a word, he showed weakness to the Yan family and took the initiative to apologize. I am afraid that the He family has a great opinion.

How could it be as easy and simple as he said.

Zhao Qingxuan: "Oops, you found out. But I also have my plans. How could I be led by the nose of those corpse vegetarians."

In this matter, he stood by the Yan family without any controversy, and there was no need to weigh the pros and cons.

It was only because He Shi also touched Yan Xi.

The other party is quite smart, and has always claimed that he will not engage in female competitions.

But in private, they smeared Yan Xi in various ways in the school, arranged a lot of black material about Yan Xi, and engaged in exclusion and isolation.


While the two were talking, Yan Qinghe suddenly hurriedly pushed open the door and walked in.

"Qingxuan, are you looking for me?"

He went out to fish in a nearby reservoir today, and was hurriedly called back by a servant just now.

Zhao Qingxuan was stunned for a while, he could only end the conversation with Yan Xi, and walked over to Yan Qinghe, and the two started talking.

Yan Xi didn't interrupt the conversation between the two. Speaking of which, she didn't dislike Zhao Qingxuan running to her house, and it was also because Yan Qinghe liked him.

The two people are very different in age, but gradually they seem to be forgetting their friendship.

Yan Qinghe is a warm and gentle person, even if he has been away from the podium for decades, he still has the side of being a good teacher.

It's just that Yan Yunzhi is too rebellious and Yan Xi is too smart to not need others to make up their minds, which is somewhat regrettable.

And Zhao Qingxuan probably couldn't count on the tutoring from the He family. He was smart and calm, and respected Yan Qinghe very much, as if he regarded Yan Qinghe as a life mentor.

The two sides get along well, and they don't care about the farce of He Shi at all.


Just as Yan Xi walked out the door, she saw Xie Changze standing at the door.

She walked over quickly, "Why didn't you go in when you came."

Xie Chang restrained the expression on his face and said calmly, "What were you laughing at just now? Did something good happen?"

He originally planned to go in, but happened to meet Zhao Qingxuan to enter the door.

Originally, I wanted to be a gentleman and give Yan Xi and each other room to talk about things, but the more I looked at it, the more wrong it became, and the two actually chatted for a long time.

It seemed too deliberate to go in again at this time, so Xie Chang then asked Yan Qinghe to be called back, so that the ill-intentioned guy had no chance to pester Yan Xi again.

But when he thought that Yan Xi was smiling at Yan Yan just now, and looking at Zhao Qingxuan smiling, he felt very uncomfortable.

Yan Xi: "No, by the way, I sent all the police investigation materials to Aunt Su."

She suddenly remembered this matter and decided to tell Xie Changze.

Xie Chang was stunned for a moment.

Yan Xi pondered and said, "Aunt Su told me that she once had an elder brother 8 years older than her, who was a genius since she was a child, and was placed in high hopes by the whole family, but in the end she embarked on the road of crime, and it was a crime with high IQ and cruel methods. Lack of common sense of empathy..."

She tried to analyze Su Ran's psychology. The impact of this incident on the Su family was too great, and Su Ran, the closest sister, left an indelible wound in her heart.

That's why the other party chose to escape after seeing various signs in his son.

"She's right, maybe I'm extremely cold-blooded, or maybe I'm carrying a criminal element." Xie Chang's tone was flat, looking at Yan Xi, "Actually, it's still too late, if you want to reconsider the engagement. …”

In the next second, there was a gentle touch on his lips.

Yan Xi withdrew a little, and felt that the other party's eyes had been firmly following her, her eyes were as black as ink, and she couldn't help but feel her heart beating faster.

"Nonsense, none of this is your fault. To be honest, your parents were born but not raised..."

No, it can't be said that they were born without raising them. The couple had a strong sense of morality. They worked hard all these years, and the money they earned was sent to Xie Changze to pay off huge debts in addition to maintaining basic living.

"They raise but don't teach, and it is ridiculous to miss the most critical ten years of your growth."

Even though Xie Chang is wise and precocious and has a lot of wisdom, he has always been alone at the age of seven or eight, with only one old housekeeper by his side.

It feels outrageous no matter what.

Xie Chang can completely choose not to forgive.

When Yan Xi thought about how her mother taught her when she was alive, she felt more distressed for Xie Changze.

Even Xi Jingxing, although unreliable and hypocritical, when his mother was alive, that man still tried his best to play the role of a father.

She looked at Xie Chang Ze's beautiful eyebrows and dark eyes, her complexion was as white as a fine suet jade, but her lips were as red as blood.

The originally cold and noble face, because of the movement, has a blush at the end of her Yan Xi gently kissed his forehead, "I will be your family from now on, and I will always be with you."

If this is the meaning of concluding marriage, then she is more determined and willing to spend her life with this person.

Xie Chang let out a low laugh, then he stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around Yan Xi's waist, fixed her body, and kissed her back without refusing to refuse.

The love hidden in the bottom of my heart is turbulent and warm, and it needs to be suppressed from time to time to maintain peace.

However, she was flirting and poking, and Xie Chang felt the blood all over his body boil.

Sensing that the person in his arms twitched his lower eyelashes in fright, Xie Chang didn't give the other a chance to escape, and simply clasped the other's hands.

Don't give the opponent the slightest chance to back down.

I want to imprint on this person's soul so that she will always remember herself.

If you haven't finished it just now, you don't want to let go.

(End of this chapter)

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