The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 499: I just borrowed the manpower for the Huo family son

Chapter 499 I Just Borrowed Manpower to Young Master Huo

Xi Yan was stunned: "Why is Yan Yan performing surgery, what happened?!"

He didn't care about anything else, struggling to push the man who was holding him away.

Who knew that the man who was still holding his own hands and didn't let go of him just let go of him like lightning, and quickly ran to the hospital bed.

Xi Yan: "..."

Qi Yuan pushed the hospital bed and shouted excitedly, "Yanyan, Yanyan, are you okay? How is she now, is she all right?"

Eyes full of anticipation wandered for a while before falling on Xie Changze's face.

"She's all right." Xie Chang affirmed, "With the teacher and me here, she'll be fine."

Xi Yan couldn't help it: "So what happened, why did Yan Yan have the operation, and what about Grandpa?"

"Yan Yan was attacked, and someone tried to disfigure her by throwing sulfuric acid on her." Xie Chang briefly recounted the matter, of course, omitting the thrill in the middle.

The hospital bed was quickly pushed to the ward. This floor was the high-level VIP ward area. The director personally asked about it, and the entire floor was emptied, so Yan Xi, Yan Qing, and Gu Nianfeng, who had been able to walk on the ground, were arranged to live there.

Qi Yuan did not follow up, but let go and stood outside the door. He stared at the ward for a long time before slowly saying, "Qi Cheng, let's go."

"Move manpower to guard this place, without my consent, not even a fly is allowed in!"

"Contact foreign forces, give them a day, I want Yan Yunzhi to return to China unscathed!"

"Give up attacking the Yan Group and control public opinion to eliminate the negative impact on the Yan family. If anyone in the Fu family and the Huo family has any opinions, let them come to see me directly."


After a series of instructions were issued, the person had already walked to the side of the car, Qi Yuan opened the car door, and there was a bit of coldness in his eyes: "Let Qi Lian roll over and see me!"


"Let me roll over and see him?" Qi Lian shook the red wine glass in his hand as if he heard something funny.

He pushed the woman in his arms away, "My brother is really arrogant, really think I'm his dog, come and go when he's called?"

Several middle-aged men sitting on the sofa next to each other looked at each other, and immediately smiled: "Second Master, you don't need to pay attention to him at all."

"Yes, anyway, most of his power has been taken over by you. The Qi family has already changed, but he doesn't know it yet."

"What kind of family head he is, he is just a lunatic who wants to drag everyone to bury him! Instead, the second master can lead us to glory!"

"We are also willing to do our bit to support Er Ye as the head of the Qi family."

The gossip to please, finally soothed the unhappiness in Qilian's heart.

He drank the red wine in the glass, "Forget it, I care about a person who wants to die, and treat it as hospice care. I'll go see him."

Qilian stood up and said with a smile, "It's okay, I'll come when I go."

While walking on the road, he couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

If it wasn't for Qi Yuan's madness and his desire to die, he would have no choice at all, and probably now he could only be an obedient dog.

But Qi Yuan has long revealed that he wants to hand the Qi family into his own hands... Qi Lian tentatively reached out, and found that the other party's acquiescence and connivance had already expanded his ambitions step by step.

Qi Yuan probably didn't expect that the big dog that he fed by himself had become a wolf now.

Qi Lian no longer intends to endure.


"Mr. Qi, you called me?" When Qi Lian walked into the door, a subconscious smile appeared on his face.

Qi Yuan was processing his work with his head down and didn't respond immediately.

Qilian stood there, the smile on his face stiffened, and his expression gradually became gloomy.

"Qi Yuan..." He couldn't help himself.

Qi Yuan raised her eyes and glanced at him, the eyes were deep and heavy, Qi Lian's heart sank, and he changed his words subconsciously, "Brother, what's the matter?"

"What do you think?" When the man who had been in the upper position for a long time was not smiling, layers of coercion attacked the person standing at the bottom. "I said that without my permission, the Yan family is not allowed to be touched, so why send someone to hurt Yan Xi?"

Qi Lian felt a chill on his back, and then he suddenly remembered that the reason why his father wanted to hold Qi Yuan to be the head of the Qi family was because Qi Yuan dared to challenge those dark forces when he was seventeen or eighteen years old. .

The opponent's hands were really stained with blood, not by playing tricks behind his back like himself, but in face-to-face battles with those desperados.

Qi Yuan killed seven out of a dozen thugs, and his gun was unbelievably steady.

He would never forget the look in Qi Yuan's eyes at that time, calm and steady, as if he would never be afraid or withdraw, which made him fear.

Probably because he is a little man who is eager to live and fear death, he has no courage to face life and death, and only hides under the table and weeps.

Qi Lian: "...Mr. Qi, brother, I am wronged!"

His thoughts changed, and Qi Lian betrayed Huo Zi'ang without hesitation, "I just borrowed the manpower for the Huo family son. He said that Yan Xi was his fiancee, and he wanted to rehabilitate with Yan Xi."

"The way to repair it in a good way is to throw sulfuric acid on people's faces?" Qi Yuan stepped down and raised his foot and kicked Qi Lian, "Don't lie to me, otherwise I can also take back what I gave you!"

Qi Lian was terrified, this evil spirit, this devil!

"I really don't know! I didn't order it! I'm surprised to know this news, is he crazy!"

He thought that Huo Zi'ang's method was to directly **** the other party, or to lock the person up for confinement.

Women are all emotional animals anyway, as long as you treat them a little bit better and keep them in captivity in the name of love, the other party might be happy with them.

When Qi Lian regained his senses, he was already standing in the corridor covered in sweat.

At the end of the corridor, a woman walked gracefully, and she was a little surprised to see him, "Second Master, what's wrong with you?"

She was holding soup, soup, and, which was obviously made by herself, and planned to be given to Qi Yuan to drink.

Qi Lian was upset, he subconsciously picked up the stew pot, and when he heard Du Xiaoman's low-pitched exclamation, he became even more angry.

He really didn't dare to grab Qi Yuan's food and drink it, so he threw the stew directly on the plate.

Covering his aching chest, "...get out of here! By the way, Chen Xiangxiang, let her come to see me!"

Du Xiaoman flipped his hair, with a gentle smile on his face, knocked on the door and walked in: "Mr. Qi, this is the nourishing soup I made, you are working hard, you are probably hungry, right? Have a drink. Just padding the stomach..."

She knew that her behavior was a bit presumptuous, but it didn't matter, those people under Qi Yuan would open the door for her.

Especially Qi Cheng, who hinted that she would run to Qi Yuan more often, probably hoping to be the mistress of the Qi family.

She thought about it, at most Qi Yuan would not drink and scold her for a meal; but if Qi Yuan did drink, it would make their relationship further.

(End of this chapter)

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