Chapter 504 Dad is also very pleased

After all, Su Mu's stinginess can be said to be well-known, and there is no charity party that sends invitations to the other party without knowing how to do it, which would be too slap in the face.

Moreover, based on the principle of making a fortune in silence, Su Mu himself is also very low-key. How did the Chunlei Charity Gala expect to invite him?

Xie Chang's expression was calm, and he said calmly, "I suggested to him that doing public welfare should be a social responsibility that an enterprise should undertake, and it is also conducive to improving the image of the enterprise."

Yan Xi: "..."

As far as the positioning of your restaurant is concerned, it is simply not affordable for ordinary people. What corporate image needs to be improved?

However, it is understandable to say that. Yan Xi asked someone to read the donation list and determined that the other party had donated 1 million, which was very suitable for Su Mu's stingy personality.

Yan Xi: "Speaking of which, Cousin Su Mu is actually a good guy. You can hear your advice."

Xie Chang walked to the bar, poured himself a glass of water, and steamed up, enveloping his brows.

"Probably because my suggestion does make sense." His voice was normal.

Yan Xi nodded and seemed to have ended the topic.

Xie Chang heaved a sigh of relief, he didn't expect that he had buried a bomb for himself so long ago, but fortunately he was cautious.

His fingers rubbed the mug unconsciously, and the slight heat on his fingertips kept him calm, and his mind quickly wondered if this was a good opportunity to confess.

"Yan Yan, I..."

"By the way, do you still remember the donation to the Spring Bud Charity Gala? I donated 200 million in my mother's name, but I actually donated 300 million, and I don't know who donated the other 100 million. Yes." Yan Xi sighed slightly, "What a rich and kind person, who doesn't even leave a name for doing good deeds."

Xie Changze: "..."

"Is there such a thing?" Yan Feilu pushed open the door and entered.

His eyes were eagerly looking at his sister, and after confirming that she was all right, his tears almost fell.

"Yan Yan, you scared me to death, why didn't you tell me, are we still family?"

I'm really annoyed. It's inconvenient for me to contact the outside world when I'm on the set, but I don't deserve to have the right to know when such a big thing happens at home?

Every time I am the last one to know the news from the Internet, and I call back a hundred times to report safety.

"I'm afraid they will attack you." Yan Xi thought for a while, but decided to tell the truth, "It's safest for you to stay in a closed crew for filming."

Yan Feilu: "I'm a big star, and every move has fans and paparazzi staring at me. They don't dare!"

Yan Xi: "But it is precisely because of this that if I tell you the news of your uncle's disappearance from the very beginning, you will definitely go abroad, and you will not be able to hide it."

Yan Feilu was so angry that he slammed his fist on his knee.

He just knew that what Yan Xi said was right, and only then did he realize that he couldn't be of any help.

When he turned his head and saw Xie Changze standing beside him, he became even more angry.

How can he be better than an outsider.

Xie Chang calmly brought a glass of water and handed it over, "Cousin is thirsty, drink some hot water."

Yan Feilu: "..."

Forget it, for the sake of this guy's ability to serve people, he doesn't care about the other party.

Besides, he doesn't distinguish between right and wrong. If it wasn't for Xie Changze this time, I'm afraid both grandfather and sister would suffer.

I heard that the director of the research institute Xihe has come forward and performed the operation on his sister in person... and even used anticancer drugs.

Yan Feilu took a sip: "By the way, Yanyan, what did you just say? Someone at the Spring Bud Charity Gala donated 100 million in the name of my aunt? I don't believe that there is a good thing about pie in the sky, you have to be vigilant and say Maybe it's sugar-coated cannonballs."

He said with a serious face, "When I first debuted, I was forced to participate in a charity event, and someone donated 5 million yuan in my name to make me stand out at that party, overshadowing Huo Ziang. But in fact that person I wanted to... take care of me, and when I refused, he changed his face and said he wanted to stab my fake donation."

It was probably because of that incident that he owed a lot of debt, so he could barely stabilize public opinion by borrowing money from Ge Xiwen.

That person didn't expect Yan Feilu to be a ruthless man, and would rather owe five million than compromise, so he had no choice but to scold him for being crazy and having a bad mind, so he didn't bother anymore.

On the other hand, Huo Ziang Fang... Since then, he has been targeting and suppressing him, overtly and secretly.

But that guy is a slapper. Last time he was too complacent, his fame plummeted, and he was completely incomparable to himself.

Yan Feilu said sternly, "Anyway, you have to be careful."

Xie Changze: "..."


Xi Yan was extremely entangled, and finally decided to go downstairs to see Xi Jingxing.

He ran down with an umbrella in the dark, and sure enough, he saw the people waiting on the side of the road.

The rain was cold and the temperature outside was also low. Because of standing in the rain for too long, the other party's face was frozen black and his trouser legs were wet.

"Dad!" Xi Yan walked over quickly, "Didn't I tell you to go back directly?"

Xi Jingxing smiled weakly: "Yan Yan said she doesn't want to see me, but I think you are my son, you should be willing to see me."

He moved his frozen fingers and handed the thermos bottle in his hand to Xi Yan, "This is the black chicken soup that I made specially for Yan Yan, to nourish qi and nourish blood, I hold it in my arms, it should still be warm. Take it and give it to Yan Yan to drink while it's hot."

Xi Yan was stunned for a while, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Xi Jingxing carefully observed his expression, and took out a small thermos cup from his coat, "This is for you."

After doing all this, he said, "I'll leave. Then, holding an umbrella and wading in the water, I walked to the side of the road to stop the car.

Xi Yan stood on the spot, in a dilemma, and finally turned upstairs with two thermos flasks.

Behind him, Xi Jingxing suddenly turned around and glanced at Xi Yan with a smug smile in his eyes.

It was really hard for him to stand for a day today, but he had to do it again.

He knows Xi Yan's temperament Lack of opinion makes it easy to be soft-hearted, fearing his father's authority, and worshipping himself blindly.

If it wasn't for Yan Xi's interference, he didn't even need to do anything, and the other party would obey him.

But it's not too late, it's finally a breakthrough.

How could a son who has been raised by him for 18 years not turn to him?

Xi Jingxing took out his mobile phone and started to send WeChat to Xi Yan according to the previous plan.

"Xi Yan now relies on you to support the Yan family. You have worked so hard for you. Dad is also very happy to see that you can support the whole family independently. Dad used to be so harsh on you, but he just hoped that his son would become a dragon, but Yan Yan is right, you In fact, he is much better than his father."

"Yan's group is in crisis this time. I have inquired about it, and it's all caused by the Qi's group. You may not know, Yan Yan is probably hiding it from you. Qi Yuan, the person in charge of the Qi's group, used to belong to your mother. Crazy suitor, because he was rejected by your mother and held a grudge, he wanted to take revenge on the Yan family."

"The people who attacked my father-in-law and Yan Yan were all behind the scenes."

(End of this chapter)

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