The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 496: Kind little girl, why are you dying?

Chapter 496 Good-hearted little girl, why are you going to die?

Qi Yuan really admired this junior. He thought about it and said, "I want the Yan family's old house and Yan Xi'an Zhi Tinglan's villa. Do you think the Yan family is willing to give it to me?"

Fu Yuhuai: "..."

So the other party is so fanciful, just for the two villas?

He thought for a moment, "I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. Yan Qinghe and Yan Yunzhi won't talk about it, Yan Xi can't betray Anzhi Tinglan's villa, it's where she and Aunt Yan lived, and Aunt Yan's room is still there. It has always remained the same..."

"Then I want these two villas even more." Where Yan Qingcheng lived, Qi Yuan wanted to get it no matter what.

Seeing that the car had arrived at the hospital, Fu Yuhuai quickly said, "Even if there is little hope, can't we sit down with the Yan family and discuss it? Do you have to go this far?"

Qi Yuan couldn't help laughing: "What are you thinking, of course it's not just that, attacking the Yan Group, but also because I want revenge."

"Vengeance?" Fu Yuhuai's face changed, "Why? As far as I know, the Yan family doesn't even know you at all."

He discussed this issue with Yan Xi on WeChat, and Yan Xi said that Yan Qinghe and Yan Yunzhi didn't even know there was someone like Qi Yuan.

Qi Yuan smiled and shook his head, "Of course they don't know me. How could I, who they regard as an ant, get into their eyes?"

He will never forget how painful the punches and feet were.

For that brutal beating, he went straight to Half-Life.

In a daze, he heard someone talking.

Based on the context, he quickly judged that one was Yan Qinghe, the other was Yan Yunzhi, and the other was Xi Jingxing.

Probably because the father disliked his daughter's indiscretion abroad and made a boyfriend with an innocent family background, forcing Yan Qingcheng to break up and maintain the reputation of the wealthy eldest lady.

When the younger brother also made suggestions, saying that the elder sister was a shame to the family, but fortunately turned back in time, now that the adulterer has come to the door, of course, he has to find a way to deal with it, and it may be a good idea to throw it on the high seas.

Xi Jingxing hesitated for a long time and said that this is not good, murder is against the law.

Having said that, he ended up being thrown into the open sea with his dying breath, like a rotten dog.

Qi Yuan smiled and glanced at Fu Yuhuai, "Eighteen years ago, they almost killed me, so it's alright for me to give back a little, right? Besides, Qingcheng suddenly made a fuss about breaking up with me because of a letter from home, you Do you think I should engage in the Yan Group?"

The car had stopped steadily, and Qi Yuan got out of the car with a smile on his face.

Fu Yuhuai pondered for a moment, but couldn't help but quickly chased after him: "But have you ever thought that maybe you made a mistake in your judgment? Yan Qinghe and Yan Yunzhi... are not that kind of people."

Yan's family is clean and honest, and is indeed tired of fame.

Back then, he was deliberately deceived by his father, and he also felt that Yan Qing was extremely hypocritical.

"In order to investigate the death of my mother, I followed Yan Qinghe and Yan Yunzhi for many years, and I have to admit that they are not the hypocrites I thought. To restrain others, Yan Qinghe is not a pedantic person..."

"I mean, is it possible that someone deliberately framed it?"

Qi Yuan stopped, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

"Sir!" Qi Cheng, who went to the hospital to inquire about the situation, turned back in a hurry, looking anxious, "Miss Yan Xi has an accident! Someone just took advantage of the chaos and poured sulfuric acid on her!"

"Yan Yan!" The blood on Fu Yuhuai's face quickly faded away.

He frantically ran to the hospital, but his mind was blank, why would such a thing still happen?


Chen Xiangxiang looked at her lover standing in front of the window, walked forward lovingly, and gently wrapped his waist.

"Brother Ziang, it's been a busy day, let's go out to eat?" She put her face on his back, this is the only target she can attack at present, and the favorability value must be full.

The two have been together for the past few days, and are willing to take Chen Xiangxiang to social places in the name of his fiancee.

It's probably been a while since Huo Zi'ang knew what he was thinking.

Huo Zi'ang pulled her hand away, "I'll talk about the meal later. Where's your anticancer drug?"

Chen Xiangxiang was stunned for a moment, her eyes dodged, "Are you in a hurry, I need time to make medicine..."

Huo Ziang looked grim: "You said you could give it to me today."

Only then did Chen Xiangxiang remember what she said to the other party last time, but she still wanted to cheat.

Little women, of course, have the right to be pampered and arrogant.

"Brother Zi'ang, I haven't had time to make it, can I wait a few more days?" As long as Huo Ziang's favorability value is full, and the reward points are in hand, all her problems will be solved easily.

But she never expected that in the next second, her neck would suddenly tighten, and she felt suffocated. She raised her eyes and met Huo Ziang's icy gaze.

"You are an impostor, yet you dare to be presumptuous in front of me? Who gave you the courage?"

The sense of suffocation was so clear, and the system's crisis warning sounded frantically again. Chen Xiangxiang had to be sure that the other party was genuine.

Just like Fu Yuhuai, he is like a lunatic, so cruel to those he once admired.

"I'll give it, I'll give it to you right away!" Chen Xiangxiang hurriedly shouted, and after being put down, she covered her chest with lingering fears.

Not caring about anything else at all, she entered the bedroom and had to reluctantly exchange three years of her life for a pill.

"This is an anticancer drug, the last one. Are you trying to save Sister Yan Yan?"

Huo Zi'ang took the pill and gave her a cold look, "Remember your identity, you're just my fiancee in the open, don't delusionally think about things that don't belong to you."

Chen Xiangxiang's face was extremely ugly.

After Huo Zi'ang left, she couldn't help but smashed everything in the house.


operating room.

Ling Sheng: "The corrupted part has been removed, but her own blood coagulation is very poor, so I'm afraid she can't stand it..."

The monitoring device rang, and Xie Chang felt tight.

"No, the patient is bleeding heavily!"


Outside the operating Fu Yuhuai grabbed the nurse and asked, "What's going on inside?"

"The patient is bleeding profusely, and the doctor is trying his best to rescue him! Does any family member sign the critical illness notice..."

Fu Yuhuai's whole person was about to go crazy, and his eyes instantly became red.

He suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly took out a porcelain bottle and stuffed it into the nurse's hand, "This is an anti-cancer Chinese medicine pill. The patient has blood cancer. Quickly find a way to pass the medicine in, it may be useful..."

The nurse hesitated for a while, but in the end she still took the bottle of medicine into the operating room.

Qi Yuan stood in the corridor with her hands in her pockets, her back against the wall, feeling a little throbbing in her heart.

"A kind little girl." He sighed and thought for a while, "Why are you going to die? Uncle Qi didn't say that he wanted revenge on you."

In fact, he didn't really want to do anything to the Yan family.

(End of this chapter)

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